My Little Atelier

Sewing Room

This Saturday it will be a whole year since we moved to our new place in Napa.  Before that we lived in a loft apartment where my workplace was divided into two rooms.  I did my office work and design work at the computer in the loft and my artsy work at the corner of the big living room where I had a second desk and a cabinet.  When we were looking into buying a house, my husband insisted that I have a room that I can call my own.  I thought it would be nice to celebrate that occasion with a tour of my “Little Atelier”, which is what he calls this room.

I painted the room a cool blue-gray colour that was inspired by my favourite season – Winter.  This is my sewing desk.  The sewing supplies are stored in a lovely fabric basket sent by Cheryl.  She also sent me the cathedral window pincushion that is resting against the fabric basket.  My most favourite wall hanging – “My Best Enemy” – is on the main wall and my little acrylic painted crest is on the wall to the left of the window.  I saved a small branch while trimming a tree in our backyard last weekend, the crest is hanging from that now.

I love the night sky and that takes centre stage in this area.  There’s a HUGE Map Of The Universe poster on the wall.  On the desk there’s a Lego space shuttle and a Mars hug-a-planet ball.  Keeping with the theme, a little bit of Doctor Who also sneaked into this area of the room.   A blueprint of the sonic screwdriver of the tenth Doctor is on the wall and a Tardis clock sits on my desk.

Sewing Room

A wider view of that corner

The sewing desk is actually an old dining table.  I love the large size of it.  I have some computer hardware programming items under that desk as well.   My violin and a mandolin are behind that desk, right by the floor lamp.

I have a large kitty bed on my computer desk for my beloved orange kitty who joins me every morning within ten minutes of my walking into the room.

Sewing Room

This is the “Shelf Around The Corner”, very much like the Shop Around The Corner.   It is more of a shelf of whimsical curios than anything else.  A lot of the things on this shelf were gifts, while some of them I collected during our travels.  Along with my computer programming and cosmology books,  I also keep a few of my favourite story books here, some of which are signed.  A new addition to this corner is the “Will Work For Books” magnet on the lamp.  My first-ever job was at a bookstore, so recently my husband got the magnet for me as a nod to that.

Aside from a variety of Florentine and other types of stationary papers, there are a multitude of other things on that shelf:  A couple of Venusian glass pens,  a little replica of a standing stone from Orkney, bejeweled spiders, a tiny little violin, some tiny chemistry flasks and beakers, just to name a few.  Tintin and Captain Haddock have been my best friends since I was a child, so I had to keep a Tintin pencil sharpener there too.  I have to work hard not to clutter this shelf up too much!!

Sewing Room

Right beside the shelf is my guitar and its amp.  I catalog my books, so new books always end up in that Fair Isle star fabric basket before they go on the shelf.  The serger, a few more books, rocks, mineral collections, etc. are stored in the closet.  The drawers at the bottom are perfect for storing my knitting supplies.  My pretty Doctor Who stitch markers and the Tardis wallet made by Caroline are also in one of those drawers.  The ironing table hangs behind the door.  My husband changed out the drawer pulls and the closet handles for nicer ones after I finished painting the room.

Sewing Room

These are the cabinets on the other side of the door.  Between the two cabinets are a few Lego sets, painting canvases and my other violin.  The cabinet on the left is my fabric cabinet, that’s all the fabric I own.  It is organised by projects and type of fabric.  There’s only one exception –  Amanda sent me a huge stash of novelty fabric from her own stash.  They are so much fun to look at that I left them at the top of one of the stacks.  This way I can see them and smile every time I open the cabinet.

The other shelf with the half doors is right by the sewing desk.  Inside the closed doors you will find yarn and sewing supplies.  I sometimes have Charlie joining me here, that cushion is for him to sleep on.  On the wall are two of my watercolour paintings – Northsea coast and a stone bridge on the isle of Mull.

Sewing Room

I love the painting supplies on this shelf.  When I walk into this room every morning, they are lit up by the soft morning light.   I love to play with large Lego sets and I usually sort the pieces before I start building.  That’s what’s stored on the second shelf along with a Lego biplane and the yellow pincushion from Kris.  The two boxes on the top shelf contain a few more quilting supplies.  On that shelf I also have a few prints acquired during our travels.  I need to frame those.  Hanging from the knobs is a little house sent to me by my dear friend Sil from Brasil.

It is not a large room, but many things happen here  – work, play, music, photography, painting, drawing, and sewing.  This room has to fit it all, and it is very much organised with that in mind.  With that said, I also made room for the little things that make me happy.

