Vulcan Harp Wall Hanging


Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

I love playing music and I love Star Trek.  Although I don’t normally idolize fictitious characters, First Officer Spock is definitely an exception.  So I had to make the Vulcan Harp for my first Star Trek quilt pattern.  Keeping with the Vulcan theme, I used the IDIC symbol – Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations – for the quilting design, an idea which I believe applies equally to music.

Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

I stretched the symbol so it would cover the whole wall hanging and used a variegated yellow-orange thread for the quilting.

Vulcan Harp Star Trek Quilt Pattern

For some reason I couldn’t displace the idea of using a sine curve to quilting the border.  I intersected the straight lines at the corners and turned the corners at the crossings for a continuous curve.   I really love the finished Vulcan Harp and this very special wall hanging will now reside in our living room!

Happy Sewing,




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Magic Fairy Door Pillowcase

Fairy Door Quilt Pattern


A few weeks ago I made a 10″ magic fairy door and I used the block to make a 14″ pillowcase. The quilting process started having a mind of its own and I was happy to oblige.


My original idea was to hand quilt everything.  There was one problem –  my stitches are still in the medium size range and the leaves looked horrible and clunky instead of small and delicate.  I have done free motion quilting only once and that was probably a couple of years ago.  So I took a deep breath, removed the little hand quilting I had done and started free motion quilting the vines and the leaves.  As usual, my fear proved unjustified.  Since I can adjust the speed of the pedal of my machine, it went rather smoothly.  I am happy with the way the quilting turned out, even with the smattering of imperfections here and there.



Fairy Door Quilted



Once the machine quilting was done, I started hand quilting the door.  I think the hand quilting makes the door stand out from the surrounding vines and leaves.  Toward the end, I started stitching along the border with my walking foot.  Then another idea came to my head – alternate the border with machine and hand quilting and alternate the thread colour as well.



Fairy Door Quilted Pillow



This is the first time I also decided to bind my pillowcase.  It’s a woodland fairy door, so what else would I use but a brown binding to go with the light mossy green border.  The finished pillow now resides in my husband’s room.  Hopefully he will not be subject to naughty fairy shenanigans!


Happy Sewing,




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