Knitting Snapshots

Knitting WIPs | Whims And Fancies


Last week did not afford me any opportunity to sit at the sewing table for any length of time required to work on any project.  We live in a much cooler place now and I need to make a few more quilts.  I am working on them, just not at the moment.  I need to keep my hands busy, and knitting needles are perfect for filling in those small waiting moments.  With cooler weather approaching, I have been seeing a lot of knitting projects around, which has been motivating me to knit.  So I decided to indulge my craving by working on three knitting projects simultaneously.


Whisky Barrel Pullover | Whims And Fancies

Gamekeeper Pullover

This is a pullover I am making for my husband.  The pattern is written for worsted weight yarn but I am making it with dk.  I had to do A LOT of swatching.  After some trial and error, I got the sizing right.  I am almost at the point where I separate out the sleeves.


Live Long And Prosper Mitts | Whims And Fancies

Slipstream Mitts

Knitting round and round is kind of boring, specially on a large size pullover.  Enter mitts.  This is the Live Long And Prosper yarn from Lorna’s Laces.  This yarn is quite busy and it took me a long time to find a pattern that would actually show it well.  Unlike the pullover, this one needs all my attention.  So watching TV while knitting this pair is not an option for me.


Harvest Mitts | Whims And Fancies

Harvest Date Mitts

Since I have one mind-numbingly boring project and the other one is an attention-seeker, I needed a third one that would be somewhere in between.  I made this pair of mitts before in an orange yarn.  It’s a really fun and quick pattern and I love this yellow yarn.


Yarns | Whims And Fancies


My husband went out to get a hair cut last Saturday and stopped by the yarn store.  This is what he brought back home!  Lucky me!  More handmade knits!


Charlie Cat | Whims And Fancies


In midst of all the crazyness, I got a new camera.  I am very fond of Canon cameras.  This is another Canon, so I found all the settings very quickly.  Now it’s time to play and test out different settings.  Charlie, of course, gets to be my model!  Here he is waiting for us to finish breakfast so he can have a few drops of milk.  Staring down does work by the way!


Online Trunk Quilt Show | Whims And Fancies

Trunk Full Of Quilts – An Online Quilt Trunk Show

Read The Introductory Post

I am also all set for the online trunk show next week.  Since posting about it last week, I have heard back from Fat Quarter Shop and they are also sponsoring the event, so that means more prizes to give away!  If you haven’t heard about the Trunk Full Of Quilts event, it’s an online quilt trunk show hosted here at Whims And Fancies starting next week.  Hope you will join me!

Until then,



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Two Of My Favourite Ladies

Pride And Prejudice Embroidery Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Pride And Prejudice – Fools In Love embroidery pattern


There are too many women from the stories that I love to list here.  I love the character of Ms. Elizabeth Bennet so much that I found myself needing to draw this Pride and Prejudice embroidery pattern.



Pride And Prejudice Embroidery Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I used wash-off stabilizer for the first time on this piece.  It leaves a tiny bit of starchiness after washing, which gives the whole piece a wonderful finish.  I used DMC perle 8 for the first time too, a navy thread.  I used three different stitches for varying thickness: chain stitch, stem stitch and back stitch, with chain stitch being one of my favourites.  I really love how it turned out.  At the moment I am not exactly sure what I will do with this block.  I may come up with a few more designs to make a small Pride And Prejudice quilt.



Doctor Who Rose Tyler Doomsday Mitts



This one is for Ms. Rose Tyler.  The tenth Doctor and Rose had such a sad ending.  I don’t watch it too often since it leaves me in a daze every time I watch it.  It always seems that happy and sad endings walk along side by side.


I wanted to make these mitts ever since the very first time I saw the episode.  The extent of my knowledge of knitting back then was basic cast on, cast off, purl and knit.  Since then I have learned how to make fingerless mitts, and from there I jumped straight into cable.  I am happy to say that once I started knitting the second mitt, I was already able to knit without looking at the pattern file anymore.  I love this pair of gloves so much!  I added an extra diamond to cover my palm a little better.  They not only keep my hands warm, they also make me feel warm and comfortable in a very nostalgic way.  This pattern by Christina Slattery can be found on Ravelry.



Pink Flowers | Whims And Fancies



My ageless cactus plant blooms only once a year.  Just for a couple of days all the flowers burst open together like a fireworks finale.  Every year the display is more spectacular than the year before.  The flowers are very much like these ladies I love so much, rare and beautiful.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone,




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