Shattered Star And A Touch Of Halloween

Shatter Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Shattered Star Pattern


You are probably aware of my love for the night sky.  The life cycle of a star is a particular interest of mine.  The initial idea of this star came from visiting the Esmark Glacier near Svalbard up close, and seeing the sharp edges on the ice shards floating away from the glacier.  My mind (some might call it overimaginative at this point!) could not help but think of a supernova.  So came the idea of Shattered Star.

I have a few cuts of Stonehenge fabrics by Northcott because they remind me of stars and nebulae. Of course, I used them for this block.




Purchase Shattered Star Pattern



Colourways I played with before deciding upon the current version.






I want to make another wall hanging similar to Rainbow Star ( patterns available in my Shop ), following the same theme of the life cycle of a star.  The fuchsia colour is a placeholder for the fabric with myriad shades of pink, green, blue, purple from the Shattered Star stitched block.






The month of October means my favourite holiday and seasons are on their way.  I couldn’t help but think of another one in Halloween colours.  I have just the fabrics for it too. 






Speaking of Halloween, I love the magical/fairy tale aspect of it.  I am working on a new painting series – The Halloween Alphabet.  This is A for Acrid.  Can’t wait to share more with you as I continue to work on this series.  I am using a sketchbook to keep it all together.




Purchase Halloween Witch Hat Pattern


PumpkinHollowQuilts is even more mad about Halloween than I am.  She makes amazing Halloween decorations and cross-stitches.  With her permission, I get to share this beautiful witch hat with you that she made from my pattern.




Purchase Shattered Star Pattern


It has been ages since I made something for Halloween.  As happy as I am with finishing Shattered Star in the nebula colours, I am going to try my best to make the Shattered Star in Halloween colours as well.   You can also get the Shattered Star quilt pattern on my shop.


Thank you for all the well wishes on the last Wandering Camera post.  I am so happy to hear that you liked the camping photos.  You can still link up your posts here.

Until next time and Happy Creating,


As my monthly goal is to finish the block,  I am linking up with One Monthly Goal hosted by Elm Street Quilts.

I am also linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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Wandering Camera – Camping

High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



If being a good patient was one of my virtues, I would have already recovered from my cold.  Other chronic ailments made it a little worse.  I still have a lingering cough and laryngitis.  It was not the smartest idea to go camping in the mountains after a night of high fever and chills, but I had my reasons, however unreasonable they may have been.  After weeks of not amounting to much, I couldn’t wait to look through the photos I took there.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



My husband was also getting over the cold he had caught.  We were feeling better that morning, so we decided to go after all, but with the proviso of not walking any trails or cooking dinner.

I love to camp at 10,000ft (3,048m) because of the cooler temperatures, even though I get altitude sickness there.  Since both of us were still under the weather, it was worse for me this year, and even my husband, who is usually unaffected by altitude change, suffered from it this time.  Despite that, we had a wonderful time puttering around the High Sierra mountains.

We watched the sunset colours transform on Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs before going down to 6300ft (1,920m) for dinner.



High Sierra Tioga Pass Watercolour Painting | Whims And Fancies



The wind was howling around our tent on the penultimate night.  When I stepped out of the tent for an early morning bathroom break, the sun was still behind the mountains, spreading a warm glow.  The campground was still asleep in the warm tents on that cold, windy morning.  I reached for the camera, then decided to capture the moment only with every fibre of my being instead.

I was feeling too sick to paint en plein air, so I made a quick sketch of the campground to paint later.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Clouds rolled in during the last day.  Low humidity joined high winds, turning it into a red alert day.  That meant it was too dangerous to light a campfire.

I was still not doing any better, so my dear husband talked me into getting a hotel room for our last night there.  We broke camp slowly during the day and spent the rest of the late afternoon revisiting a few places for photography.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



We stopped one last time at Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs.  Sunlight was fading fast that day due to the clouds.  The mountains unexpectedly turned deep red for a very short time before turning into a dull evening grey.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Heightened altitude sickness put my body to the test this year.  However, spending beautiful days surrounded by the towering granite mountains and star-studded, cold nights by a campfire was worth every bit of it. 

I was standing alone in the middle of a field on a new moon night for this photo, soaking in the darkness and starlight around me.  I don’t remotely regret going.



High Sierra Tioga Pass | Whims And Fancies



Good thing we got the hotel, because my high fever returned that night and I lost my voice completely. Next day after breakfast I felt a little better.  We walked around Mono Lake before driving home.

High Sierra is such an amazing place. I am happy to be able to share just a few of the photos I took there with you.


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them.




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