A Step Forward

Prints From Original Artwork | Whims And Fancies


Prints Available In Shop


Hi Everyone!  I have something really exciting to share with you today.  A few months after the beginning of Whims And Fancies, I started creating paper piecing patterns because I wanted to create quilt blocks from the images that I drew.  Drawing and painting have always been a part of my world, ever since I learned how to hold a pencil.  After months of sharing my paintings here and being encouraged by your kind words, I have decided to sell some of my artwork as prints.





I worked on these prints every waking moment of the last few weeks.  I won’t bore you with the details, but somewhere in there, I sneaked in some quick sewing.  I needed a larger zipper-bag to carry sketchbooks and colour pencils.  I love making these two-tone bags.  The clock and the math fabric were made for each other.





I like the combination of red and grey, hence the red zipper.  I selected the grey lining fabric for two reasons – it won’t show the colour pencil rubbings and the red pops very well against it.  I really love this bag and now I carry it in my backpack whenever I travel.


Speaking of travel, you may have noticed that a lot of my paintings are inspired by my travels.  So, no surprise there that the prints I selected were inspired by places that I have visited.


Without further ado, here is the very first set of paintings –




Purchase Weatherd Scottish Abbey


I painted most of this one during the long hours of travel during our flight, both to and from England.  It is based on the picture I took at Dryburgh Abbey in Scotland. I so enjoyed the tranquil moment standing alone in front of this aged and wet stone abbey chapter house ruin that it became the subject of my painting.




Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


If you have known me for a while now, you probably know how much I love books.  I also love old ruins and stonework.  I created a Magician’s Bookshelf full of magic books, featuring a candlelit bookshelf adorned with stone leaves, and a wise raven watching over the books.




Purchase Heather In The Yorkshire Moors


During one of our countless visits to the British Isles, we drove out one afternoon to the outskirts of Whitby in Yorkshire.  The fields were covered by heather as far as the eye could see, and the sky was full of flowing clouds.




Purchase Summer Sailing in Whitby, Yorkshire


As we were walking to dinner that same evening, a lonely white sailboat on the North Sea caught my eye.  The Yorkshire Sky was still beautiful with the setting sun.  It was so calming and peaceful that I relived the feeling while painting this on a much later day.


I hope you liked the selection.  This is a huge step for me.  Many Thanks to all my friends here who continue to be so supportive and encouraging!!  I would be very happy if you could please take a look at the prints in my shop and help spread the word.


You can still link up on this month’s  Wandering Camera here.


Thank you again!



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.  




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