Vulcan Harp Wall Hanging


Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

I love playing music and I love Star Trek.  Although I don’t normally idolize fictitious characters, First Officer Spock is definitely an exception.  So I had to make the Vulcan Harp for my first Star Trek quilt pattern.  Keeping with the Vulcan theme, I used the IDIC symbol – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations – for the quilting design, an idea which I believe applies equally to music.

Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

I stretched the symbol so it would cover the whole wall hanging and used a variegated yellow-orange thread for the quilting.

Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

For some reason I couldn’t displace the idea of using a sine curve to quilting the border.  I intersected the straight lines at the corners and turned the corners at the crossings for a continuous curve.   I really love the finished Vulcan Harp and this very special wall hanging will now reside in our living room!

Happy Sewing,




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A Witch And Her Kitties

Halloween Witch Hat Quilt Pattern


Purchase Halloween Witch Hat Pattern


I couldn’t let my favourite holiday go by without making something special this year.  Because of the vacation, I was running super short on time and came in to the game very very late.  So it had to be something quick and fun at the same time.


I love to wear hats, and I thought a large-brimmed Halloween Witch Hat wall hanging would be so perfect for this season!  It’s iconic but also stylish!  I literally finished drawing and making it within a day.  Hand sewing the binding took longer than putting this Halloween-themed quilted wall hanging together.


You can get this really easy 18″ Halloween Witch Hat quilt pattern from from my shop.  There are some large pieces in this pattern. so I would suggest printing two copies and using one copy as a template to cut the fabric out for the large pieces.  As always with paper piecing, cut the pieces larger than you think you will need.



Halloween Pillow



I also made this matching pillow cover with the same set of fabric.  I love making these quick pillow covers.



Reading Corner



This is where my husband reads at night.  The wall hanging and the pillow will probably end up here.  I can’t believe it has been 10 years since I drew that map of Middle Earth.  If you look to the left of the chair, there is a laundry basket on the side.  There’s a good reason for that.


I took that laundry basket from my mother about 21 years ago.  It is now falling apart, yet I am unable to throw it away.  Every time I finish doing laundry, my kitties hop in the empty laundry baskets.  That gave me an idea!



Tuffleberry In Basket



I folded one of my blankets to make a bed for them, then put one of their blankets which I had made, on top.  I put Mr. Tuffleberry in it.  He is an extremely camera-shy, nervous kitty.  He stayed and gave me lots of kisses.



Charlie In Basket



Later on I found Charlie fast asleep in there!


Mission accomplished!!  Now I need to get busy with sprucing up that basket for them.


Happy Sewing,




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