An Old Favourite

Union Jack Quilt Pattern


Purchase Union Jack Pattern


This is an old favourite of mine.  In reality this quilt never gets put away.  I wash it, dry it and then we use it again… and again.  For those who are new here – since a couple of years ago when I started quilting, this is the first lap-size quilt I made and it was a present for my husband.   It’s made entirely with paper pieced blocks, twenty of them.  I love this photo of the Union Jack quilt hanging in front of the bookshelves.



Union Jack Quilt Pattern


Purchase Union Jack Pattern


I wanted sharp consistent corners, so I learned how to draw paper piecing patterns with this block and I got addicted to pattern making after that.  Of all the patterns I have designed since then, the Union Jack quilt pattern is probably my most favourite.  I was going to make the whole quilt with these blocks.  Then after making ten blocks, I suddenly decided to break the monotonous set of blocks by adding couple of other combinations.  I didn’t want to drift too far from the original though.



Union Jack Quilt Pattern



So I made the next five blocks by replacing the red with grey.  I used the same blue fabric from the other block and I rearranged the colours a little.  I didn’t touch the cream to keep some continuity.



Union Jack Quilt Pattern



For the last five blocks I replaced the blue with grey.



Union Jack Quilt


Purchase Union Jack Pattern


I used Kona Charcoal for the sashing and then used a very light grid pattern to quilt it.  I pieced only the red and the blue from the quilt for the binding to keep it simple.  This quilt has never been put away ever since I made it.  When it’s not being used by us, it’s being used by the kitties even though they have their own mini version of this quilt.  I also made a matching pillow.  If you are interested, you can read about these other finishes on this blog post.  As you can tell, I love the geometric pattern of this flag just a little too much, you might even call it an obsession!  The Union Jack quilt pattern is available in my shop.


See you around!


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Starlight, WIPs And Yarn


Starlight Diverging - Star Quilt Pattern


Purchase Starlight Diverging Pattern


I have many things to show you this week – a combination of my WIPs and others’ beautiful creations.  The Starlight blocks are among my favorites, and two ladies shared their Starlight blocks with me.  It’s my pleasure to show these gorgeous blocks to you with their permission.


Munchie3 made this 12″ Starlight Diverging block to include in a sampler quilt.  She is new to quilting and I am so amazed by her fabulous piecing.  I also love the beautiful colors she picked.  It’s perfect!!



Starlight Converging - Star Quilt Pattern


Purchase Starlight Converging Pattern


sliceoflife made this 12″ Starlight Converging block for a quilt block challenge in her modern quilt guild.  Everyone had to use the same gray fabric and interpret triangles with a modern design of their choice.  She made this beautiful block and won the challenge!!  How fantastic!



Doctor Who Dalek Quilt Pattern - Full Body



My mom just left after a week-long visit.  Anticipating that I would get very little sewing done during that time, I decided to get some work done before she came.  So, despite my not being able to sew much last week, I still have a few WIPs to show you.


I got the top part of the Dalek quilt block finished.



Dalek Full Body Doctor Who Quilt Pattern



Next up will be the middle part, which I divided into three sections.  The middle center is going to be the most complex one to make.  Some of you have showed interest in testing this pattern, thank you so much for your enthusiasm.  However, because I am editing the pattern as needed as I am sewing the block, I would really like to test this one myself.



Vulcan Lute



The Dalek quilt pattern is so complex that I need to work on something easier in between.  I finished making the Magic Fairy Doors and now I am working on the Vulcan Harp.  Hopefully I will be done with sewing it by end of this week.  The knobs can be paper pieced or appliqued, I chose to paper piece them.



Vulcan Harp Quilt Pattern



The harp is in many pieces at the moment.  As this is going to be a 16″ x 32″ wall hanging, some of the fabric pieces are very large and I am using lots of pins to hold the pieces of fabric in place.



Vulcan Harp Quilt Pattern



When I work on paper piecing blocks, this is how I keep my sanity.  I write down the letters of all the sections.   Then depending on the complexity of the sections, I draw blocks around sets of 4 – 5 sections.  I get up to take a break or call it a day after I finish each set.  I also write numbers in reverse order under each section, that way I know exactly how many sections I have left after I finish sewing each one.  Just thought you might like to know.



Sticks And Stones Sweater



This is my last WIP for this week.  I have been knitting this sweater for my husband for a while.  This is my first knitted sweater, so I picked a very easy pattern.  The sleeves really took forever.  I finally finished all the pieces, now it’s time to join them.  I also finished a scarf that needs blocking.  He races his beloved car as a hobby and will be at the racetrack all of this weekend.  That means I get to finish this sweater and the Vulcan Harp over the weekend.



Black Sweater



Growing up, I always wore handmade sweaters made by my mom and my aunts.  My mom recently took up knitting and crocheting again and she brought us sweaters and scarves.  I asked for a loose-fitting black sweater so I can wear it with layered clothing and she made this one for me.



Blue Cable Sweater



She knits really pretty cable designs with ease.  She made this one for my husband and it fits him wonderfully.



Crocheted scarves



Lastly, these are the scarves she crocheted for us.


I am happy to get back to sewing again.  Have a crafty weekend!





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