Wandering Camera – Clearing Storm

Yosemite Clearning Storm | Whims And Fancies


Welcome to Wandering Camera.


This month I get to share a few clearing storm photos from the Sierra Mountains with you.  This is at my most favourite campgroud there.  It is at just over 10,000 feet in elevation.  Days stay cool, and nights get very cold.  Weather changes here frequently. 


Sometimes, if you are lucky, beautiful Mother Nature treats you with a rainstorm, which sets the sky on fire.  The ground reflects that light.  The smell of petrichor envelopes you.  You stand there unsure if the chill in your spine is caused by the cool wind or the spectacular drama that is unfolding around you.



Yosemite Clearning Storm | Whims And Fancies



We were resting back at the campground after a mountain walk on one of the many trails around there, when suddenly the rain came, followed by a full rainbow.



Yosemite Clearning Storm | Whims And Fancies



Then the dark clouds gave way to fiery orange and red ones against the background of an electric blue sky with just a hint of purple showing through.  We stood there speechless with admiration.

I took these photos while I was still figuring out my camera.  I am hoping for another opportunity to photograph a clearing storm in the Sierras.



Yosemite Clearning Storm | Whims And Fancies



I took this photo in Yosemite National Park during a different visit.  It was pouring rain in the early evening.  After my husband and I carried my photo backpack, stand etc through the snow to the photo spot using a couple of giant umbrellas, the waiting began. 

It started getting darker around us with rain continuing to happily patter on our umbrellas.  Then, just as I was ready to give up and pack everything up, it happened.  The rain stopped, the storm clouds parted, and Half Dome and the surroundings were covered by a beautiful purple-orange glow.



Yosemite Clearning Storm Painting | Whims And Fancies



Going through these photos left me nostalgic and inspired, so I sketched this scene, and hoping to start painting it later today.  It has been a while since I have been to the mountains, I think it’s time!


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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Tweed Journal Cover

Harris Tweed Journal Notebook Cover | Whims And Fancies



I had planned on making a bag and writing a new pattern last week.  Except last week was fraught with frustration concerning a simple industry-standard modification that I wanted done to my web hosting account.  After 3 days of continuous circulatory, nonsensical conversation with tech support, I decided to move my account to another company altogether.  This was long overdue. Working over the weekend with the wonderful support group of this new company, my websites were moved to their new home.


By Monday though, I was in need of a break. 



Harris Tweed Journal Notebook Cover | Whims And Fancies



This is the set of tweed cloth I got from Isle of Harris.  By the way, photos do not do Harris Tweed justice.  There is so much texture and detail in the weaves, it really needs to be experienced in person. 

I want to make a larger work out of this, but on Monday I wanted to work on something incredibly simple.  So, I made a cover for my travel notebook using one of these pieces.



Harris Tweed Journal Notebook Cover | Whims And Fancies



I like my bags, covers, etc. to have lining and not have the raw edges show.  After choosing the lining and the inside cover fabrics to complement the outer tweed and figuring out the measurements, I finished this cover in no time. 



Harris Tweed Journal Notebook Cover | Whims And Fancies



Originally I wanted to save the labels for the larger projects.  My husband, however, insisted that I sew the label on this cover.  I am glad he did.  As I had already finished making the cover, I used Heat ‘N Bond to secure the label on the cover, which worked very well.



Harris Tweed Journal Notebook Cover | Whims And Fancies



I love the A6 format notebooks for my travel planning. It’s a great size to pop into my bag/backpack along with a map, and I don’t have to carry the heavy travel book everywhere with me. My little travel notebooks get exposed to all sorts of rough-and-tumble weather conditions.  Now they will be more protected.  Also, it seems fitting that  they now have a cover made from material that I got while travelling.  I know I will be making more of these.




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay some of them a visit.




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