To Hellenikon And Drawing Cards

Greek Letters Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Greek Alphabet Pattern


I got the name of this quilt, To Hellenikon or Greekness, from Herodotus.  The shared sense of identity among the ancient Greeks as described by him is perhaps the reason behind the everlasting legacy of the Greek civilization.  Its presence permeates almost everything I encounter from literature to science.  I got the idea of making a Greek alphabet quilt a couple of years ago.  Shortly after that I found myself designing these Greek letter quilt patterns like an addict and very soon I was finished.  Then we purchased a house, moved 400 miles and experienced a few unsavory events.  I had to shelve this quilt for a while, but earlier this year it was time to start working on it again.



Greek Alphabet Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Greek Alphabet Pattern


I love to visit old, tranquil abbey ruins.  The colours of this quilt were drawn from the colours of Monks’ habits.  The khaki and brown seemed like perfect symbols for something old and hard-wearing.  I used the same set of fabrics for the letters, the shashing and the borders.  Only the binding is done with a different brown fabric.

As for the layout, I finally decided to mimic a page from an exercise book used by someone who is learning how to write .  That in turn dictated the horizontal quilting with cream coloured thread.  I tried a different design on the border but it looked too busy compared to the simple design of the rest of the quilt.  At the end I framed the “page” by quilting rectangles around the border with variegated thread.  I love quilting with variegated threads.  Now my idea of this quilt is finally a reality and ready for us to use!

Since many have asked, I have the set available in my shop.  Thank you so much!!



I have a few more index card drawings to share this week –


Icad 2015 - Ice Cream | Whims And Fancies


Ice Cream On A Hot Summer’s Day



Icad 2015 - Shel Silverstein | Whims And Fancies


I express myself best in writing.  Pen and ink took the centre stage on this one, alongside my favourite poem by Shel Silverstein.



Icad 2015 - Broken Clock | Whims And Fancies


An Exploding Clock with its pieces floating away into nothingness



Icad 2015 - A Windy Autumn Day | Whims And Fancies


Even though wind has hijacked many of my umbrellas, I love a blustery autumn day.



Icad 2015 - Man Men | Whims And Fancies


My version of Mad Men – unplugged and mad with ideas!



Icad 2015 - On The Road In The Morning | Whims And Fancies


I love to drive during pre-dawn hours. A sense of independence engulfs me.



Icad 2015 - Self Portrait In The Forest | Whims And Fancies


Self-portrait – walking into the unknown most of the time



I played with different ideas on these but “movement” seems to have found its way into almost all of them.  Thank you for following me on the journeys of The Greekness quilt and the index card drawing projects.  Your encouraging words have been very motivating.


Happy Crafting,




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Fair Isle Star Pillow And Drawing Cards

Fair Isle Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fair Isle Star Pattern


Last year, during my attempt to learn a little about the history of knitting, I designed a few star quilt patterns that were inspired by traditional knitting patterns.  I had picked up a set of Grandma’s House fat quarters earlier, which I used to make these stars for a mini quilt.  Unfortunately, once I finished making this block, I realised that I had printed it at 94%.  So I had to remake this one for the mini and ended up with an orphan block.



Fair Isle Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Fair Isle Star Pattern


This year I am taking care of almost all my orphan blocks and some of them are being turned into pillows for the guest bed in my husband’s office.  Apart from making the office a pleasant place for him to work from, I also have a selfish reason for this.  My favourite bookshelf is in that room, so sometimes I like to read in there.  The guest bed will be much more comfortable with all the pillows in the back.  Once I had gotten over being upset at my own mistake, I knew that I would love to turn this Fair Isle star quilt block into a pillow.  I am working on the other matching pillow this week.



Here is another set of index card drawings from the icad project



Icad 2015 - Psychedelic Gravitational Wave | Whims And Fancies


Psychedelic Gravitational Waves



Icad 2015 - Alan Turin Code Breaker | Whims And Fancies


I made this card on June 23rd, which was Alan Turing’s birthday.  He has had a profound influence on me and his story makes me extremely sad.



Icad 2015 - Devils Postpile lava columns, California | Whims And Fancies


Devils Postpile lava columns, California

Drawn from a photo I took there



Icad 2015 - Dancing Neurons | Whims And Fancies


Dancing Neurons



Icad 2015 - Peacock feather | Whims And Fancies


Peacock feather – fractal-inspired



Icad 2015 - Transit of Venus, Voyage of the Endeavour with Captain Cook| Whims And Fancies


Transit of Venus, Voyage of the Endeavour with Captain Cook in 1769

We were lucky enough to witness the last Venus Transit live in 2012.



Icad 2015 - Solar prominence | Whims And Fancies


Solar prominence


While writing this post, I realised that this set of index card drawings is a bit science-biased!  It was definitely not planned that way.


Until next time,




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