Blue Dicks purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Wandering Camera – Wildflower Portraits

Blue Dicks purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Blue Dicks Photo Print


Hi Everyone!  I have something very special to share with you today.  There is a trail not too far away from where I live.  It’s not a very large trail, about 1.25 miles one way.  Parts of it get very steep and most of the year it is completely dry.  However, in early spring, I have seen the most variety of wildflowers in that small of an area.




Western Blue Eyed Grass purple Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Western Blue Eyed Grass Photo Print


Since a few years ago, I have been taking portraits of these little beauties.  I thought I would share them here along with what it takes to get these photos.

They never grow where I can comfortably position myself to take a photo.  So, I need to place myself in very awkward positions most of the time.   Thankfully, the trail is a quiet one.




Milkmaids Northern white pink California Wildflower @ by Soma

Milkmaids Photo Print


Most of them are really tiny, between 0.5cm and 1.0cm.  Keeping myself steady and focusing on the right part of the flower gets a bit tricky.  I have to use my eyes and not depend on the camera.  Not to mention, the slightest breeze throws another wrench in the whole game.




Star Lily white Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Star Lily Photo Print


I had to play with the camera settings quite a bit to capture something that small.  There is not much room for adjustment, so I have to be there at the right time when the sun is not too harsh but the flowers are lit up properly.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Golden Fairy Lantern Photo Print


I really love these little wildflowers.  As you already know, due to severe allergies, I end up getting chest constriction if I spend too much time outside.  So my dear husband keeps a keen watch on the time. Despite that, I sometimes get carried away by the love of photographing these beauties and pay for it dearly afterwards, but the time I get to spend there is always extremely special.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma


The Golden Fairy Lantern is a flower that is endemic to Northern California.   These two were tucked away by an oak tree.  When I went back the week after, I looked for them and, to my surprise, found them too.  They were a bit worse for wear, but still pretty.  It made me very happy to see them again, like seeing a couple of old friends.




Golden Fairy Lantern drawing yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma


There are little green butterflies that I also see on the trail, the same kind that flutter around in our garden too.  They are so sweet and I love seeing them.  It was easier to draw one in with the flowers, than trying to capture them in a photo.  Those little flowers are challenging enough for me.




Golden Fairy Lantern yellow Northern California Wildflower @ by Soma

Golden Fairy Lantern Photo Print


There’s an immense sense of joy when I get those photos where everything works out.  The composition, light, focus all work together to capture the essence of these little ephemeral beauties.



Here is a Gallery of all the Wildflower Portraits together.  Please click on the image thumbnails to see the pictures and the names –



Purchase wildflowers photo prints


I have added these photo prints to my shop.  I print them on high quality photo paper using archival ink. They can be framed as-is in a 5″ x 7″ frame, used as greeting/note cards, or simply displayed on a small table easel.

They are very special to me and I hope you enjoyed them too.  Let me know if you have a favourite.


I look forward to seeing your photos and reading about them.


Wandering Camera art and photo linky party @ by Soma Acharya


Wandering Camera starts on the last Thursday of every month.  Photos, art and creative-themed posts, including other linky parties are all welcome.

You can continue to link up multiple posts.  

Please add a link back to this website. 

Have fun!!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.


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Nature Journaling

Northern California Wildflowers in Napa @ by Soma


Ever since I moved to California, my yearning to be close to nature has grown immensely.  Even when we lived in metropolitan Los Angeles, I always found a way to be close to nature.  My day usually starts with spending some time with the plants.  I love to photograph the local parks just as much as I love to photograph the grand scenes of the California landscapes.


Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos and read the captions.



While I tend to the garden, I come across beautifully mottled leaves, an occasional green acorn, a knobbly branch, or even a piece of old rosewood.  Since I always have a camera on me, it’s easy to pause from garden work for a few photos.  I suppose I have always used photography to record the little things around me.



Nature Journal handbound watercolor book @ by Soma


I have a dedicated Canson book that I use for painting flowers and leaves and such,  but it’s too large to carry around all the time. 

That changed when I started making my own books.   Of the two books I made for nature journalling, I am keeping one for myself.  I am giving the other one away along with the little artist colour paint kit ( valued at $45- ) as a thank you.



Nature Journal handbound watercolor book @ by Soma


A little bit about my books – I am more than a little picky about paper.  I use only very high quality artist-grade paper for my watercolour books.  I hand stitch them the traditional way with special thread, then additionally use glue and other methods to secure the spine.  The end papers are made with card stock and the book is finished by encasing it in a cover made with high quality book cloth.


The Giveaway has now ended.




Northern California wildflowers at local park in Napa @ by Soma


I am thinking about taking my book to the parks around here.  They are full of trees and during the months of March and April, the whole place is dotted with beautiful wild flowers.  Soon afterwards, everything turns into straw from the harsh California summer, but for those few weeks, it is just wonderful to get close to the ground and find these little gems even if it means getting mud and dirt all over my clothes.



I have gotten requests for adding photo prints to my shop.   I couldn’t think of a better way to start than by adding a set of sweet little wild flower photos that I have taken around here.


Northern California Wildflower Shooting Stars @ by Soma

Purchase Dancing Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars happily dancing with each other



Northern California Wildflower Sweet Pea @ by Soma

Purchase Wild Sweet Pea

Little wild sweet pea flowers saying hello



Northern California Wildflower Spring Vetch @ by Soma

Purchase Butterfly Flower Vetch

The Common Vetch posing as a butterfly


I hope you like this set.   I print them on high quality photo paper with archival ink.  They can also be used as cards,  framed as-is in a 5″ x 7″ frame, or displayed on a small table easel.   You can find these northern California wildflower photos here in my shop.  Let me know which one is your favourite.


Good luck to each one of you for the giveaway.  My heartfelt thanks for visiting me and leaving such wonderful, encouraging words, and also for continuing to purchase from my shop. Each sale is very special to me because it enables me to make donations to my favourite shelters and humane societies. 




Don’t forget,  Wandering Camera is at the end of the month, 26th of August.  An Art & Photography linky party!

Until then,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.   Please pay a visit to some of them.




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