First-ever Pullover

Caron Simply Soft Yarn Sticks & Stones Pullover

Here it is, my first finished pullover!!   The kitting itself was actually quite easy.  I didn’t want to get into too much shaping with my first pullover project, so I used a very simple pattern for a loose style one.  I had to edit the pattern a lot to make it the correct size though.  Something always crops up, right?!

I think it probably took me about the same amount of time to sew the pieces together as it did to knit the individual pieces.  I was being very fastidious about lining everything up, so I attached and removed the stitches a thousand times I until I was happy with them.  I learned a lot about putting all the pieces together and also about how to weave the loose ends of yarn properly.  Knitting the neck was easiest.

I used Caron Simply Soft Yarn – Sticks and Stones to make it, I love the colour of that yarn.  It softened up beautifully after a nice wash.

My dear husband tried it on as soon as I finished it.  It fits him perfectly and he loves it!!  The smile was so worthwhile that I can’t wait to get started on the next one.  I am definitely packing this one for our yearly camping trip in September.


Happy Knitting!

15 thoughts on “First-ever Pullover

  • Marly July 5, 2014 at 00:29

    Well done; a very successful first!

  • Lorna McMahon July 2, 2014 at 12:06

    What a gorgeous sweater! I can just imagine how happy your husband was to receive this labour of love! I love the colours!!!

  • Laura June 27, 2014 at 20:38

    That’s a great achievement! you must be so pleased!

  • June 27, 2014 at 18:31

    That is all kinds of awesome! You’re husband is a lucky guy :)

  • krislovesfabric June 27, 2014 at 12:31

    Outstanding job, can’t believe it’s a home-knit, wow!! Almost makes you wish for cooler weather…well…almost…I can see why that yarn is a go to, it really suits the stitch…looks great in the main body as well as the ribbing!

  • Janine June 27, 2014 at 11:46

    Well Done! This is fantastic. Everything is so neat and perfect. You are clearly a born knitter! My husband refuses to have a sweater knitted by me after one I made him many years ago, which didn’t exactly fit well :D I’ll look forward to seeing this post linked up to Wool on Sundays this weekend x

  • Jeneta@PlumJam June 26, 2014 at 21:08

    Oh well done! It’s so neat – it looks more like a pullover made by someone who’s knitted a thousand!!

  • Robyn June 26, 2014 at 17:53

    Lovely pullover! Doesn’t look like a first time effort – looks really professional.

  • silvana June 26, 2014 at 17:10

    Looks sooo beautiful and warm, Soma! I’m sure that your hubby loved it!!

  • Maria June 26, 2014 at 15:13

    It looks so warm and snuggly, Soma :-) That yarn colour looks really lovely and I know how soft the Caron yarns are as I have used them too!

  • Kim June 26, 2014 at 14:47

    This is your first pullover…really?? Wow, it looks amazing, very professional indeed!! I’m guessing those knitting needles won’t be idle for long now!! Well done!!

  • Caroline June 26, 2014 at 14:06

    Well done!! I’m so proud of you! It looks so professional like you have been knitting all your life. I guess you are hooked now!!

  • Barb Colvin June 26, 2014 at 13:59

    Well done!! As I was looking at your pic, I was thinking ‘that would be the perfect pattern and color for a guy.’ lol So glad he likes it.

  • Kim June 26, 2014 at 11:07

    Looks brilliant Soma. I flat out refuse to learn to knit, on the theory that a) I don’t have room to store another hobby’s worth of stuff, and b) that it would decrease the amount of time I could spend on a particular project, thereby decreasing even further what I can make in a given time period! Very admiring that you manage so much, so beautifully.

  • Sandra Visser June 26, 2014 at 08:59

    Looks great. Grats on your first.

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