Make Art – Artist Paintbox

Artist Paintbox Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


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Given how much I love to paint,  this block should have been the very first one in the Make Art series.  I think I was waiting for a moment of inspiration and motivation.  It came to me as I unwrapped the recently-received brushes and paints.  Very soon afterwards, I had the initial drawing finished.

I designed it so all the elements in the pattern are independently pieced. That way they can be stitched in random order.  One or more elements of this pattern can also be used for different projects.



Perylene Green Forest Daniel Smith Watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Perylene Green Forest Bookmark


Earlier in the year I made a decision to spend more time painting and returning to photography as I missed them terribly.  I stayed true to my word.  I painted a lot more this year and started the Wandering Camera linky party.



Quill Pen and Ink Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Quill Pen Pattern


Instead of drawing with ink pens, I love to draw with quill pens because of the uneven lines they create.  The Make Art series started with this Quill Pen quilt pattern.



Fountain Pen Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fountain Pen Pattern


I also love to write, and I express myself best in writing.  I have been using fountain pens ever since my third year of primary school.  As I was sewing the quill pen, I knew this fountain pen quilt pattern had to be the next one.




Artist Paintbox Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Artist Paintbox Pattern


If you know an artist or a writer, they might love these.  All the patterns are available in my shop.


The colours in the Artist Paintbox are based on my own favourite palette.  I am thinking of framing these blocks instead of quilting them or using them for other sewing projects.  My husband has already claimed the fountain pen as he also loves to write.  It will go off to live in his office.  I have another plan for the quill pen which I will share later.  This one, I am very sure, will go on an empty space on my atelier wall.


Thank you for your lovely comments on the October Stories photos.  Wandering Camera linky party is still open.  You can link up your posts here.


Until next time and Happy Creating,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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Make Art – Fountain Pen

Fountain Pen Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fountain Pen Pattern


Fountain pens and I go a long way back.  The school I attended focused very much on penmanship.  We were only allowed the use of pencils until we reached Third Year.  After that, we were to use fountain pens only and told to steer clear of ball point pens.  I still remember the anticipation of getting my very first fountain pen.  Since that first day of my third year in primary school, I have only ever used fountain pens for writing.



Quill Pen Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Quill Pen Pattern


A few months ago, I started to create a Make Art quilt pattern series starting with this quill pen and ink bottle.



Fountain Pen Quilt Pattern & Shel Silverstein | Whims And Fancies



I express myself best in writing.  So, not surprisingly, I decided to make a fountain pen quilt pattern next. 

I have had many a pen, but the Pelican pen given to me by my husband, is my workhorse.  I would be lost without it.  I adore the scratching sound it makes on paper.  I now prefer to use sepia ink over black.  I also have a soft spot for indigo, a very dark blue ink.

I love my pen so much that I made this little card featuring my pen, sepia ink and parchment paper featuring one of the Shel Silverstein poems I really like.



City Of Oxford Watercolour Bookmark | Whims And Fancies



A few nights ago, I started painting a bookmark featuring the city of Oxford, England.  Thinking of the colleges there set the perfect mood for sewing the pen.



Fountain Pen Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fountain Pen Pattern


The fountain pen stitched up quite quickly.  Teal is one of my favourite shades.  I am keeping the background same for all of my Make Art blocks in case I decide to make a quilt with them.  Just like the Quill Pen quilt pattern, this one is also 12″.  The Fountain Pen pattern is now available in my shop.

Shortly after I finished sewing the last seam, my husband, who also uses fountain pens, laid claim to the block.  You might also have someone in your life who would appreciate a gift featuring this writing instrument which represents the lost art of penmanship in the digital age.



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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