Yosemite And I

Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Last weekend of October I had an opportunity to visit my favourite place – Yosemite National Park.  I am fortunate enough to live “only” 4.5 hours away from it.  That is considered close proximity in California.  I take advantage of that and try to go there multiple times a year.  Because of that, quite often I get to hear “Yosemite again??  What’s there to see so many times!”

The thing is, I feel at home there. 

In the words of Lord Byron –

There is a pleasure in the pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep Sea, and music in its roar:
I love not Man the less, but Nature more.

For me, it’s not just a collection of parking spaces for the attractions in the park.  Yosemite needs to be explored. 


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


A sunny day is stunning there, but storm clouds make it even more of a dramatic place. 


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies

Clouds skimming over El Capitan


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies

Bridalveil Falls


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Tall, ancient granite formations with cascading waterfalls surround you while you walk in the wide meadows and through groves of trees. 


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Water droplets catch the sunlight and gleam on grass and leaves. 


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


The Merced river flows through it all, sometimes raucous and sometimes whispering.


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Season and weather change often, and Yosemite changes with them.


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


Yosemite National Park Photo | Whims And Fancies


While I love to hike the mountains and walk the meadows, sometimes I like to just sit at our favourite places in the park with my husband.  He reads while I paint.


Yosemite National Park Cooks Meadow Painting | Whims And Fancies


That is my Yosemite and I love it.  It has been there long before us and it will continue to be there long after. 

I was going through the photos I took there in October, always good for my spirit.  I hope they bring joy to you as well.

Take care,


I am also linking up on Life Thru The Lens, Through My LensSeasons, Our World Tuesday, Wednesday Around The World, Photo Friday, and Friday Photo Journal along with with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.






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Essence Of Autumn

Stormy Pastel Autumn Sky | Whims And Fancies


We have been having such a wonderful October here that I have been having the time of my life with my camera.  Weekend before last, we had a fantastic storm with heavy gusts of wind.  I was painting in my room at the time, but finally I just had to bundle up in warm clothing, put my Wellies on and head out with an umbrella.


Stormy Autumn Leaves | Whims And Fancies

Leaves swaying heavily in gusts of wind


I walked quite a few miles all on my own before heading back home.  The gusts were so strong that my poor umbrella was hardly able to keep up.  I was so mesmerized by the sound of rain pattering on my umbrella, the singing of the rain under the grove of oak trees, the swishing of the wind and the vibrant colours of the sky that I never realised how wet I got.


Stormy Autumn Rain | Whims And Fancies

Fallen leaves all over the path


Stormy Autumn Sky | Whims And Fancies

Pastel Sky


Stormy Pastel Autumn Photo | Whims And Fancies

Even the dark asphalt took on the vibrant colour of the sky


After Storm Autumn Rainbow | Whims And Fancies

Rainbow from the setting sun


After that brilliant storm over the weekend, we had a dry and hot Santa Ana.  This weekend weather has cooled off again, and clouds are gathering in the sky.  Eager to be outdoors, we decided to visit the local pumpkin patch this Sunday afternoon.


Autumn Pumpkins | Whims And Fancies

Orange is not the only colour


Autumn Flowers | Whims And Fancies

Flowers are not for Spring alone


Autumn Sunflower | Whims And Fancies

Pumpkin-hued sunflower


Autumn Weird Pumpkins | Whims And Fancies

The strange ones


Autumn Pumpkin | Whims And Fancies

The flamboyant ones


Happy Autumn Everyone!


I am also linking up on Photo Friday, Life Thru The Lens, Through My Lens, Seasons, Our World Tuesday and Friday Photo Journal along with with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.



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