Pinwheel Flowers – Colours And Prints



I am making a quilt for my kitties using one of my old patterns, Pinwheel Flower.  I often get asked about how I choose colours for the blocks I make from my paper piecing patterns.  For me they are illustrations done in fabric, so most of the time it is very akin to how I paint.  I will try to show my selection process.


I use colours and prints together to create a certain style, mood, or even a season. 





I took this photo of a little purple larkspur flower during a hike.  I was looking for tiny little wild flowers for photography and my husband found this one for me.  As this photo was my intial inspiration, I chose green for the quilt background.


Most of the time though, the background is the last fabric I select.  No matter what the order is, I like the design of the block to stand out against the background colour and/or print.  If I don’t get the right contrast, I change out the fabrics until I am satisfied.





I wanted the flowers to pop against the background without being too bright. It was also important to have a balanced ratio of cool and warm colours.  From the very beginning, I was sure about the purple flower from my photo appearing in the quilt.





The other cool colour choice would be a shade of blue.  After trying out quite a few mid- to dark blues, I settled on this teal.  I adore that colour, but I don’t get to use it too often.  I also have only a little bit of it left, just enough for my little kitty quilt.





I love yellow flowers.  A vase full of yellow Chrysanthemums cheers me up immensely.  Unfortunately, yellow was not dark enough to provide enough contrast against the green, so I picked the next best – a burnt orange.





For the last colour, I looked to our garden for inspiration.  We have two wildflower plants with the brightest shade of red flowers blooming in our garden.  The whole plant looks like it is bursting into red fireworks.  That became the red flower in my quilt.


The idea for this block came from a combination of seeing a flower through my atelier window and a pinwheel block.  For sashing, it was going to be either white or cream fabric to represent the window frame.  Since the green I chose was a warmer green, I used a yellowish-cream for the sashing.





Once I finish selecting the colours, I start on the prints.  I think about what the quilt is supposed to represent.  That helps me decide on the style as well as giving the quilt a sense of coherence while I choose the prints.

When I show you the finished quilt, you will see why I used blender fabrics for this one.




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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Creating Idiosyncrasies While Creating



We are making a few changes in our lives.  It’s all good news and hopefully I will be able to share more very soon.  In the meantime, I came across these photos of WIP paintings I have not shared here before.  I was experimenting with photographing cropped views of paintings.  While I shared the finished paintings before, I rather like the WIPs too, and I hope you do as well.  

I will also share a few of my habits with these photos.



Old York street light with Sennelier watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Old York Pub


This one is a painting of the a street light in the old city of York.  You have probably guessed by now that I love painting weathered stone structures and walls.  On these kinds of paintings, I typically draw every single stone before I start painting.  It tends to give me a lot better overview of the perspective.





Remember the Steampunk Fleur de Lis?  I love the challenge of figuring out how a steampunk mechanism might work. This was my planning sketch.  I use old scrap pieces of paper for the planning phase.  I should really use a drawing sketchbook, but I like using paper that would otherwise end up in the recycling bin.



Sketchbook 2017 - Steampunk Fleur De Lis Painting Marker & Winsor Newton Ink | Whims And Fancies



Once I was satisfied with the steampunk mechanism, I drew and painted on my good sketchbook paper.





Ink and markers are my favourite quick painting tools.  The days I don’t feel like dragging out paint, brush, water, rag, etc., I fall back on markers.  Painting is quite therapeutic as is, but markers bring out the child in me.


I am a stickler for straight lines even when I am drawing rocks.  During my college years, I fell in love with my husband’s Rotring set-square and I promptly wanted one for my classes too. He obliged, and it is still my favourite tool.  Unfortunately it has since been discontinued by Rotring, so I better take care of mine!



Science Inspired Art - Sea Stacks And Star Trails | Whims And Fancies


Sea stacks and star trails


I love rain. I love to be outside when it rains, specially when it is a rain storm.  I love to hear the sound of rain on the hood of my rain jacket or on my umbrella.  If I am not outside and if I am not reading while it’s raining, I paint.  This was one of those paintings.





A lot of people draw out quick sketch with very little detail, and add those details while painting.  I really stink at that.  I like to draw in quite a lot of detail before I feel comfortable enough to add paint.  Sometimes I paint over some of the details, while other times I let the pencil marks show through the painting.



Crumbling Stone Castle Watercolour Painting | Whims And Fancies



Unlike the first painting, I didn’t paint it stone by stone from my drawing, but used them as a general guide. In retrospect, I didn’t need to draw that many stones.  Hopefully I will remember that next time.


I have never actively thought of developing creative idiosyncrasies, but now I realise I have formed quite a few.  Do you feel the same way too, while creating?


Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.



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