Sunburst Star Bag

Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


Thank you so much everyone, for the get well wishes, all those good vibes definitely helped!  I finally started feeling a lot better earlier this week, after almost a week and a half of being sick.  Now only a little sniffle and a bit of stuffy head remains.  Last week I planned out my one-block WIPs, and I am very happy to share the first finished project with you today.  I started to work on it slowly as the cold left me.




Before that though, I have something to share with you.  A couple of days ago, I received a package at the front door.  My friend Kris had sent me a surprise feel-good package.  This is not the first time she has done it either.  Unbeknownst to her, I have been more than a little upset by current affairs lately.  The kind gesture made me intrinsically happy.  Something must also have gotten into my eyes at the same time to make them a bit misty!  I am very thankful for all the lovely, supportive friends I have made here.




Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


So, with a warm heart I started working on turning this Sunburst Star block into a bag.  The colours are my favourite part of this block,  specially the background fabric.  The nebulous texture of it directed the choices I made for the rest of the bag. 





Ever since I picked that background fabric for the star, I knew I wanted to make a night-sky-themed project with that block.   Weather permitting, I love to spend time outside watching the night sky.  I took this photo of the galactic centre quite awhile ago when I first started fiddling with the camera and the telescope.  I found the perfect fabric to remind me of that.



Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



One look at my fabric shelf, and I knew this Stonehenge fabric had to be the accompanying fabric.  It also emphasises the blue and the purple from the block.  The back of the bag is completely made of that fabric.



Bag With Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



Because of the colours of the star block, I had a choice of a warm or cool palette.  I wanted to use the silver strap and the rings, so I opted for a cool palette and picked a lavender zipper instead of a yellow one.  I also found this little charm in my cabinet, which became a perfect zipper pull for this bag.




Purchase Sunburst Star Pattern


You would not believe how happy I am with this bag.  I wanted to use my paper pieced blocks on projects other than quilted ones.  I designed this bag ‘pattern’ with that in mind.  This way I can also have bags that are a lot more akin to my personality.  The Sunburst Star bag definitely feels like a piece of the night sky that I love to explore with my telescope.

The Sunburst Star quilt pattern is available in my shop if you wish to make one.

Happy Sewing,


Linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.



27 thoughts on “Sunburst Star Bag

  • Molly July 7, 2017 at 06:37

    That is an amazing shot of the night sky


  • Cathy July 5, 2017 at 14:16

    What a wonderful friend!

  • Julie July 5, 2017 at 01:47

    So glad you are feeling better. Love the story behind the bag and your colour/fabric choices. thanks for linking to Sew, Stitch, Snap, Share.

  • Sylvia D. July 4, 2017 at 09:58

    The bag is lovely. I love the colors you chose for the star. The charm is very nice. Have a great day!

  • Su-sieee! Mac July 3, 2017 at 12:06

    Oooh, you made a gorgeous bag. You’ve inspired me a bit to go look at my fabric stash and do something creative.

  • jesh StG July 3, 2017 at 11:08

    Great to have a friend like Kris! Love how you tell about the details making the sunburst bag with the fabulous quilt design! And so fitting with the 4th of July coming up! Thanking you for sharing with All Seasons, and wishing you a starburst week!

  • Marie-OR July 3, 2017 at 08:34

    What a wonderful surprise! I’m glad it cheered you up. Lovely fabric star tote bag! Wow!

  • Kelleyn Rothaermel July 3, 2017 at 00:16

    Very pretty and that photo of the night sky is incredible! Have a great week! You did a great job!

  • Carol July 1, 2017 at 09:47

    You are so creative.

  • Emily Bailey June 30, 2017 at 12:11

    What a cute bag! Love the zipper pull!

  • karen s June 29, 2017 at 10:40

    A beautiful bag–looks like it’s just the right size, too. And your charm reminds me of Dr. Who–he would totally approve of it being attached to your star bag :)

  • Susan June 28, 2017 at 08:33

    Good to hear you’re feeling better! That Sunburst Star is a beauty – thank you for sharing it on Midweek Makers!

  • RobynLouise June 27, 2017 at 17:40

    A lovely bag! I’m thinking I should design and make some items based on the night or sunrise/sunset photos I’ve taken. I’m badly in need of a bag with many pockets!

  • Pam @Threading My Way June 27, 2017 at 16:56

    A stunning bag!!!

  • Judy Biggerstaff June 27, 2017 at 09:43

    Love your bag, great looking block and nice fabric choice. Happy 4th of July.

  • Laura Piland June 27, 2017 at 06:18

    What a great use of a single block! I have some that are lonely and need using! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF!

  • Judy Blauer June 23, 2017 at 07:30

    That is a wonderful star block. The bag is perfect for a journal and a pen, and maybe a bit of a snack. Great job! Keep getting better, rest and good food will help that journey along!

  • Jayne June 23, 2017 at 06:01

    I hope you make a full recovery very soon! Your bag is beautiful. I love that you took a stray block and turned it into a bag. The backing is amazing…just like the nighttime photo! Well done!

  • Kaja June 22, 2017 at 23:24

    I’m glad you are feeling better. Your bag is a great way to use the single block and your attention to detail has made it really special.

  • Kim Sharman June 22, 2017 at 19:12

    Your Sunburst Star bag is lovely. The Stonehenge fabric is perfect, as is the wonderful charm as the finishing touch. Love the fabrics Kris gifted you. So happy you are feeling a lot better, Soma.

  • Kathleen June 22, 2017 at 18:45

    A perfect use for that star block!

  • Lisa June 22, 2017 at 14:25

    Glad you are feeling better and the bag is gorgeous. Very celestial.

  • Mary June 22, 2017 at 14:01

    That really turned out well. I love the fabric you selected to go with the beautifully detailed block. The zipper charm is perfect too. The bag looks like it is a really practical shape and size.

    So glad you are feeling better. That stuff hung around too long.

  • Dixie June 22, 2017 at 12:45

    Wonderful bag, Soma. I love and cherish mine!
    And what a great surprise package.
    Love the steampunk charm too.
    And O that picture of the galactic centre…fabulous! And I think I see a falling star on the left. Wonderful!
    Glad you are feeling better. Summer colds are the worst.

  • Patty June 22, 2017 at 09:56

    Great bag! Glad you are feeling better.

  • Susan June 22, 2017 at 07:14

    Glad you are feeling better and your bag turned out nice. The choice of backing fabric was perfect. When I gaze at your block, I see sunrise and sunset. The yellow with the peeps of blue sky are the sunrise bursting forth and the lavender & purple are the sun setting.

  • krislovesfabric June 22, 2017 at 05:17

    Yay you received the package – and happy it made you happy my friend. You have turned that block into something very special, love the pops of blue in those tiny pieces. I love your bag and that charm was a great idea for a zipper pull. Glad you are feeling better :)

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