Wandering Camera – Magician’s Bookshelf

Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


Hi Everyone!  Welcome to Wandering Camera.  I am really excited to share photos of this painted bookshelf with you this month.  I love the romantics of magic and decided to embark on a journey of painting a magic alphabet series.  I chose B for bookshelf. Specifically, a magician’s bookshelf.   I love to and tend to do a lot of research for my work.   I had a fantastic time looking into alchemy and magic.




York Cathedral | Whims And Fancies


York Cathedral, England, 2016



I looked into my vault of travel photos for stonework depicting vines and leaves.



St. Clement's Church, Isle Of Harris, Scotland | Whims And Fancies


St. Clement’s Church, Scotland, 2018


Nothing says magic to me more than stone.  These are two of the photos I used for reference.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



Before I started inking the drawing, I practised on a separate piece of paper with a dip pen.  Unfortunately, the rough surface of the cold press paper that I used kept catching the pen too much, causing very uneven lines instead of the smooth and controlled lines that I wanted.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



I switched to a very small brush which glided easily on the paper.  I was able to create controlled and tiny strokes for the cross hatching using waterproof Speedball Super Black india ink.

However, inks are very harsh on brushes.  I learned that the hard way after almost destroying the first one.  Brushes need to be cleaned quite often with a good brush soap.  Also, instead of my gentle watercolour brushes, I will be using a little stiffer acrylic ones for inking.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



It took me awhile to draw those tiny cross hatch marks.  It was quite meditative.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



Then, early December, I started painting.  I wanted the stone bookshelf to be illuminated by candlelight.  Using warm yellows and warm browns, gently and slowly, I finished painting the bookshelf.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


I thought of painting all the books in one colour, but that seemed very boring.   Magic should be exciting!  So I decided to match the colours of the books with their titles.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



I would love to paint this bookshelf larger one day and add more details to the book spines.



Magician's Bookshelf Painting | Whims And Fancies



The ancient and wise raven watches over both the books and the magician.  Even though she is candlelit,  she also glows from within.





Purchase Magician’s Bookshelf


Quoting my friend Dixie – a bibliotheque filled with books on practical magic, spells, and alchemy.  I would so love to take a peek at these books.  If only I too was made of ink and paper!




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 



37 thoughts on “Wandering Camera – Magician’s Bookshelf

  • nessjibberjabberuk February 9, 2019 at 09:12

    I love this so much! The detail in it is wonderful and your research is fabulous.

  • betty - NZ February 7, 2019 at 15:51

    What a fabulous finished work! Wow! Thanks for linking up to My Corner of the World!

  • Angie February 6, 2019 at 16:27

    Soma – it is so interesting to me how the vines around the edge seem to be three-dimensional – a testimony to your talent! I remember seeing this at the start, and I love seeing the finished product! I am glad to be linking up to Wandering Camera again!

  • diane February 6, 2019 at 14:14

    Wow what wonderful pictures thanks for sharing them

    Hugs Diane

  • Connie K Campbell February 6, 2019 at 11:16

    You are so talented, I always enjoy seeing your work!

  • Susan Mann February 6, 2019 at 08:37

    Oh I truly love this. Would you sell a copy of this print? I’d love to have it up on my wall. You are very talented. x #sundaysnap

  • Su-sieee! Mac February 5, 2019 at 18:26

    At first glance, I thought it was a photo of a tile or some kind of wall art with embossed leather for the sides. You have wonderfully steady hands to make precise lines with a brush. So cool. Thanks for describing your process. It adds to the magic of your painting.

  • Kim Sharman February 5, 2019 at 12:16

    Your love of art and the creative shines in your amazing bookshelf and books, Soma. You intuit magic! So happy you choose to paint the books in luminous colour…they glow.As for your bookshelf…just wow! A most amazing painting!

  • Out On The Prairie February 5, 2019 at 09:46

    Like seeing the progression and thoughts behind the development. You created a wonderful image.

  • Bonnie in Va February 5, 2019 at 06:05

    What a great insight into your process. The end result is wonderful. I particularly like that you research before you begin. I have taken many photos because I thought they might inspire quilt ideas. You’ve done a great job illuminating your thought process. Hum I must think about how I can better use my photos for a creative spark. Thanks

  • Sue February 5, 2019 at 00:38

    Oh my goodness! Your work is AMAZING! Reading your blog has really set my day off to a good start! Thank you x

  • Muv aka Lizzie Lenard February 4, 2019 at 15:11

    Hello Soma,
    Lovely artwork -the carving in the Scottish church is fascinating, you couldn’t help but be inspired by it!
    Why have I never linked up before? Well here goes with three wintry photos…
    Love, Muv

  • Jayne February 4, 2019 at 06:08

    You lady…are so talented! What a beautiful painting! I’d say magic made it to the paper with flying colors!

