A Witch And Her Kitties

Halloween Witch Hat Quilt Pattern


Purchase Halloween Witch Hat Pattern


I couldn’t let my favourite holiday go by without making something special this year.  Because of the vacation, I was running super short on time and came in to the game very very late.  So it had to be something quick and fun at the same time.


I love to wear hats, and I thought a large-brimmed Halloween Witch Hat wall hanging would be so perfect for this season!  It’s iconic but also stylish!  I literally finished drawing and making it within a day.  Hand sewing the binding took longer than putting this Halloween-themed quilted wall hanging together.


You can get this really easy 18″ Halloween Witch Hat quilt pattern from from my shop.  There are some large pieces in this pattern. so I would suggest printing two copies and using one copy as a template to cut the fabric out for the large pieces.  As always with paper piecing, cut the pieces larger than you think you will need.



Halloween Pillow



I also made this matching pillow cover with the same set of fabric.  I love making these quick pillow covers.



Reading Corner



This is where my husband reads at night.  The wall hanging and the pillow will probably end up here.  I can’t believe it has been 10 years since I drew that map of Middle Earth.  If you look to the left of the chair, there is a laundry basket on the side.  There’s a good reason for that.


I took that laundry basket from my mother about 21 years ago.  It is now falling apart, yet I am unable to throw it away.  Every time I finish doing laundry, my kitties hop in the empty laundry baskets.  That gave me an idea!



Tuffleberry In Basket



I folded one of my blankets to make a bed for them, then put one of their blankets which I had made, on top.  I put Mr. Tuffleberry in it.  He is an extremely camera-shy, nervous kitty.  He stayed and gave me lots of kisses.



Charlie In Basket



Later on I found Charlie fast asleep in there!


Mission accomplished!!  Now I need to get busy with sprucing up that basket for them.


Happy Sewing,




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Piano Trio Wall Hanging

Cello, Violin, Grand Piano - Music Quilt Patterns


Purchase Musical Instruments Pattern


I love playing my violin and my piano. That is what inspired my music instrument patterns. Originally I only wanted to make a violin wall hanging but it kind of snowballed from there and I have been making music instruments quilt patterns ever since. This wall hanging is still my most favorite because I connect with these instruments so personally.



Music Quilt Center



I wanted to use a pattern that would bring the instruments together much like in a musical piece.  Using the basic idea of a music stave, I spiraled the lines and got my quilting design. I used two sets of five lines: the bottom set was quilted with dark brown thread and the top set was quilted with an ecru one. I used black binding to balance out all the brown in the quilt.



Violin Quilt Pattern


Purchase Fiddle The Violin Pattern


The very first music instrument quilt block I made – the Violin



Piano Quilt Pattern


Purchase Piano Sonata Pattern


Piano was next.



Cello Quilt Pattern


Purchase Soulful Cello Pattern


A Cello wrapped up this set.


It all started earlier this year with a violin and a piano quilt pattern because I play those instruments, and I continued to make various other musical instrument patterns on request.  Once I finish the recently requested saxophone and banjo patterns,  I hope to work on a couple more instruments for my rock music quilt.



Cello, Violin, Grand Piano - Music Quilt Patterns


Purchase Musical Instruments Pattern


This is my harmonious piano trio, which is now hanging in the sewing area of my living room.

You can pick up all these musical instrument patterns from my shop.  If you need a specific one, please let me know, I will be happy to make one for you.


I am taking a little break from designing and sewing for a few days to pursue another of my very favorite hobbies.  I will write all about it very soon.


Until then,




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