Little Stories – July Days

Violin by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @

As August is trundling along,  I took a look back at July.   With all the time spent at home, I piled up my days even more than usual with music and Japanese studies.  This is my July along with a few more black and white everyday photos, and my finished quilt block.



Simple 365 – Set 12


Here is another set of everyday Simple365 photos.   A few years ago,  I took one b&w photo of simple little things around me for a year.   I have been sharing those photos here every now and then.

Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos.



I created a page with all the previously shared photos from Simple365.  I continue to add photos to that page as I share them here.  That way I can relive the journey through the year via black and white photos, like in an old photo album.




Let There Be Dragons by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



I was trying out a couple of old glass pens with homemade black walnut ink.  The slanted light coming through the window often casts wonderful shadows.  I liked the two little light spots under the glass nibs in this photo.




Muir Woods by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



This is only outing I had in July.  We got up around 5:30AM and drove an hour to avoid the hot day.  Usually I set my route beforehand, but this time I decided to explore a bit more.  Of course, I did have a map and compass with me.  It would not be prudent to get lost in that heat in an area without cell coverage.   We walked around 7 miles without any incident and then I fell…hard! Just before reaching the car.

The resulting backache took me out of commission for a while.   That is the reason for my long delay in email replies and blog revisits.




Violin by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @

Get Musical Instruments Quilt Patterns


Playing music calms my mind and helps me focus.  This old girl has been neglected for the last four years.   “She” is now around 100 years old.  I love all the marks showing its age.  Nobody wanted it because it was not new and shiny.  The luthier repaired it for me, and it was mine.




Violin by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



In July I took it out, tuned it, and started to bring the sweet sound back again by playing a little everyday.  As the wood resonates, the violin sounds nicer with every passing day.  I am also a bit rusty, so we are both waking up together.  I took these two photos the day I took it out of its slumber.




Tavish the cat in a violin case by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



Shortly after I took it out, Tavish climbed into the case…




Tavish the cat in a violin case by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



…and fell asleep.  Violin is an extremely loud instrument.  I have no idea how he was sleeping comfortably in there!




Piano Studies by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @

Get Musical Instruments Quilt Patterns


Even though I learned to play music on the violin, I have been playing the piano a lot more lately.  I learn music fairly slowly; I let the melody develop as I play.  It makes for slower learning, but I like it that way.  Currently I am working through Mozart’s K. 545 Piano Sonata No. 16 in C Major, II Andante.  I find it to be such a gentle, happy piece.

Here is a recording of the piece – K. 545 Piano Sonata No. 16 in C Major, II Andante




Genki Japanese by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



Additionally, I have upped my Japanese studies.  My goal is to be completely proficient at it with reading and writing, and hopefully able to do translations one day.




Harmony Star quilt pattern by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @



I also finished this little star for my kitty quilt.  I will share more about the fabric choices with photos when I share the finished quilt here.




Blaze - The Girl and Her Cat drawing by Soma Acharya InkTorrents Graphics @


I will wrap up with a drawing of The Girl and Her Cat from my sketchbook.   By now, my cabin fever has not only moved in, but has settled in quite well for me.  That’s probably what reflects in this drawing.


I wish you a lovely rest of August.  I will see you all in September.



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please consider paying a visit to some of them.


47 thoughts on “Little Stories – July Days

  • Lillian September 7, 2024 at 13:38

    I love the black and white photos

  • Dixie September 6, 2024 at 19:01

    Wonderful black and white images, Soma.
    Love the quilt block, and the girl and her cat drawing.
    Tavish looks so beautiful and relaxed.
    Best Wishes to you.

  • Janine @ rainbow Hare September 5, 2024 at 14:34

    I’m amazed and very impressed that you are learning Japanese. It looks/sounds very difficult to me. I enjoyed seeing your photos and your beautiful old violin and I will look forwards to your kitty quilt. I hope your back is better now :)

  • Jennifer @ Inquiring Quilter September 5, 2024 at 06:16

    Your black and white photos are gorgeous! Curious about your kitty quilt and can’t wait to see it. Sorry about your fall–hope you are better now. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  • Comedy Plus September 4, 2024 at 08:17

    All so beautiful, but the kitty is my favorite of all the shots. You made me smile.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. ♥

  • divya September 3, 2024 at 16:58

    A violin case sure is a cozy place for a kitty. :)

    Another lovely collection of photos, Soma.
    Looks like it was a beautiful July :)

    Lovely redwood forest! <3 Reading about your hike, I was reminded of the time we lost inside Butano SP, the year before last. :D

    Happy September, Soma.

