A Flurry Of Blankets

Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



A few months ago, I reorganised my atelier a little bit, shifting my sewing and painting supplies around.  During that time, I found a large cut of fleece I had purchased a very long time ago to make a blanket with for when we go camping.  That started a flurry of blanket-making, ending with a total of four – two for us humans and two for the furry ones.  I even knitted one of them.



Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



All the fleece blankets I made are double-layered.  I love cold-weather camping in the High Sierras.  Even with 0F-rated sleeping bags, a little extra warmth is very nice to have during the chilly nights.  This is going to be our camping blanket.  That is, of course, not going to stop me from using it at home dreaming of the camping days.



Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



The second blanket I made was a present for my husband for his birthday.  It’s a Marauder’s Map fleece print I found at JoAnn.  I purchased 3 yards of the fleece, and for the backing I got 3 yards of the snowflakes print.  I used 2.5 yards of each for the blanket. 



Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



Unplanned, it fits the day bed in his home office perfectly.





I kept the remnant of the Marauder’s Map fleece for another project.  With the remnant of the snowflake fleece I made a little blanket for the kitties.  As I was attempting to take a photo of it, Charlie showed up and claimed his blanket and I was unable to move him.



Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies

Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies


Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



For the fleece blankets – after rounding off the corners with an old CD, I stitched all around the blanket with 1/4″ seam allowance, keeping a large a gap on one side to turn it over.  I clipped the corners, offsetting the top and the bottom pieces.  I think the corners lie a little flatter that way.  I was too lazy to take the serger out.  After turning the blanket, I used a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine to stitch around the edges to give it a nice finish.



Tutorial for Fleece And Knitted Blankets | Whims And Fancies



I also made a knitted blanket specially for Charlie.  He loves to sleep on my yellow pullover.  I used the same bulky gauge yarn I used to knit my pullover for his blanket.  I think, it’s a great alternate pattern to the stockinette stitch. 

You will need to cast on (multiples of 4) + 3 stitches.  Alternate these two rows –

Repeat to the last 3 stitches – knit 3, slip 1 with yarn in front.   Knit the last 3 stitches.

Knit 1. Repeat to the last 2 stitches – slip 1 with yarn in front, knit 3.  The last two stitches – slip 1 with yarn in front, knit 1.


These are all very easy to make whether you knit or sew, or do both.


Until next time,


I am joining monthly linky parties hosted by Archie The Wonder DogMeadow Mist Designs, and Rainbow Hare.

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Wandering Camera – Music

Violin | Whims And Fancies




Today’s planned Wandering Camera would have required rummaging through photos.  I am under the weather, and not feeling like sitting at the computer much.  I have been playing music quite a bit to while away the sick days.  So, here’s a little peek into my musical world.

This is my old girl.  She was quite scratched up when I got her.  A luthier spruced her up and updated her with new rosewood accessories for me, even customised her a little for my smaller hands.  My violin and I have wonderful times playing together.




Violin In Colour Pencil | Whims And Fancies



Violin is the first musical instrument I learned to play and it will always be my first love.  I made this card using wax colour pencils and turpentine.  I can foresee an enlarged oil painting in my future.



Cello Watercolour Sketch | Whims And Fancies



This was a quick sketch of a cello.  I was too eager to try out a new set of watercolour paints I got at the time as a gift, so I didn’t care to draw it very correctly.  It’s a quick sketch at best, but serves as a reminder to be playful. 



Electric Guitar | Whims And Fancies



A few years back, when I was living in Los Angeles, I visited a music store in Hollywood.  It had a good selection of used instruments.  I got a beautiful Fender guitar to play with.  I love the haunting sound of it.



Musical Instruments Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



These are the musical instruments quilt patterns I have created so far.  I have gotten requests for a few more.  They are definitely in the works.



Musical Instruments Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This is Supermassive Black Hole.  I named it after one of my favourite songs by Muse.



Piano And My Cat | Whims And Fancies



I play music for myself, but occasionally I have a listener silently sitting by me while I play the piano.  It’s very everyday, but exceptionally special for me.


I hope you liked the photographic journey of today’s Wandering Camera.  I will reply to your comments and visit you back as soon as I start feeling better.


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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