A Double Bass – Music And Books

Double Bass Music Instrument Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


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It has been a long time since I made a musical instrument quilt pattern.  I love to play music so much that I try to play the violin and the piano very regularly, and occasionally strum the guitar too.  Recently though, I had to take a little break from playing for various reasons.  The idea of a double bass quilt pattern had been brewing in my head for a while.  So during my hiatus, I worked on creating this pattern and stitching the block.

The Double Bass block is going to be the bridge between the other two music wall hangings I made.




Classical Music Inspired Piano Sonata



Music Quilt - Guitar, Drums, Microphone Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies


Rock Music Inspired Super Massive Black Hole


In the meantime, I also heard some wonderful news regarding this fREADom pattern I created.



Freedom - Bookshelf Reading Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase fREADom Pattern


Last October during Banned Books week, an event hosted by the American Library Association (ALA), they shared this mini on Twitter.  I was also contacted by a group of librarian quilters who auction off quilts at ALA’s annual conference.  I gave them a discounted rate for the pattern.  Last week I heard back from Kelly, the organiser, that they were able to raise $620 in scholarship funds from the sale of the minis.

The fREADom mini means so much to me that I was elated by the email from Kelly.  You can read more about the inspiration behind this mini – my grandmother – in the FREADOM post here.



Double Bass Music Instrument Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Double Bass Pattern


Sometimes inspiration strikes you out of nowhere as I mentioned in the Happenstance post.  In May I had the opportunity to visit a Monet exhibit.  On our way back I stopped by the violin shop to pick up my re-haired bow.  I was inspired by all the artwork from earlier that morning, as well as the atmosphere of the violin shop.

Thereafter I found myself working on this block.  I couldn’t resist taking a picture of it on my sheet music.  They are all violin music, but I am sure the bass wouldn’t mind.

This block is 10″ x 20″.  I paper pieced the f-holes, but I also included an alternative to paper piecing the f-holes in the pattern. I love the way this turned out.  I will make a single-block wall hanging with this one.  The Double Bass quilt pattern is now in my shop along with the other musical instruments patterns.





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Story Book Teddy Bears

Story Book Teddy Bear Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Storybook Teddy Bear Pattern


I would love for you to meet my Story Book Teddy Bears.  They are two sisters.  They are in charge of all the stories that are being written at this very moment by people all over the world.  Of course, that would be too much work for just one little bear.  So they divide this enormous job between the two of them.



Story Book Teddy Bear Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Storybook Teddy Bear Pattern


 She takes care of the stories between the sunrise and sunset.



Story Book Teddy Bear Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Her little sister then takes over while she rests a little.


I designed my little story book teddy bear quilt patterns on request, just before Christmas.  I couldn’t resist making them afterwards.

As I finished making one of them, the thought of the other one suddenly occurred to me.  I suppose such is the way of story book bears.

Stories can be told in so many ways.  I love to tell stories through paintings.



Daniel Smith Watercolor | Whims And Fancies



I picked up these three paints – Quinacridone Gold, Moon Glow and Indanthrone Blue.  I love the name Moon Glow.

Here is a sketch I finished in December.  I really wanted to paint this picture, and I also really wanted to use those colours.   Not a perfect match, but it was fun to use some unusual colours for the painting.



Daniel Smith Watercolour | Whims And Fancies


I see myself walking toward the viaduct despite the stormy sky.


We all have the power to weave a little tale of our own.  The little bears are muses, giving us a little nudge now and then.  If you want to make a story bear, the 10″ pattern is available on my shop.


Happy Storytelling,


I am also linking up on Life Thru The Lens, Through My Lens, Seasons, Our World Tuesday, Wednesday Around The World, Photo Friday, and Friday Photo Journal along with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.




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