  • Heidrun ⛱ September 3, 2024 at 07:07

    I’m interested in Japan too. Learning this language is difficult, I believe.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Brenda @ Songbird Designs September 1, 2024 at 12:36

    So awesome you are learning Japanese, Soma! Your star quilt block is great and the photos of the violin are awesome, as well as all the black and white photos. I love the one with the cat in the case! LOL I agree believe the marks on an instrument show exactly how much it was loved and played! I can tell yours is well loved. Wouldn’t you love to know the story behind each of those marks? I hope you are all healed up and have a great September. Falls are no fun. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings! Have a great week.

  • RachelSwirl August 31, 2024 at 12:05

    I love the black and white montage, I love how you’ve captured and light and shade in these snapshots. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with #MySundaySnapshot.

  • Gwyned Trefethen August 31, 2024 at 10:31

    So many passions and studies. I’m impressed by your skill in each.

  • Alison Hall August 31, 2024 at 01:14

    A wonderful post, lovely black and white photos.
    I always wanted to learn to play a piano, and tried it at school but it didn’t work out. I love the photo of Tavish in the violin case.
    Sorry to hear about your fall, hope you’re all healed now Soma. Wishing you a happy September.
    Alison x

  • Sarah MumofThree World August 30, 2024 at 23:08

    It sounds like you’ve had a busy month. Good luck with the violin and your Japanese studies.
    So sorry to hear about your fall. Hope you are all recovered now.

  • Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs August 30, 2024 at 08:40

    Beautiful captures! I hope you are recovering well from your fall, backache is the worst!
    I love all of these creative outlets you have! So very talented.
    I hope September brings you lots of happiness too! x :)

  • Pam August 30, 2024 at 04:29

    These images are so beautiful. Absolutely so. I love your violin. I played when I was very young and wish I had kept mine. It was cracked but special. Lovely post.

  • Debbie August 29, 2024 at 13:00

    these are really lovely images. i have always enjoyed the simplicity of black and white, they have such a nostalgic feel to them!!

    1. Debbie September 7, 2024 at 08:35

      today, i focused more on the color images of the instrument and all of its fabulous detains!!

  • Julie August 28, 2024 at 22:21

    How many years have you been learning Japanese? As I always say, language learning is a lifelong journey. Even as an American, I am always learning new words in English and learning new ways to wordsmith them :-).

  • Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting August 28, 2024 at 11:50

    Fun variety of activities in your post! Is that Calaveras Big Trees? Sorry about the last minute fall. Love that you’re learning Japanese! I wish I had someone to speak it with near me.

  • Traude "Rostrose" August 28, 2024 at 08:44

    Your violin is much more beautiful than new, shiny models! And cats really ALWAYS climb into “boxes” of all kinds Tavish is such a beauty
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  • Mary August 27, 2024 at 15:40

    I’m so sorry that you took a tumble. I’m glad that nothing was broken in the process, but I’m sure you were pretty uncomfortable for awhile, if not still! The violin is gorgeous, but the photo of Tavish inside the case is priceless. That’s such a great photo. Love the quilt block too, Soma. Is that tree photo with the sunlight coming in your view from your window? That is beautiful. After you master the language you are going to have to take a vacation!!!

  • Veronica Lee August 26, 2024 at 21:41

    I enjoyed reading your July days!
    Your black and white photos are beautiful, Soma.
    Tavish’s cozy nap in the violin case is just adorable!

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful snippets of your life and inspiring us to find joy in the little things.

  • Ruth August 26, 2024 at 18:44

    I love your black and white photos. There is something very special about them, they’re timeless and captivating. I hope you recovered from your sore back. Wishing you a pain-free and happy September!

  • Kim Carberry August 26, 2024 at 11:02

    I love your Simple 365 photos, they are beautiful even the every day things like pegs look so different in black and white.
    Oh no! I hope your back is feeling better now.

  • Carol August 26, 2024 at 08:50

    I didn’t know you play the violin. You are so gifted in many areas. Love your kitty in the violin case.

  • Natalie August 25, 2024 at 16:13

    I hope you are feeling better and have recovered from your fall. It’s great that you have multiple creative pursuits. Thank you for sharing your news and beautiful photos with us at #weekendcoffeeshare.

  • Michelle August 25, 2024 at 05:31

    The photo with Tavish in the violin case is classic cat, and gave me a giggle. You’ve been doing lovely with things with your music, photography, art, and Japanese studies.

  • Connie Griffin August 24, 2024 at 19:10

    Love your black and white photos,
    Wow I am impressed that you walked 7 miles, I am not in that good of shape anymore with my arthritis in my knees, but it looks like a lovely place to hike. So sorry you took such a bad fall though but so lucky you were close to the car and not miles away.
    How wonderful to play two instruments. I only played piano when I was younger, haven’t done it in over 30 years, not sure if I could even play anymore.
    Isn’t it just like a cat to find an open spot and decide it would make a nice bed :). Our cats are the same way.
    Good luck with your studies, that is a big thing to take on for sure.
    Love the cute image in your quilt and the pretty colors to make up the star!

