Wandering Camera – Magician’s Bookshelf

Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


Hi Everyone!  Welcome to Wandering Camera.  I am really excited to share photos of this painted bookshelf with you this month.  I love the romantics of magic and decided to embark on a journey of painting a magic alphabet series.  I chose B for bookshelf. Specifically, a magician’s bookshelf.   I love to and tend to do a lot of research for my work.   I had a fantastic time looking into alchemy and magic.




York Cathedral | Whims And Fancies


York Cathedral, England, 2016



I looked into my vault of travel photos for stonework depicting vines and leaves.



St. Clement's Church, Isle Of Harris, Scotland | Whims And Fancies


St. Clement’s Church, Scotland, 2018


Nothing says magic to me more than stone.  These are two of the photos I used for reference.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



Before I started inking the drawing, I practised on a separate piece of paper with a dip pen.  Unfortunately, the rough surface of the cold press paper that I used kept catching the pen too much, causing very uneven lines instead of the smooth and controlled lines that I wanted.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



I switched to a very small brush which glided easily on the paper.  I was able to create controlled and tiny strokes for the cross hatching using waterproof Speedball Super Black india ink.

However, inks are very harsh on brushes.  I learned that the hard way after almost destroying the first one.  Brushes need to be cleaned quite often with a good brush soap.  Also, instead of my gentle watercolour brushes, I will be using a little stiffer acrylic ones for inking.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



It took me awhile to draw those tiny cross hatch marks.  It was quite meditative.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



Then, early December, I started painting.  I wanted the stone bookshelf to be illuminated by candlelight.  Using warm yellows and warm browns, gently and slowly, I finished painting the bookshelf.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


I thought of painting all the books in one colour, but that seemed very boring.   Magic should be exciting!  So I decided to match the colours of the books with their titles.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



I would love to paint this bookshelf larger one day and add more details to the book spines.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



The ancient and wise raven watches over both the books and the magician.  Even though she is candlelit,  she also glows from within.





Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


Quoting my friend Dixie – a bibliotheque filled with books on practical magic, spells, and alchemy.  I would so love to take a peek at these books.  If only I too was made of ink and paper!




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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Wandering Camera – Muir Woods

Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



This Wandering Camera started with an innocuous conversation that turned into a morning excursion.  A few weeks back, my husband and I went to get haircuts during a cold and wet morning.  The lady who cuts my hair is usually very quiet.  However, the weather outside got us talking about Muir Woods.  She had visited Muir Woods recently after a rainstorm and loved how the forest transformed into a wet and misty place.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



I am one of those few people who love winter.  When we lived in southern California, we used to come up to San Francisco during the winter months to enjoy the crisp and cold, wet and windy weather, often visiting Muir Woods as well.  Sadly, even though we live so much closer to it now, we haven’t gone there once since we moved up here to northern California.  After having that chat with her though, it was inevitable that we visit.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



I would have loved to photograph the forest after the rain, but I happily settled for an early morning cloud layer before the sun broke through it.  Muir Woods is about a 70-mile drive from our place.  So, to get an early start, we woke up while it was still dark outside.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



The place was exactly as we remembered it.  I even recognised a couple of the mighty coastal redwood trees by the markings on their trunks from our visits all those years ago.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



Even though the redwoods dominate this landscape, we saw many other plants growing in the forest under the shade of the tall trees.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



After a couple of hours, the sun was high enough to come through the forest foliage.  Only a few rays could penetrate the thick canopy of leaves high above us.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



I love how dramatic the fall leaves look against the dark background of the redwood trees.



Muir Woods | Whims And Fancies



As the sun continued to rise, some of the early morning magic started to dissipate, so we decided to head back.



Downpour Rain Painting | Whims And Fancies

Downpour – a marker and colour-pencils drawing


Although we didn’t get to walk in the rain, it was still wonderful to visit the forest.  We had a fabulous downpour last week and it is continuing into this week.  Both my husband and I love to walk in rain and snow, they make us ecstatically happy.  We will be revisiting Muir Woods very soon, this time hopefully wearing our wet-weather clothing.


I will be going into my winter hiatus soon to enjoy my favourite season, so there won’t be a Wandering Camera next month.  We will resume again in January.


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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