Blue Dicks purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Wandering Camera – Wildflower Portraits

Blue Dicks purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Blue Dicks Photo Print


Hi Everyone!  I have something very special to share with you today.  There is a trail not too far away from where I live.  It’s not a very large trail, about 1.25 miles one way.  Parts of it get very steep and most of the year it is completely dry.  However, in early spring, I have seen the most variety of wildflowers in that small of an area.




Western Blue Eyed Grass purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Western Blue Eyed Grass Photo Print


Since a few years ago, I have been taking portraits of these little beauties.  I thought I would share them here along with what it takes to get these photos.

They never grow where I can comfortably position myself to take a photo.  So, I need to place myself in very awkward positions most of the time.   Thankfully, the trail is a quiet one.




Milkmaids Northern white pink California Wildflower @ by Soma

Milkmaids Photo Print


Most of them are really tiny, between 0.5cm and 1.0cm.  Keeping myself steady and focusing on the right part of the flower gets a bit tricky.  I have to use my eyes and not depend on the camera.  Not to mention, the slightest breeze throws another wrench in the whole game.




Star Lily white Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Star Lily Photo Print


I had to play with the camera settings quite a bit to capture something that small.  There is not much room for adjustment, so I have to be there at the right time when the sun is not too harsh but the flowers are lit up properly.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Golden Fairy Lantern Photo Print


I really love these little wildflowers.  As you already know, due to severe allergies, I end up getting chest constriction if I spend too much time outside.  So my dear husband keeps a keen watch on the time. Despite that, I sometimes get carried away by the love of photographing these beauties and pay for it dearly afterwards, but the time I get to spend there is always extremely special.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma


The Golden Fairy Lantern is a flower that is endemic to Northern California.   These two were tucked away by an oak tree.  When I went back the week after, I looked for them and, to my surprise, found them too.  They were a bit worse for wear, but still pretty.  It made me very happy to see them again, like seeing a couple of old friends.




Golden Fairy Lantern drawing yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma


There are little green butterflies that I also see on the trail, the same kind that flutter around in our garden too.  They are so sweet and I love seeing them.  It was easier to draw one in with the flowers, than trying to capture them in a photo.  Those little flowers are challenging enough for me.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Golden Fairy Lantern Photo Print


There’s an immense sense of joy when I get those photos where everything works out.  The composition, light, focus all work together to capture the essence of these little ephemeral beauties.



Here is a Gallery of all the Wildflower Portraits together.  Please click on the image thumbnails to see the pictures and the names –



Purchase wildflowers photo prints


I have added these photo prints to my shop.  I print them on high quality photo paper using archival ink. They can be framed as-is in a 5″ x 7″ frame, used as greeting/note cards, or simply displayed on a small table easel.

They are very special to me and I hope you enjoyed them too.  Let me know if you have a favourite.


I look forward to seeing your photos and reading about them.


Wandering Camera art and photo linky party @ by Soma Acharya


Wandering Camera starts on the last Thursday of every month.  Photos, art and creative-themed posts, including other linky parties are all welcome.

You can continue to link up multiple posts.  

Please add a link back to this website. 

Have fun!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.

46 thoughts on “Wandering Camera – Wildflower Portraits

  • Catherine May 17, 2022 at 01:10

    These are such beautiful photos. I love the Golden Fairy Lanterns – such a pretty colour and so delicate :o)


  • Michelle May 14, 2022 at 17:29

    Gorgeous photos all!


  • Sallie (FullTime-Life) May 9, 2022 at 12:37

    Stunning portraits of these beauties! Thanks for sharing — and the contortions I can image it took to take these pictures. Thank you for making that extra effort, which definitely paid off. Some of us couldn’t even begin to try even if we ever saw such beautiful flowers!!

  • Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs May 8, 2022 at 10:10

    What stunning wildflowers and you have captured them perfectly! I always like to take the time to appreciate nature. We too often miss these little treats what with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
    Thank you so much for sharing these with #MMBC. :) x

  • RachelSwirl May 7, 2022 at 12:35

    Such pretty purple petals! Thanks so much for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  • Sarah MumofThree World May 6, 2022 at 22:56

    The photos are beautiful and I’m very impressed with your commitment in capturing these wildflowers.

  • Lisabella Russo May 4, 2022 at 13:45

    These are so very pretty! Delicate flowers can indeed be a challenge, but you’ve done a wonderful job with them.

  • Peabea May 4, 2022 at 13:37

    Oh my, never seen a golden fairy flower. Is that not adorable, and so pretty. All your photo captures and clarity are great as well as the macro shots.

  • Jill May 3, 2022 at 16:27

    As always, beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing.

  • Lydia C. Lee May 3, 2022 at 13:59

    That yellow one is quite spectacular!

  • Valerie -Jael May 3, 2022 at 11:03

    Your flower photo s are little treasures, so beautiful. But be careful of your health, too! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  • Debbie May 2, 2022 at 19:46

    gorgeous, so many pretty shades of purple. i hope you do well selling your prints, they are mesmerizing!!

  • Lavender Dreams May 2, 2022 at 17:46

    Anything that says ‘fairy’ is always a favorite for me. But of course I love the light purples too! Enjoy your week!

  • Angie May 2, 2022 at 16:31

    Soma – these are pictures after my own heart!!! I adore wildflowers. You have been masterful in capturing these photos. Thanks so much for sharing them with Mosaic Monday! As I type this, we are at the Salt Lake City Airport – last leg of our journey home from the UK. I am looking forward to seeing what wildflowers may have emerged in our absence!

