Music Instruments patterns in my Shop
Music has played a major role in my life since I was a teenager. Quite often it provides the escape, the focus and the peace of mind that can’t be found elsewhere. I listen to and play both classical and modern music and I love them both. After I made the classical Piano Trio music quilt, I just had to make a rock music quilt. I made the instruments a while back but was waiting for the complementing quilting design to come to me.
I love Muse. A week doesn’t go by where I don’t listen to a song by them. I can’t believe that I didn’t think of this design sooner, even though the song Supermassive Black Hole has been blaring in my ears regularly. Add that idea to my love of cosmology, and I couldn’t move away from the picture of a supermassive black hole with jets escaping from the middle quilted on my rock music piece. I was giddy with excitement!
This is how I quilt quite often. Instead of transferring the design onto the quilt, I use sheets of tracing paper and quilt on them directly. I draw the design on the computer and print it out on tracing paper. I trim the sheets of tracing paper to 8″ x 11″ so I can feed them into my printer. Since the design is printed in segments on each sheet, I use tape to join the sheets to each other.
If I decide to draw the design by hand, then I tape the sheets to each other before drawing the design. Finally, I baste the quilt along with the design paper on top. I then quilt over the design lines. Once I finish quilting, I tear the paper off. I haven’t tried this process on a large quilt yet, but it works really well on mini quilts.
Music Instruments patterns in my Shop
I used a very woody, low-volume setting for the Piano Trio. I quilted a design based on an evenly-spaced, spiraling music stave. This gives it a calm and harmonious feel, very much the way I see classical music.
Music Instruments patterns in my Shop
I used spirals for the rock music quilt too, but they are a lot more chaotic. I also used bright yellow and red thread to quilt it whereas I used low-tone ecru and brown on the Piano Trio. This little quilt has very different kind of dynamics. It’s colourful and moody.
I could never choose between classical and rock music. I love them both and they each touch my soul in different ways. That’s how I suppose they are reflected in these two music quilts.
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