Last Vestiges of Autumn

Quilted Bag Made With Piano Quilt Pattern

Some of you already have the winter storm inviting itself to your home.  I hope the warm colours of the last vestiges of Autumn in this post brings you a little bit of comfort.  It’s always a pleasure for me to share blocks and projects made by others using my quilt patterns.  Quite by chance I came across this stunning quilted music bag made by Gwen.   Not only is her piecing of the piano block beyond perfect, she picked the perfect accompanying fabrics too.  They add a beautiful touch of movement and sophistication to the bag.  The golden-yellow music notes fabric is so tangibly warm.  She made this bag to carry the music for her piano lessons.  I play the piano too and this bag is such an inspiration!  I am in awe!  You can see more photos of this bag on her blog.


Violin Quilt Pattern

Another surprise awaited me when I saw this violin block made by Katrin.   I would have never thought of using those colours for a violin, they make it so bohemian!  It’s gorgeous and I love it!  The colours of the violin are also scattered like confetti in the background fabric of the block.  I play only classical music on the violin, but Katrin’s violin block is making me want to play something risque and new!!


Fall Maple Leaf Quilt Pattern


Fall Maple Leaf Quilt Pattern

I think music and autumn are a match made in heaven.  In my mind I can very easily interweave music and the movement of leaves in the autumn breeze so I was only too happy to show you the beautiful musical instruments along with these leaves made by Kris.  She has been making these spontaneous maple leaves and I love seeing them.  It’s like finding the perfect leaves during a walk and you know you have to bring them back home with you.  Perfect for keeping in the treasure box.  Aren’t they beautiful?!

Over the previous months I have collected quite a few projects from others.  I created a Made By Others page so these projects have a forever home.  Many thanks to all of you for giving me permission to share your work.

Nettle Mitts

These works have inspired me to work on new patterns.  Aside from that and sewing the binding on a queen size quilt, I am working on these mitts with leaf patterns in them.  This is my first project with double-pointed needles and these are my first mitts.  I am knitting them slowly to avoid making mistakes.  So far it’s going really well.  Hopefully pretty soon I will have something homemade to keep my hands warm.  Wish me luck!



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A Different Kind Of Reminder

Bear Cub Quilt Pattern


Purchase Bear Cub Pattern


Few years back we contemplated moving away from California, but I just could not make myself do it.  Despite being aware of the risks of earthquakes, I still want to continue living here.  Then a big earthquake came last weekend in the middle of the night right where we live and gave us a strong jolt.  I cope best by drowning myself in work, so next morning I went into crisis mode and took care of everything methodically.  However, I was shaken up nonetheless.  Even though it still didn’t make me think of moving away, I needed a strong reminder of how much I love the parks and the land here.


I had been planning on showing this little bear cub made by Pam Brown this week and, strangely enough, the timing could not have been more perfect.  Talk about coincidence!  Pam made this wall hanging from my bear cub quilt pattern and entered it in the Sonoma County Fair.  This darling little bear cub was entered in the theme celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the California State Parks and Smokey The Bear.  Her bear won the 1st prize AND the Best of Section!!  How amazing is that!!


I told Pam that California Parks are very dear to me and I was thrilled to hear that she entered the bear cub in that theme.  I can’t thank her enough for emailing me and reminding me that even though nature shakes us hard now and then, it also offers us a lot of happiness every way it can.  The little bear cubs are part of my vivid memories of time spent in the California Parks.  I am looking forward once again to enjoying the California outdoors that I love so much!



Napa Earthquake 2014



We moved to this city earlier this year.  I am so thankful for the kindness of everyone around here, the unexpected visits from people who came to check on us and the emails from my online friends.   This was my sewing room after the quake.  The room is  put back to normal now and you would never know that the quake hit it this hard.  I am actually sitting right inside this room while typing up this post, slowly trying to focus and get back to normalcy.



Daffodil Quilt Pattern



I am not ready to sit at my sewing machine just yet.  I have a few designs and hand sewing projects that I can work on and this wall hanging is amongst them.  I still need to finish cleaning up the threads from the circles and then I need to hand sew the binding on it.


I am working on a custom pattern for an extremely brave group of people – the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD)/Bomb Squd, such a special project!


Sew Cute Tuesday

One of the many things that made me smile this week was The Sew Cute Tuesday Link Up at Blossom Heart Quilts.  This is one of the first Linky Parties I joined and I am thrilled to be one of the guest hosts.  Make sure to drop by there to see my Rock Music quilt top and three of my picks from the last week’s link-ups.  I promise you will laugh out loud!!


Have a very safe week, everyone!




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