Purchase Viking Penguin Olaf Pattern
I have had this idea of creating another penguin quilt pattern for months now. I recently got a set of loose colour pencils and I desperately need to make a new pencil case. That provided a perfect excuse to draw my little Viking Penguin Olaf. Viking helmets didn’t really have those horns, but Olaf insisted that I put horns on his helmet. Although I think he looks very cute, he thinks the horns make him look more formidable!
I couldn’t resist taking a short break from the stained glass flower blocks to make him. The penguin pattern is for a 10″ block. I scaled it down to make a 7″ block for my pencil case. Originally I was going to give him a green vest, but the red looks so much better on him against the starry background. Olaf is available in my shop if you want to make him for yourself.
Purchase Little Penguin Polaris Pattern
It all started with Little Penguin Polaris. I have a gimpy and chubby kitty cat called Charlie, whose photo occasionally surfaces here. He would like nothing more than for people to take him seriously. Except it has never worked since he was a baby. He just gets picked up and cuddled, and he just sits on your lap with all of his claws tucked in.
When I was going to make a little winter-themed block for a friend, I knew I had to make a chubby little disgruntled penguin in a scarf and a hat. So if Charlie were a penguin instead of a cat, this is what he would look like where all the other grown up penguins are just not taking him seriously enough!
Polaris and Olaf have become great friends already. They are busy planning all sorts of mischief together.
Thank you for staying with me until the last set of cards from this set of 61 index card paintings. Here are the last five –
I like to look toward the west during sunrise where the first rays of the sun light up the mountain ranges while the full moon sets behind them.
An Affair Of Hearts
Edinburgh Flat
I really like moss-covered stone buildings.
Cross the boundary and explore other worlds
I had to make this one as my final card. I love William Blake’s work and I love the stars. I see William Blake’s words come to life every time I look through my telescope.
I will share another post about the index card painting experience along with photos of all the cards together. It has been a lot of fun sharing these cards with you. Thank you again for your encouraging words.
I will leave you with a photo of the lunar eclipse I took last Sunday. We are surrounded by mountain ranges, and there was also a thick layer of cloud right at the horizon. The eclipse occurred right around sunset for us, so it was low in our sky. I really wanted to see it during the maximum eclipse. Just as I was losing hope, a faint, eclipsed moon showed up, shortly before the maximum eclipse and right above the cloud layer.
26 thoughts on “Viking Penguin Olaf, Paintings And Eclipse”
Christmas Quilting…Already? – this mom quilts May 12, 2016 at 10:05
[…] paper piecing Viking Penguin Olaf (birthday gift […]
Connie October 10, 2015 at 11:38
What a cute, cute Viking penguin!! Love your cards especially the one with the telescope!
M-R @ Quilt Matters October 10, 2015 at 09:37
So much fabulous eye candy this week, Soma. The penguins are freaking adorable! That lunar eclipse photo is stunning — it was cloudy where we were :(.
Debbie October 9, 2015 at 15:10
Too cute! I love the horns on
Olaf’s helmet too!www.thequiltjournal.com
Diana October 8, 2015 at 06:18
Lorna McMahon October 8, 2015 at 05:46
Those penguins are just too cute!
Heide October 8, 2015 at 03:55
Oh my goodness…The Viking penguin just cracks me up! Great work.
Shasta Matova October 7, 2015 at 19:20
The penguin looks awesome in a penguin costume – both Olaf and Polaris are adorable. I also loved seeing your index card paintings. Each one is so creative and so different.
mell-meyer October 7, 2015 at 13:05
Olaf looks cute! And of course with horns…. tssss
Rachel October 7, 2015 at 12:25
I love Viking Penguin Olaf. He looks so fierce (and cute ;) )! Your Affair of Hearts card is also really pretty. Nice work!
Ioleen October 7, 2015 at 12:17
I smiled a big smile when I saw Olaf. He is so cute horns and all.
Cheryl October 7, 2015 at 10:33
Your penguins are so cute! I love the little horns.
Andrea October 7, 2015 at 09:31
Those penguins are the cutest things ever! Love the cards – especially the telescope card – one of my favourite poems by William Blake – and your photo of the blood moon during the eclipse is just magical! That’s exactly how it looked here on the shores of Nova Scotia….your post just made my day! Thanks!
Cathy October 7, 2015 at 07:54
Oh, those penguins are so darn cute!!!
Mari October 6, 2015 at 08:33
When I saw this thumbnail I laughed right out loud! What a sweet penguin. I bet they are up to some mischief!
Ruth October 5, 2015 at 03:56
Love Olaf! He is cutely formiddable – we did a viking tour of Dublin and wore hats with horns! Great shot of the moon and I love your William Blake inspired card!
Carolynn October 3, 2015 at 17:57
Oh my gosh! Olaf is too cute. I love his eyes….they give him so much character! :)
Dixie October 2, 2015 at 21:02
Olaf made me laugh because he is so adorable! He does look perfect in red.
Love the cards. An Affair of Hearts, stars, cross the boundry, and sunrise. Ah, yes, William Blake so great. I do love my copy of W.B. at the Huntington.
What a great pic of the eclipse!
Lara B. October 2, 2015 at 14:37
Olaf cracks me up Soma. :) You are so talented at designing paper piecing patterns!
Oh that photo of the moon is so full of wonder.
I love these last cards. And most of all the card with William Blake’s poem. That would make a beautiful quilt.
Susan October 2, 2015 at 11:30
Beautiful photo of the eclipse. We could see the beautiful moon, just before the eclipse, clouds move in to obscure it. We did get to see it after it was about halfway out of the eclipse.
Your Viking penguin is cute.
Kaja October 1, 2015 at 23:46
Great photo! Your Viking penguin is very cute (sorry, Olaf, I know you were going for formidable).
Wendy October 1, 2015 at 14:47
Olaf DOES look very formidable with the horns on the helmet!! Love the blood moon shot … I missed it here because of cloud cover. I could only see a faint glow every so often, and then I gave up. What a gorgeous image you got!
Kim Sharman October 1, 2015 at 14:31
Your Olaf is beyond cute!! Those viking horns of his don’t scare me one little bit. Again you have imagined magic with both your Olaf and Polaris. I must say, I can’t wait to see all your beautiful index cards displayed all together, it will be rather akin to being at an art gallery. I love your telescope card and love those words of William Blake. Stunning photo of the lunar eclipse, Soma!!
Kathleen October 1, 2015 at 13:52
Wow! Your photo even shows the stars!! I watched the eclipse from my back yard and just a minute or so before the total eclipse, I saw a falling star. I was quite excited over that!
Love your telescope card and the prose with it. Olaf is cute too :)
Janine October 1, 2015 at 12:34
I watched the eclipse and thought of you, Soma :) Olaf is fab!
silvana October 1, 2015 at 10:33
ohhh! I am in love with Olaf too! :)))