A Day By The Ocean

Summer Sailboat Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Summer Sailboat Pattern


I took a break last week to catch my breath a little, and it was quite nice to be able to do that.  During that time I worked on a few hand sewing finishes.  The Summer Sailboat was amongst them.  I wanted to add to the paper pieced block with hand quilting.  Large fluffy clouds are always a favourite of mine and my husband.  I started there and added on as I went along with the quilting.


A couple of months ago, we went to the Point Reyes National Seashore.  We don’t live by the ocean, but it is a very nice day trip for us.  Sadly, we only go once every few years.  We had never been to Point Reyes before, and I needed to learn my new camera that I got earlier this year.  So we decided to drive out and make a day of it.  After having a delicious seafood lunch at one of the many small seaside towns en route, we arrived at Point Reyes.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



It was a cool, windy day.  Although a bit hazy, you could still see the bay in the distance.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



The colour of the water makes me think of glass.  I could have stood there forever, watching the water crashing into those rocks creating frothy white foam.   Different every time!



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



The call of the ocean.  I always feel a strong pull whenever I see the vast expanse of the sea, wondering what’s on the other side.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



The ever-present stiff gale has bent all the trees, creating a canopy.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



There are wonderful sitting grooves on the thick branches of this lovely tree.  Sitting in one of those was like being hugged by a tree.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



The marine mist rolled in at the end of the day.  The contrasting white of the breaking waves against the blue-grey is beautiful.



Point Reyes, California | Whims And Fancies



I love the pale and soft pastel purple, peach and cream colours of sunsets even more than the bright ones, they feel very serene and peaceful to me.  It was time to head home.


This was the first outside trip for my new camera and it was a wonderful one at that.  I hope to create many more memories with it.





I set out to quilt the little wall hanging with that ocean blue colour in mind.



Summer Sailboat Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Summer Sailboat Pattern


The finished Summer Sailboat quilted wall hanging.  There was another quilted square on the border, but it looked crowded, so I removed it in the end.  This one is my very first all hand-quilted finish.  I could have been done with it a bit sooner if I didn’t always get hung up on the stitch sizes being almost same all the time, but I am glad I took the time to work on it. 


The Summer Sailboat quilt pattern is in my shop should you wish to make one.  I hope you enjoyed the photos and my little finish.  I will tell you a bit more about this one and a couple of companion quilted wall hangings another day.



I am also linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.   They are fun to visit and great source for new inspirations.




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Tale Of Two Shires



Summer is definitely here, but it feels like Spring in our garden.   Despite the heatwaves we have been having, all the plants in our garden are bursting with flowers.  The pink and purple flowers reminded me of the field of wildflowers we saw during our trips to the UK.  Inspired by a couple of photos that I had taken during our travels in England, I finished an acrylic painting and a quilted mini wall hanging.



Heather In Yorkshire Moors Painting In Acrylic | Whims And Fancies



Seeing all the flowers growing in the garden gave me an urge to start painting this Yorkshire Moor scene.  Acrylic as a medium is very new to me.  Before this I had only done one small tree painting in acrylic.  Not to be overwhelmed by the size of the painting, I worked on it in little sections.  I made innumerable mistakes, covered them up with a neutral base paint and repainted until I was happy with it.  I learned too.  Overall, I think I spent well over 12 hours on this painting. 





I  fell in love with Derbyshire while visiting earlier this year.  This photo I took while standing on Stanage Edge made me think of Pride And Prejudice.

I am very happy to have brought back wonderful memories with me of both beautiful Yorkshire and Derbyshire.



Linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  They are great source for new inspirations.




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