Sunburst Star Bag

Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


Thank you so much everyone, for the get well wishes, all those good vibes definitely helped!  I finally started feeling a lot better earlier this week, after almost a week and a half of being sick.  Now only a little sniffle and a bit of stuffy head remains.  Last week I planned out my one-block WIPs, and I am very happy to share the first finished project with you today.  I started to work on it slowly as the cold left me.




Before that though, I have something to share with you.  A couple of days ago, I received a package at the front door.  My friend Kris had sent me a surprise feel-good package.  This is not the first time she has done it either.  Unbeknownst to her, I have been more than a little upset by current affairs lately.  The kind gesture made me intrinsically happy.  Something must also have gotten into my eyes at the same time to make them a bit misty!  I am very thankful for all the lovely, supportive friends I have made here.




Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


So, with a warm heart I started working on turning this Sunburst Star block into a bag.  The colours are my favourite part of this block,  specially the background fabric.  The nebulous texture of it directed the choices I made for the rest of the bag. 





Ever since I picked that background fabric for the star, I knew I wanted to make a night-sky-themed project with that block.   Weather permitting, I love to spend time outside watching the night sky.  I took this photo of the galactic centre quite awhile ago when I first started fiddling with the camera and the telescope.  I found the perfect fabric to remind me of that.



Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



One look at my fabric shelf, and I knew this Stonehenge fabric had to be the accompanying fabric.  It also emphasises the blue and the purple from the block.  The back of the bag is completely made of that fabric.



Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Because of the colours of the star block, I had a choice of a warm or cool palette.  I wanted to use the silver strap and the rings, so I opted for a cool palette and picked a lavender zipper instead of a yellow one.  I also found this little charm in my cabinet, which became a perfect zipper pull for this bag.




Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


You would not believe how happy I am with this bag.  I wanted to use my paper pieced blocks on projects other than quilted ones.  I designed this bag ‘pattern’ with that in mind.  This way I can also have bags that are a lot more akin to my personality.  The Sunburst Star bag definitely feels like a piece of the night sky that I love to explore with my telescope.

The Sunburst Star quilt pattern is available in my shop if you wish to make one.

Happy Sewing,


Linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.




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A Long Holiday

Knitting And Gift Bag | Whims And Fancies

Various reasons called for a long holiday this year and I obliged.  For me that typically means going into hibernation, at home or sometimes elsewhere on a trip.  These getaway trips would be completely impossible for us without our fabulous pet sitter, Nanci.  She not only takes care of the basic necessities of our kitties, she also spends time with them and reads aloud to them.  She even warmed her way into the hearts of my shy kitties enough that they are completely relaxed around her.

During our Sweden vacation, we got this mug for her as a thank you.  That was in September, but with one thing and another we didn’t get to see each other again until after the holidays.
Knitting And Sewing Gift Bag | Whims And Fancies

Pattern at One Lucky Day

As soon as I finished the first bag using the pattern on One Lucky Duck, I had to make another one for Nanci.  It made a great gift bag, the mug fits in it perfectly.  Nanci is a quilter herself.  She also runs a craft workshop for her occupational therapy patients.  She was very excited about the bag and I shared the pattern link with her for her workshop.


Yellow Knitted Mittens | Whims And Fancies

Harvest Date Mitts

She spends a lot of time outside, so I made these yellow mitts for her to keep her hands warm while she is out and about.  As soon as she pulled them out of the mug, she put them on right away.  She was very happy with her handmade gifts and that in turn made me smile big.

The pattern links for both the bag and the mitts are under each photo if you want to make them.  They are very quick to make and they make great gifts!


Pattern Writing Blog Series

Speaking of patterns, Cheryl from Meadow Mist Design is starting a series on Quilt Pattern Writing.  If you are interested in writing patterns or ever wondered what goes into writing them, you won’t want to miss this.  She is also doing round table discussions and I am one of the designers participating.  It will be great to see both the similarities and the differences the various designers will bring to the table.  I had a great fun writing my answers before I started my holiday.
Lego Harry Potter | Whims And Fancies

This year’s holidays were all about indulging my inner child.  My husband and I love the Lego Harry Potter video games.  We spent large chunks of time playing and laughing at the silliness in the game.  The settings and the music in the game are very comforting for us and we love to get lost in that world.

Sticky Toffee Pudding Recipe | Whims And Fancies

This is sticky toffee pudding, the most delectable dessert I have ever had.  I only make it for the holidays using Nigella Lawson’s easy recipe with reduced sugar for the sauce.  I had it for breakfast one morning with vanilla ice cream!  I really don’t care about the calorie consumption, having it for breakfast once a year won’t kill me!


Mary's Bread | Whims And Fancies

My friend Mary shared her bread recipe which I made during the holidays.  The bread came out perfect the very first time and was incredibly delicious!


Yosemite Tunnel View | Whims And Fancies

The holidays ended with a trip to Yosemite National Park.  There was an unexpected road closure due to a major rockfall.  That resulted in three separate three-hours-a-piece detours in and out of the park on icy and snowy roads instead of our usual 15-minute jaunt from the hotel.  On the second evening, on our way back, we were very happy to learn that they were about to reopen the quick route back to the hotel.

While we were waiting for the road to reopen that evening, we drove to the Tunnel View vista point.  The drifting cloud from the cold and overcast day was starting to settle into an even colder Yosemite Valley night.

Happy Creating, everyone!


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