  • Nicola Dodd February 3, 2019 at 03:45

    Gosh, that really is wonderful. Thank you for sharing each of the stages of this piece, I always find that so fascinating :-)

  • Mary @ Over40andamumtoone February 3, 2019 at 01:24

    You’re very talented #sundaysnap

  • Kara February 3, 2019 at 00:57

    Love your work – just beautiful

  • Archie The Wonder Dog February 2, 2019 at 10:01

    This is absolutely stunning – wow, what a talent you have!! Thank you for linking up to the January furtle! *waves pompoms*

  • Tracey February 1, 2019 at 23:45

    I think the dimples within the paper adds to the adventure of this piece. A beautiful study that i’m so glad you shared with us all.
    Happy PPF Tracey.

  • Sue February 1, 2019 at 22:15

    Quite magical and all that detailed work – marvellous. Happy PPF :D)

  • Mary February 1, 2019 at 20:40

    The derails and thoughts you put into this piece are incredible. I enjoyed reading about the use of inks with your brushes. It will be hard to top this one.

  • BrownPaperBunny February 1, 2019 at 16:37

    I absolutely love it, all the elements really jump off the page…one might say magically. ;) Happy PPF!

  • Christine February 1, 2019 at 12:53

    your work is gorgeous

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare February 1, 2019 at 12:21

    You made me smile wishing to be paper and ink, I would wish the bookcase was real! This is a beautiful picture. You’ve got a wonderful effect of the shining light on textured surfaces and the whole thing really does feel magical :)

  • Beth February 1, 2019 at 11:10

    How beautiful! I loved seeing your painting progress!

  • Linda Kunsman February 1, 2019 at 09:58

    this is just so beautiful, and all your time and attention to all the details shows! happy PPF!

  • Dixie February 1, 2019 at 09:29

    O my! Before my eyes I see magic.
    You chose such lovely colours for your bibliotheque. Fabulous finish, Soma!
    Wonderful new logo too.

  • Tammie February 1, 2019 at 07:21

    Such a wonderful magical piece. I enjoyed your post of photos for inspiration and listening to how you found your way with inks and brushes, and what worked and did not. I also enjoyed the details shots that show how much meditative love went into this.

  • Janet February 1, 2019 at 06:14

    I love the look of it. . wondering if a sea sponge (the kind that is found in Tarpon Springs FL) might help with the stone issue. Blessings, Janet

  • Kokopelli Design February 1, 2019 at 01:14

    So beautiful! I’d love to read the books, too.

  • DecorCraftDesign February 1, 2019 at 00:41

    Wow! Beautiful and fantastic drawing and coloring!

  • Kim January 31, 2019 at 21:54

    Soma, what a stunning image! I love the candle light bringing out details in the stone. Wouldn’t it be marvellous to be able step inside, look through the books, then settle comfortably just outside the image to read.

  • Andree G Faubert January 31, 2019 at 18:32

    Hi Soma, your bibliothèque of magic is amazing. I love the way that you captured the light. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration and your process. I would also love to jump right in and start reading :-)

  • Junieper/Jesh StG January 31, 2019 at 12:48

    Whoa – super detailed! That must have taken some time to finish, but it’s worth the effect, Soma! Super cute and making an indelible expression:) Hope you are dong well and by the way, I miss “seeing” you at All Seasons. Hope to see you back there soon:)

  • Nancy January 31, 2019 at 09:58

    Wow! Outstanding painting! And all the time and research put into it. Very impressive! Thanks for sharing.

  • Sandra Walker January 31, 2019 at 08:14

    Oh what Dixie said! I was thinking that this painting is probably my favourite to date of yours, and how I want to go into it… and how you’ve captured the glow…I can FEEL this painting, almost smell the air in the bibliothèque, the scent of those books, feel their what’s the name parchment (thank you, my brain) under my gentle fingers…sense the expectancy in the air…I love magic, as you know! The detail here is exquisite, as you can gather from my words. Bravo!

  • Masha January 31, 2019 at 03:08

    Oh wow, it looks phantastic! Well done. wanna take a book from it and read…
    I’m not a magician, bur I have a lot of books too.
    Greetings from Germany :)

  • Lady Fi January 31, 2019 at 01:18

    Wow – fabulous painting! That bookshelf is pure magic!

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