Falling Into Winter

Inktense Fall Leaf Painting | Whims And Fancies



We are surely and steadily heading into winter, but there are still signs of Autumn in my corner of the world.  Fogs enfold the surrounding landscapes during the cold nights, while days are quite often wet.  There are also a lot of golden yellow and ruby-red leaves hanging on to a few trees.  I picked up one of those leaves and it made its way into my sketchbook earlier in the month.

I also got sent photos of a couple of autumnal finishes made from my patterns.  The creators were very kind to give me permission to show them here.



Fall Leaf Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Fall Leaf by Lea

Purchase Fall Maple Leaf Pattern


Autumn Harvest Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Autumn Harvest by Janine



Custom Paper Piecing Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This was a special order pattern.  Melanie sent me a picture of her husband’s racecar and wished to make a quilted wall hanging as a gift for him.  I used that picture to draw up a paper piecing pattern.  This is the finished wall hanging made by her.



Teddy Bear Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Storybook Teddy Bear Pattern


I also got a request from a customer for a 5.0″ teddy bear paper piecing pattern.  She was going to make little Christmas Tree ornaments with the blocks.  Due to the small size, I made a custom simplified pattern for her.  Then I went on to modify it to make a 10.0″ block.  I am hoping to join in the One Monthly Goal for January and finish making this little one.



Lego Harry Potter Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


I am a regular visitor of the Fabric Frenzy Friday linky party hosted by Fort Worth Studio and they have been wonderful to feature my patterns before.  This week they featured my last set of Lego Harry Potter patterns.  I was very happy about that.


Harry Potter Giveaway

Congratulations to spierssusan, the giveaway winner of the Harry Potter linky party!  Since it’s holiday season, I will email the rest of you who linked up your blocks for a little giveaway of my patterns.


I also set up my Lego Village for the holidays.  I usually set it up such that there are many activities involving the minifigs.  A few of my friends asked me to post photos, so here they are –



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


The whole village – I cut the photo into three sections so it would fit here

Below are a few close-up snapshots –



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


A child playing with an astronaut and a robot

Christmas trees and refreshments for sale here as well



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


Snow play area.  A little one got stuck in the snow (red pants and shoes, on the right)



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


Plenty of food and drinks to go around



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


Musicians and carollers



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


Having a go at archery, one can even dress up in a medieval armour, if fancy strikes



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


At the centre they are enacting a scene from a story –

Good wizards are fighting the evil Green Wizard and the Green Witch



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


The Red Princess is there with her army…



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


…and so is the Blue Princess



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


The photographer is there to capture it all.



Lego Winter Village | Whims And Fancies


The little Christmas Tree has plenty of presents


That wraps up my Lego Village of 2016.  I like to think the little minifigs are having a wonderful time.

A few years ago, we decided to forgo buying presents for each other and spend the money on charitable donations instead.  We donate food, books and money to various organisations.



Watercolour lamp painting | Whims And Fancies



Some months ago, I joined Twitter and found #TwitterArtExhibit.  Artists donate their work which is then sold to raise money for a local charity.  This is my painting for the event that will be held in April 2017.  I am very honoured and excited to be able to join this wonderful organisation.  If you paint, draw or create, there is still plenty of time to register and send them a card.


This will by my last post until after the Holidays. I wish you all healthy and happy holidays and a wonderful time!



I am also linking up on Life Thru The Lens, Through My Lens, SeasonsOur World TuesdayWednesday Around The World, Photo Friday, and Friday Photo Journal along with with other linky parties on my Events And Links page.



28 thoughts on “Falling Into Winter

  • Lisa January 24, 2017 at 10:05

    You are so talented Soma, I really enjoy your posts.

  • Debbie H January 4, 2017 at 08:25

    You are a wonderful artist. Love the red leaf.

  • Connie Kresin Campbell January 4, 2017 at 07:57

    Beautiful leaf and patterns Soma! Wow is that a huge and fun Lego Christmas!

  • Patty January 2, 2017 at 05:52

    Thanks for thinking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal. Good luck with your goal! Love that bear

  • Hilary December 27, 2016 at 09:32

    Beautiful projects and I love your Lego village! I just bought the Santa’s Workshop set, and my son and I had a blast setting it up. Thanks so much for sharing at Sew Cute Tuesday!

  • jesh StG December 26, 2016 at 19:05

    Am back (Dec. 26) – wanted to link to your Monthly link up today, because I have a view and painting of Yosemite Nat. Park – When is your link list open? Thanks for letting me know!

  • Susan December 23, 2016 at 14:30

    Great quilts, and love your Lego Christmas village! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers

  • Kate December 22, 2016 at 06:32

    Your Lego village is pretty cool! Have a very Merry Christmas.

  • jesh StG December 22, 2016 at 02:51

    Beautiful leaf pattern! Also love the race car:) It looks you can do about anything with your sewing machine (hope not you’re doing it by hand!)
    Many thanks for sharing the experience of your quilting and your Lego Christmas village with ALL SEASONS! Have a beautiful rest of the week and a Merry Christmas!