  • Pat May 2, 2022 at 09:22

    What exquisite wildflowers! We see some of the same here in the foothills of Colorado, but it is still a bit early as our spring has been very dry. I joined your Linky party and will add the link to my blog’s list of parties I join–thank you!

  • Carol May 2, 2022 at 04:38

    Your wildflower photos are exquisite! Lovely flowers that I am not familiar with. #MMBC

  • Lisa | Handmade in Israel May 2, 2022 at 00:51

    Beautiful flowers and some very beautiful shots!

  • Linda K May 1, 2022 at 12:09

    Dear Soma your flower photos are absolutely stunning!! Can’t wait to see your finished sketch too. have a wonderful week!

  • Sam May 1, 2022 at 09:24

    What beautiful wild flowers x #mysundaysnapshot

  • Yvonne May 1, 2022 at 06:41

    Such beautiful wildflowers in your part of the country. Always a pleasure to see your drawings and photos.

  • Kim Carberry May 1, 2022 at 06:03

    Beautiful! The flowers are so pretty. What great finds.

  • Anne May 1, 2022 at 03:25

    Such beautiful tiny flowers, I bet most people just walk past and not even notice them. Thank you for capturing them so wonderfully and sharing them with us.

  • Lavender Dreams April 30, 2022 at 11:27

    Your photos are amazing! We have lots of wildflowers blooming right now but it’s sometimes hard to get those good closeups! Happy weekend!

  • Linda Calverley April 30, 2022 at 10:50

    Beautiful photos and drawing.

  • Connie Griffin April 30, 2022 at 09:05

    I do know how hard it is to get pictures of these little beauties when we are out and about on our photo trips, it is very windy here and getting them without a blur and focused just right is quite tricky and it is so exciting when you come home and look on the computer and they are perfect :) These are absolutely gorgeous and it sounds like a wonderful day out capturing so many different wild flowers! Your sketch looks great too!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Eileen April 30, 2022 at 02:24

    Hello Soma,
    The wildflowers are all beautiful. The walk sounds lovely and not too far to go to see these beautiful flowers. Your photos are gorgeous and I love your sketch with the flower and butterfly.
    Gorgeous photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  • Dixie April 29, 2022 at 10:46

    Your photos are stunning.
    I love your drawing too, Soma.

  • A ShutterBug Explores April 29, 2022 at 10:36

    Divine macro floral shots and lovely sketch too ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  • Sharon Wagner April 29, 2022 at 10:31

    What a fun and appropriate flower name. Indeed, the fairy lantern is magical.

  • riitta k April 29, 2022 at 10:00

    Your flower portraits are amazingly beautiful Soma! I just love them. I know what it takes to get this fantastic photos, kneeling and getting up, repeatedly! They are awesome, thank you for sharing.

  • Nicole/DVArtist April 29, 2022 at 09:02

    Ohhh these are so very beautiful. Have a lovely day.

  • Christine April 29, 2022 at 08:19

    Gorgeous wildflowers Soma.

  • Su-sieee! Mac April 29, 2022 at 08:16

    Wowza, Soma! Stunning is the word that came to me when I look at them. Thank you for sharing these beauties with us in such a loving intimate way. I hope your allergies did not blow up after your outing.

  • Veronica Lee April 29, 2022 at 06:39

    These are all stunners, Soma!

    Have a great weekend!

  • Erika N April 29, 2022 at 04:24

    Those flower photos are amazing and I can see why you’d use them to draw these tiny beauties. It is amazing the details nature can create in such tiny forms. Hope the allergies don’t get to you when you sneak out for photos.

  • Gillena Cox April 29, 2022 at 02:26

    The Golden Fairy Lanterns are my favourite. They look like ballet dancers doing a curtsey.
    Have a nice weekend.

    Thank you for linking up to Art For Fun Friday


  • The Joyful Quilter April 28, 2022 at 18:16

    Lovely photos, Soma!!

  • Kim April 28, 2022 at 15:28

    What a beautiful little trail to walk along with such gorgeous little flowers in readiness to be discovered. Each photo of each exquisite flower is sublime, Soma.

  • Joanne April 28, 2022 at 15:27

    What beautiful photos! Most of these are new species of flower to me too.

  • Kathleen Kingsbury April 28, 2022 at 11:53

    They are all so beautiful, I just can’t pick a favorite. Thank you for bringing them up close and sharing their beauty here.

  • Lori Smanski April 28, 2022 at 10:47

    Thank you for sharing these beauties my favorite is the fairy lantern I can see why it was named that

  • Mary April 28, 2022 at 10:23

    These are exquisite, Soma. You have captured nature’s amazing beauty in each one. I’d have to say that the yellow Fairy Lanterns are my favorite….maybe it’s the color.

  • Amy Johnson April 28, 2022 at 06:18

    Wow! What beautiful wildflowers and photography. We do not have beautiful wildflowers like these in Wisconsin.

  • Karen April 28, 2022 at 05:39

    I love the Shooting Star – such a gorgeous flower – somehow I doubt you are taking those photos with your phone :) such a good eye these are beautiful

  • Michele Morin April 28, 2022 at 04:49

    So delicate and COMPLETELY worth noticing!

  • Sue April 27, 2022 at 21:47

    Your photos are stunning, well worth the effort, so long as you don’t get sick of course!

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