Wandering Camera – Music

Violin | Whims And Fancies




Today’s planned Wandering Camera would have required rummaging through photos.  I am under the weather, and not feeling like sitting at the computer much.  I have been playing music quite a bit to while away the sick days.  So, here’s a little peek into my musical world.

This is my old girl.  She was quite scratched up when I got her.  A luthier spruced her up and updated her with new rosewood accessories for me, even customised her a little for my smaller hands.  My violin and I have wonderful times playing together.




Violin In Colour Pencil | Whims And Fancies



Violin is the first musical instrument I learned to play and it will always be my first love.  I made this card using wax colour pencils and turpentine.  I can foresee an enlarged oil painting in my future.



Cello Watercolour Sketch | Whims And Fancies



This was a quick sketch of a cello.  I was too eager to try out a new set of watercolour paints I got at the time as a gift, so I didn’t care to draw it very correctly.  It’s a quick sketch at best, but serves as a reminder to be playful. 



Electric Guitar | Whims And Fancies



A few years back, when I was living in Los Angeles, I visited a music store in Hollywood.  It had a good selection of used instruments.  I got a beautiful Fender guitar to play with.  I love the haunting sound of it.



Musical Instruments Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



These are the musical instruments quilt patterns I have created so far.  I have gotten requests for a few more.  They are definitely in the works.



Musical Instruments Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



This is Supermassive Black Hole.  I named it after one of my favourite songs by Muse.



Piano And My Cat | Whims And Fancies



I play music for myself, but occasionally I have a listener silently sitting by me while I play the piano.  It’s very everyday, but exceptionally special for me.


I hope you liked the photographic journey of today’s Wandering Camera.  I will reply to your comments and visit you back as soon as I start feeling better.


Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And Fancies


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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Show Your Wings – Steampunk

Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



Hello and Welcome to the Show Your Wings bloghop hosted by Carol.   Usually I spend a few days thinking about a project for a given blog hop, but this time I instantly knew what I wanted to make – a set of Steampunk Wings.

As you know, I am a very committed paper piecing quilt pattern designer, but for this one I decided to use other techniques to achieve certain effects.



Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



I love steampunk.  Alongside playing with the artistic aspect, I also enjoy figuring out how a steampunk mechanism might work.  I drew this small set of wings a few years back on a 3″ x 5″ index card.  Since then I have wanted to create a larger wall art with it.

Show Your Wings provided the perfect opportunity!



Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



Originally, I was going to create a paper pieced pattern.  However, I wanted the wings to sit on top of the background instead of being part of the background.  So I quilted the background first, then appliqued the pieces on top of that.



Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



I also thought of painting the yellow and orange pieces, but that would not have had the layered effect I was looking for.  Therefore, I continued with applique.



Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



Once all the appliqued pieces were secure on the quilted background, I had the most fun with planning and placing all the metal pieces.  As soon as I saw the large decorative pieces in the store, I could easily envision the rest of the wings.



Steampunk Wings | Whims And Fancies



I knew I didn’t want to bind it or add any kind of border around it.  Facing the piece would work, but I wanted a lot more stability and wanted to display the wings as flat as I possibly could.  So in the end, I mounted the piece around a stretched art canvas.  I will write another post to show you how I did that.


Until next time,


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  Please pay a visit to some of them. 




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