Oxford Skyline

Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



The stunning architectures of the city of Oxford have inspired many before me.  I was not surprised to find myself wanting to paint the iconic buildings of the city for a new bookmark.  Bookmarks are small, therefore great for playing with colours and techniques. This is my approach to painting a bookmark depicting the skyline of this dreamlike city.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



I was not too fastidious with the sketch itself; I wanted to get started painting quickly.  The piece was going to be mostly monochromatic.  I started by making a value drawing in pencil.  The lightest buildings are the farthest out and the darkest ones are the closest to the viewer.  Once that was done, I started selecting my paints.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



For the sky I started with a warm yellow and then tested three blues against that on scrap paper.  Since I was painting a late afternoon as opposed to an early evening scene, I chose the warmest of the blue tones.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



Daniel Smith Quinacridone Gold is one of my favourites, if not my most favourite.  I knew from the very beginning that the buildings were going to be painted in this colour.  The closest and therefore darkest buildings got more layers of paint to make them darker than those in the middle or further away.  I had to let the each layer dry in between.  That, I don’t mind telling you, really tests my patience.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



Once I was happy with all the background shades, I added a hint of red to the closest buildings to make them even warmer than the rest. I thought it would be nice to add a few suggestive details to the buildings as well.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



Before this painting, I wrote down the paint combinations I used for certain paintings on little pieces of paper, but I could never find them afterwards.  I decided to keep a log book starting with this painting, noting down the paints for each one.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



I painted the bookmark using watercolour.  I would also love to paint a larger and a bit more detailed version of this scene in oil one day.



Oxford Skyline Watercolour Painting Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



The bookmark is now residing in between the pages of my current book.  Happy Reading!




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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Cast In Stone

Red Telephone Box Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Red Telephone Box Pattern


I hope you are having a wonderful Spring.  My husband and I managed to sneak in a break together before he starts his new job today.

I have been going through some of the photos from last year’s England travel. Considering I made it to England twice within the last six months and am already planning my third visit to Scotland probably indicates how much I love the British Isles.  I try to not mention the turmoil of the world here because this is my happy place, but I could not stay away from that this time after reading the news yesterday.  My heart goes out to my British friends.


It is a beautiful country full of old history and lovely people.  A visit to Oxford was a must because of its beautiful architecture.  I fell in love with the vine- and plant-decked Oxford windows.  I had the idea of this Red Telephone Box quilt pattern for a long while now.  Browsing the photos rekindled the urge of designing this block.  So I added a Victorian street lamp along with a lit-up window – an Oxford window, if you will.


A few photos I took of the Oxford windows –


Christ Church College, Oxford England | Whims And Fancies


 Christ Church College



Christ Church College, Oxford England | Whims And Fancies


  Christ Church College



Exeter College, Oxford, England | Whims And Fancies


 Exeter College



Magdalen College, Oxford England | Whims And Fancies


Magdalen College


All these stone structures inspired me to work on this watercolour sketch of a crumbling stone castle in Scotland.  I was practising painting the texture of crumbling stones as well as loose-hand painting.



Crumbling Stone Castle Watercolour Painting | Whims And Fancies


Van Gogh Watercolour Paint


I enjoy playing with different brands of watercolour paints.  Van Gogh watercolour is a student-grade paint made by a Dutch company called Royal Talens.  It is not very expensive, so I was really surprised by the quality of the paint.  They come alive even with the smallest touch of water and the colours are intense.  The paints blend with each other wonderfully, enabling me to create new colours very easily.  They are also quite permanent.  Unlike most watercolour paints, I couldn’t easily lift off the colours once they were applied.  Something to keep in mind before I put paint to paper next time.  I found the included brush to be a bit too stiff and harsh on the paper.  I wouldn’t recommend using it at all.  However, I highly recommend the paintbox.  The colours are also available individually, in tubes.



Red Telephone Box Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


  Purchase Red Telephone Box Pattern


I was working on this block around the same time I was dabbling with the Van Gogh paint.  Since I love stone buildings so much, I used Stonehenge fabrics for the background.  I lit the lamp and the window for a warmer feel.

I pieced the red grid on my red telephone booth.  However, for easier piecing, I also included pattern sections without the grid.  The grid can be added afterwards via a thick-width machine stitch.  The finished block is 12″.  The Red Telephone Box quilt pattern is available in my shop, if you wish to make one.

It was nice to take break from the Harry Potter quilt blocks and work on something different.  I need a new day/travel bag, this block will be prefect for that.

Stay well,

Luckily this was also my one monthly goal, which I am happy to say I have accomplished.  I am linking up with –

Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal Finish March Linkup 


I am also linking up on Life Thru The Lens, Through My Lens, Our World TuesdayWednesday Around The World, and Friday Photo Journal along with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.




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