  • Lara B. December 21, 2016 at 14:38

    Soma, there is so much here to love! Your paper piecing pattern making skills are just amazing! I love the custom work you do too.
    I see you have a great imagination with your Lego village. We are just about as much into Legos as you are. Your village looks so fun.
    How wonderful that you found a way for your beautiful artistry to raise money for charity.
    I wish you happy and peaceful holidays!

  • Janine December 21, 2016 at 12:54

    This is a beautiful post, Soma. It’s wonderful to see the quilts people make with your designs and I loved seeing around your lego village. I hope you have a wonderful holiday time and get to have a restful break :) xxx

  • Carole @ From My Carolina Home December 19, 2016 at 06:46

    Wonderful leaf mini quilts!! I love those.

  • Kim Sharman December 19, 2016 at 04:56

    I want to come and hang out in your Lego village; what fun it would be. Your patterns are amazing. How wonderful to see people’s finished works of your clever patterns. Your painting is lovely. Have an enjoyable break, Soma.

  • Cheryl December 18, 2016 at 17:53

    Your lego village is amazing! We are lego loving family and have “lego land” behind the couch in our family room with all sorts of planes, buildings, and trucks made from legos.

  • Danice December 18, 2016 at 10:14

    Beautiful quilts and Lego village. Your charitable contributions are awesome, so very self-less and thoughtful Bless you and your famuly. Happy holiday wishes. (I also blog at homespunhannahblog.blogspot.com).

  • Kaja December 18, 2016 at 07:16

    My son just asked why all sites I visit can’t be as interesting as yours! Have a wonderful Christmas break.

  • Carol S. December 17, 2016 at 08:30

    Oh my gosh, Soma, that village is amazing and would be the envy of any child or adult…love it! The leaf is gorgeous!

  • Susan December 16, 2016 at 15:43

    My husband and I have been doing the charitable donations in lieu of presents for about 10 years now. Interesting Lego village. I really like the leaf you painted. It looks real.

  • Wendy @ September Violets December 16, 2016 at 15:30

    We fell a little harder into winter this week with two major snowstorms. It’s been fun to have so much snow on the roads and everyone frantic to get their shopping finished in time. I like your idea of giving charitable donations in lieu of presents to each other. I did that with my daycare kids one year, but it didn’t go over so well. Your lantern painting is beautiful, and it sounds like a good cause. Looks like you had lots of fun creating the Lego village! Love all the little details. And speaking of details, that maple leaf quilt block is gorgeous! Both you as the designer and Lea as the quilter came up with a lovely block.

    All the best to you and your family over the holidays Soma. Enjoy your break from blogging and we’ll see you in the New Year!
    Wendy xox

  • krislovesfabric December 16, 2016 at 07:45

    Happy Holidays to you too Soma!! I thought you were showing us the actual leaf there, very realistic!! I especially love how the stem lifts from the page. Thank you for showing us your village, I will have to share this post with Evan as I am guessing he will enjoy it too :) Is that a kitty playing in the tree? I have to wonder how you keep your kitty cats out of the toys…Miss Kitty Kitty would consider that quite a temptation. Your lamplight painting is a beauty, I hope it is a very successful fundraiser.

  • Mary December 15, 2016 at 21:59

    That Lego village is incredible!!! I want to come play with them. ;-) It is such fun to see your beautiful works. I love the leaf – the color is stunning. The donation gifts are a wonderful idea. I’m sure they will love having your work.

    Have a wonderful Christmas and we will look forward to seeing your new work in 2017.

  • Dixie December 15, 2016 at 21:11

    I love your leaf and postcard. Wonderful lego village, and your quilt designs are lovely.
    My Best Wishes to you Soma for a Happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

  • Kathleen December 15, 2016 at 17:51

    Soma your leaf drawing looks like a real leaf has just fallen on the paper page!

  • Jeneta@PlumJam December 15, 2016 at 15:07

    What a great idea to donate to charity in place of personal gifts. I love your Lego village. Do you change it up every year?

  • Susan Spiers December 15, 2016 at 12:46

    Love your Holiday Lego village! I have so enjoyed your Harry Potter Lego blocks-once things settle down after the Holidays, I’m looking forward to completing the rest!-and I won! Thank you Soma, Susan

  • susie December 15, 2016 at 11:28

    I am so amazed at your creative talents, Soma! Your leaf drawing is so realistic, that I thought it was a dried leaf, mounted on the paper!
    I love seeing your patterns come to life !! And, How fun to peek at your Lego Holiday Village! How do you keep the kitties from playing with/ jumping on top of them? Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year, little Renaissance Lady!!

  • Patty December 15, 2016 at 05:43

    Love all the creative stuff you shared BUT that lego village is spectacular! I want a robot lego to share my desk every day. Have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing more of your creativity in 2017!

  • Ruth December 15, 2016 at 04:19

    Hope you have a wonderful break. I love your lego village and it looks like a really fun place! Your card is gorgeous and I can see it appliequed onto something Doctor Who for some reason!

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