Happy Crafting!

18 thoughts on “My Little Atelier

  • Alyce {Blossom Heart Quilts} February 9, 2016 at 19:19

    OMG that geeky corner!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  • Paula Budinger February 9, 2016 at 18:59

    You have such a wonderfully personal room that speaks of everything you love. Of course the kitty takes center stage. Enjoy yourself there.

  • Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter February 9, 2016 at 11:55

    Thank you so much for letting us into your beautiful room! So much love and artistry there. I’m a huge Doctor Who fan and I love astronomy, so I was particularly drawn to those elements.

  • Snow Wildsmith February 5, 2015 at 09:55

    Nerdy librarian question: what program do you use to catalog your books? Also, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who catalogs my home library! :-)

  • Connie Campbell January 28, 2015 at 21:44

    Thank you for sharing your space, it is beautiful!

  • Megan: Sew Stitching Cute January 28, 2015 at 13:35

    This is a great space! I love being able to have a room all to yourself, the “woman cave” if you will! That wall color is glorious! Thanks for sharing your space! I always love seeing the way others craft!

  • Amanda Kattner January 25, 2015 at 19:42

    Love the tour! How sweet that you have a cat bed on your desk! Spoiled! Love the music/quilt stand too. Thanks for sharing your space with us. :)

  • Cheryl January 25, 2015 at 07:31

    What a beautiful and well organized space, perfect to create in!

  • Janine January 24, 2015 at 08:24

    Happy crafting, Soma. I very much enjoyed seeing your “Little Atelier”. You have a fascinating collection of items and it is very organised. I love the diversity of your interests and it’s nice to see they all have a place to be displayed and inspire you :)

  • Sheesh January 23, 2015 at 17:31

    I envy you your organization but my clutter habits and love of every fabric I see would get as messy or cluttered as I am. When my son (43) was home in October for a quick visit, he was doing some reminiscing through storage areas and found about 30 pounds or 10 gallons of Legos that he and his younger brother played with. He asked us to send them to his home in Georgia (from our home in NY) for Christmas for his 11 year old daughter. They have been enjoying it immensely. He was even able to find instructions for those old sets. His other daughter continues to excel in her music as a bassoonist ( as a HS Jr.). She will be principal bassoon for the fourth year in orchestra at All State and 3rd chair in band all state. I can’t be prouder of my granddaughters. So, I love your room and couldn’t help but write about your Legos and about ours. Sharon.

  • Gai Butler January 23, 2015 at 00:19

    What a wonderful work/play space that can so well accommodate your varied talents. I also spy a little foot rest under your desk, just like the one I have under mine. Am looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations emerge from this space.

  • Jan January 22, 2015 at 18:56

    Beautiful space! Can you please tell us how you are able to keep organized. I’ve been moving things around, getting rid of things I know longer need. The minute I get it together & start a project I have a big mess & everything is disorganized again. Is there any advice for a well organized craft room or do I have a missing gene?

  • Jeneta@PlumJam January 22, 2015 at 17:08

    Wow – you are so organised. And so talented!! I love your space; no wonder you are able to be so creative. I am inspired to tidy and reorganise my own space.

  • silvana January 22, 2015 at 15:14

    Ohh! How sweetie and comfy is your atelie!!!!!!!! I can imagine how many masterpieces will born in this lovely space!!!!! And I am touched to see that simple little pincushion/ornament house, that I made especially for you, will be near by you when you will sew and draw!! Thank you so much, dear Soma, for sharing a little bit of your life with us! It makes our friendship more real than virtual!! xxoo

  • Kathleen January 22, 2015 at 14:45

    What a nicely organized space you have Soma! And very well lit with natural light too. I see kitty taking full advantage of it.
    Thanks for the guided tour :o)

  • BillieBee January 22, 2015 at 13:29

    What a wonderful room. The best part of course is the kitty….grin.

  • krislovesfabric January 22, 2015 at 12:33

    What a beautiful, calm and neat looking room to work in :) Congrats on your year anniversary of your move. Love how you’ve incorporated so many of your interests into your space! I have to chuckle when you mention clutter though…my, but I should invite you into mine so that you can see that true definition!! But, “gasp” where is your sewing machine??

  • Susan January 22, 2015 at 10:19

    Very nice room. I was drawn to the music notes on your desk and the music theme quilt hanging on the music stand. I was curious how you attached it. I am also curious as to what piece of Bach’s is on the music stand. I can’t enlarge the picture to get a better look.

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