Fair Isle Star Pillow And Drawing Cards

Fair Isle Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fair Isle Star Pattern


Last year, during my attempt to learn a little about the history of knitting, I designed a few star quilt patterns that were inspired by traditional knitting patterns.  I had picked up a set of Grandma’s House fat quarters earlier, which I used to make these stars for a mini quilt.  Unfortunately, once I finished making this block, I realised that I had printed it at 94%.  So I had to remake this one for the mini and ended up with an orphan block.



Fair Isle Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fair Isle Star Pattern


This year I am taking care of almost all my orphan blocks and some of them are being turned into pillows for the guest bed in my husband’s office.  Apart from making the office a pleasant place for him to work from, I also have a selfish reason for this.  My favourite bookshelf is in that room, so sometimes I like to read in there.  The guest bed will be much more comfortable with all the pillows in the back.  Once I had gotten over being upset at my own mistake, I knew that I would love to turn this Fair Isle star quilt block into a pillow.  I am working on the other matching pillow this week.



Here is another set of index card drawings from the icad project



Icad 2015 - Psychedelic Gravitational Wave | Whims And Fancies


Psychedelic Gravitational Waves



Icad 2015 - Alan Turin Code Breaker | Whims And Fancies


I made this card on June 23rd, which was Alan Turing’s birthday.  He has had a profound influence on me and his story makes me extremely sad.



Icad 2015 - Devils Postpile lava columns, California | Whims And Fancies


Devils Postpile lava columns, California

Drawn from a photo I took there



Icad 2015 - Dancing Neurons | Whims And Fancies


Dancing Neurons



Icad 2015 - Peacock feather | Whims And Fancies


Peacock feather – fractal-inspired



Icad 2015 - Transit of Venus, Voyage of the Endeavour with Captain Cook| Whims And Fancies


Transit of Venus, Voyage of the Endeavour with Captain Cook in 1769

We were lucky enough to witness the last Venus Transit live in 2012.



Icad 2015 - Solar prominence | Whims And Fancies


Solar prominence


While writing this post, I realised that this set of index card drawings is a bit science-biased!  It was definitely not planned that way.


Until next time,




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Pillow, Cards And Giveaway Winners

Doctor Who Weeping Angel Sewing Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This 10″ Weeping Angel block started it all.  I had just started creating paper piecing patterns a few months earlier and decided to embark upon creating a Weeping Angel quilt pattern.  Of course, it had to be a paper piecing pattern.  I also wanted to optimize the pattern to have minimal seam alignment for easier piecing.  I won’t lie, as a novice pattern designer, it was hard work.  I worked on it slowly and finally the pattern was written and shortly afterwards, the block was stitched.  I had a tremendous boost of confidence after designing this pattern.



Doctor Who Weeping Angel Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This year I am taking care of my orphan blocks, and it was time to pull this one out.  I haven’t done much FMQ, I am married to my walking foot.  I thought I’d give FMQ another go on this one.  There are a few spots where the curves could be a little better.  I tried really hard not to fuss over them.  I used a yellow thread for the overall quilting because I didn’t want the quilting to show up too much on the border.  The binding is done in the same blue fabric as the background of the block.  It is now residing in my husband’s office on the guest bed along with the Fairy Door pillow I made earlier.



4th Of July Fabric Giveaways | Whims And Fancies



I mentioned giving away two sets of four fat quarters in the last Freadom Quilt blog post.  A huge thank you to all who read it and left such wonderful comments.  Your comments always mean so much.  It’s my pleasure to announce Marjorie Nath and Marly as the two winners.  Congratulations!!


Lastly, here are the latest cards from the third week of my index card drawings for the icad project –



Icad 2015 - Route 66 Neo Sign | Whims And Fancies


Route 66 Neon sign



Icad 2015 - National Parks Posters | Whims And Fancies


National Parks Of America

Top row – Death Valley, Carlsbad Caverns, Yosemite

Bottom Row – Saguaro, Rocky Mountain, Arches



Icad 2015 Melrose Abbey Window | Whims And Fancies


Melrose Abbey, Scotland



Icad 2015 - Fairy Tree House | Whims And Fancies


Tree House, A Fairy lives in it.



Icad 2015 - Snow Globe | Whims And Fancies


Snow Globe



Icad 2015 - Dryburgh Abbey Window Colour Wheel | Whims And Fancies


Colour Wheel – Dryburgh Abbey, Scotland



Icad 2015 - 1970 Disco | Whims And Fancies


1970s – Ah yes! Disco of course


I am still drawing them, one per day.  Some days it’s very hard to come up with new ideas, but I am still doing them.  Hope you like them!


Until next time,




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