  • A ShutterBug Explores August 24, 2024 at 08:30

    Always wonderful photography and art creations ~ and love the sweet kitty photos ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  • Lavender Dreams August 24, 2024 at 06:12

    I’m so sorry you fell and it set you back from outdoor activities. You sure use your time wisely when you are at home. I should practice the piano some this week. You’ve inspired me! Hugs, Diane

  • Anne Fraser August 24, 2024 at 03:02

    I love the drawing of the girl and the cat. It is so peaceful. I also admire anyone who can learn Japanese.

  • Eileen August 24, 2024 at 02:59

    Beautiful images and sketches Soma! I love the forest photo, is it the Redwoods? The violin is lovely! Your kitty laying in the violin case is a cutie.
    Sorry about your fall, I hope your back is feeling better! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  • Louise (Fundy Blue) August 23, 2024 at 17:41

    I enjoyed your post a great deal. Your violin is unique, and I love the photo of Tavish asleep in it. Wishing you progress with your Japanese studies.

  • Susan August 23, 2024 at 08:53

    Glad to see you are still playing the violin. I too recently started playing again after a shoulder injury. I love the star in your kitty quilt. One of my cats used to jump up into my empty case when I was practicing. He didn’t fall asleep, he just tried to catch my bow as I was play. All my other cats left the room when I was practicing. :-)

  • Bill August 23, 2024 at 08:23

    You always inspire me with little stories about my past. Would you believe I learnt to play the Violin back when I was in Junior school, I was never very good and it all went out the window when I went to secondary school as there was no one to teach me there.
    I need to do some B&W photos yours come up so well I did win in our local flower show with a color photo took that looks quite nice in B&W I also got a couple of seconds as well. My wide did well with her drawings she entered coming first and second, along with my son who got second with his woodwork I felt we did well this year.
    Funny how cats find such odd places to have a snooze

  • tomthebackroadstraveller August 23, 2024 at 04:50

    …fabulous images, my best to you.

  • Erika N August 23, 2024 at 04:33

    I have my mother’s old violin. I don’t play, and the instrument is in pretty tough shape, but I won’t get rid of it because it is so much my mother. Sorry to hear you had a fall too. Not fun. But it is great to see all your black and white photos. Sometimes black and white is perfect. And I think I saw a Lego space shuttle in there. I like it. :) Have a super weekend and rest of your month. hugs-Erika

  • Joanne August 23, 2024 at 02:57

    Your photos are beautiful! I love all these creative pursuits you have. Sorry to hear you took such a hard fall while hiking. Our last hiking trip to Acadia gave me back pain for nearly a month afterwards– and I’m not even really sure what I did! I hope you’re feeling better now.

  • Gillena Cox August 23, 2024 at 02:34

    What a fantastic post.
    The black and white photos caught my fancy in a special way.
    Luv the cluster of clothes pins.
    Happy Friday. Thanks for linking to AFFF

    much love

  • The Joyful Quilter August 22, 2024 at 18:33

    You are an artist, a quilter, a writer, a photographer, as well as a musician?! I don’t think I knew that about you. I love the fact that you are also a lifelong learner. It’s a great way to keep our minds alert, Soma!

  • jeanie August 22, 2024 at 17:26

    Oh, your violin is so lovely. I’m glad you are playing again. It takes a bit to “join forces” again but when you do the sound is better for you both. I think next year I might take a page from your book and do a 365 project. I love the idea of it — and your photos. Everything about this makes me smile.

  • Lydia C. Lee August 22, 2024 at 14:35

    I thought I commented. how odd. These are lovely and I love the B&W of the violin and cat. Lovely composition #Artdate

  • Lydia C. Lee August 22, 2024 at 14:32

    Gorgeous pics! And yes, et there be dragons! #Artdate

  • Christine August 22, 2024 at 14:16

    Lovely post

  • Debra She Who Seeks August 22, 2024 at 12:39

    That beautiful violin has CHARACTER.

  • Karen August 22, 2024 at 05:58

    I love that you play music and leaning Japanese – that must be one of the harder ones to learn. Love your star and the kitty of course. Sorry you took a tumble and hurt your back that is always painful especially thinking of your hour drive home and how stiff you must have been when you got out of the car.

  • Linda at Texas Quilt Gal August 22, 2024 at 05:10

    I like all your photos, especially the glasses with drinks and the clothespins! I’m sorry to read about your fall and hope you are fully recovered. Tavish is like my kitties – an open case or basket or box is an invitation. How interesting you play the violin, I always imagine it is difficult to coax a nice sound out of it. I started playing a cornet in grade school and had to practice for weeks before a decent note came from it! Your star is beautiful, love the colors and look forward to your quilt. August is “almost” over, stay strong! I cannot wait!

  • Frédérique August 21, 2024 at 23:18

    Your photos are beautiful. And this rainbow star looks good!

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