First Winter Quilt

Aqua Brown With Green & Cream home machine quilt

I am so happy to have this quilt finished and ready for use during our first winter here in Napa.  My husband requested this quilt during an impromptu trip to the quilt store.  We picked out all the fabrics that very same day – a combination of Jacobean flowers and stripes.  That was such a long time ago.  The whole ensemble – the quilt-top, pieced backing, trimmed batting and the variegated thread I was going to use for quilting – all sat on the shelf forever.  I was too afraid to quilt it because of the large queen size.

Take 5 Quilt Basted

Finally, a few months ago, I pulled it out one rainy Friday, basted it and started quilting it the very same day.  Although I had a fantastic neck pain afterwards, I managed to finish quilting it by the end of that weekend.  It didn’t turn out to be that difficult to move half of the quilt through the narrow neck of my sewing machine.  I didn’t roll up the quilt, I bunched it up and pushed or pulled as needed.  The quilt was too heavy for my machine and that affected the stitch lengths at faster speeds.  Once I started quilting at a slower speed, it become much smoother.

Aqua Brown With Green & Cream home machine and hand quilted

Once the machine quilting was done, I started hand quilting each of the 42 squares.  I tend to overwork my wrist through various activities during the day, so I have restricted myself to only one hour of hand quilting per day.  So much of my life is governed by the clock, I really don’t like to rush when I am working on creative things.  It takes however long it takes.  Working at the slower pace is relaxing too and my wrist doesn’t hurt afterwards.  I finished the last square a few weeks ago, and sewed on the brown binding over the next few days.  Or was it a couple of weeks?  Don’t really remember!

Aqua Brown With Green & Cream home machine quilt

We went to historic Sonoma downtown last Friday, and the little state park was the perfect place to take a picture of this quilt.  Just in time too, because the rain came right after we got in the car and it hasn’t stopped since!



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Raindrops On Flowers

Thistle, Daffodil, Flax, Rose - Flowers Quilt Pattern


Purchase Stained Glass Flower Patterns


Old stained-glass window panes set in stone-grey abbey walls bordered with red tapestries were the inspiration for my Flowers Of The United Kingdom wall hanging.  That was the original name because the flowers are the Scottish Thistle, the Welsh Daffodil, the Irish Flax and the English Rose.  I started working on this wall hanging with the Scottish Thistle in February of 2013 and slowly worked my way through the other three blocks.  The flower quilt patterns took me some time to draw exactly the way I envisioned them.



Welsh Daffodil paper piecing quilt pattern


Purchase Welsh Daffodil Pattern


Welsh Daffodil was the hardest one for me to design but the easiest to stitch. I wanted a symmetrical design for these blocks and this little flower put up a good fight. This design went through a few iterations before I fell in love with this one.



Scottish Thistle Paper Piecing Quilt Pattern


Purchase Scottish Thistle Pattern


Having visited Scotland twice very extensively and having fallen in love with it, I really wanted to make a thistle quilt block. This wild flower instigated the idea of a wall hanging in my mind. Unlike the daffodil, I knew exactly how I wanted to draw this one. Because of the nature of the thistle flower having a lot of corners, this one is the most complex of the four designs.






Flax for Ireland was the next one I worked on.  I didn’t want a to make a shamrock for Ireland.  After asking a couple of friends and looking up reference material, I came up with Flax.  This flower was the easiest to draw.  You probably already saw this one where I used this block for the first tote bag I ever made.  I removed the yellow parts in between the petals from the original design since that was causing the block to have too many points to line up when stitching the two sections together.  I wasn’t ready to give up on the original design yet, so I used this extra block for the tote bag and went back to my drawing board.



Irish Flax paper piecing quilt pattern


Purchase Irish Flax Pattern


I ended up redesigning the block using Y-seam even though I didn’t know how to stitch Y-seam before I worked on this block. I looked up how to stitch Y-seam and trusted my ability to draw a pattern without ever having sewn using that technique before. Y-seam is really not as hard as I thought it would be and it worked out exactly as I envisioned. I couldn’t be happier with the result.



English Rose paper piecing quilt pattern


Purchase English Rose Pattern


Last but not least came the English Rose because I had absolutely no idea how I wanted to draw it. The daffodil was a little easier to draw because of its limited number of petals, whereas I had to work with the shape of the rose. I like what I have here, it was easy to sew and I love the little gingham fabric I used for this one. It was a lucky find!



Thistle, Daffodil, Flax, Rose - Flowers Quilt Patterns


Purchase Stained Glass Flower Patterns


As you can tell, they all share some design elements.  I also added some extra details on each side of the flowers, but they can easily be substituted with a single piece of fabric for simplicity.  Each central flower block is 6.5″ x 8.5″ with seam allowance and the overall block measures 10″ x 10″.  Some of you may remember my showing these finished blocks last year.  Then I got stuck at how to quilt this wall hanging and it sat unattended in the cupboard until very recently.



Daffodil Quilt Pattern



One day I was reading in the living room and it started raining outside.  As I saw the the raindrops falling and splashing, I had my quilting motif.  I drew a set of 0.5″-spaced concentric circles and cut them out with my small rotary cutter.  I used them as templates to draw out every single circle before I started quilting them.



Circle Quilting



Once I finished quilting the wall hanging, the name Raindrops On Flowers sounded so much better.



Thistle, Daffodil, Flax, Rose - Flowers Quilt Pattern



I took my time with every single part of this project until it felt right to me and I am so happy that I did.  I have never hung any picture over our bed because we live in California and I am afraid that it might fall and injure us during an earthquake.   After experiencing an M6 earthquake in August, I was very happy about my decision.  That very day of the earthquake I had finished painting our bedroom a shade of light buttery-yellow and a mossy green accent colour on the bed-wall.   Now I have the perfect wall hanging for that wall.


As my friend Susie said so aptly shortly after the earthquake, “I can’t help but think that this quilt that you are finishing, reminds me of nature and beauty… with earthquake shocks moving through them…”


Happy Sewing,




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