Impromptu Sewing – Coffee Meter

Coffee Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I love the bright-coloured wildflowers of Spring.  In Southern California the season is short and I used to make the most of it by taking day trips to see them.  Sadly, due to extreme hay fever, the beauty of wildflowers has been all lost on me since I moved to Northern California.  Although I love to be outside A LOT, I now have to restrict myself to the indoors during Spring as much as possible, even with constant medication.  On top of this, I also got a bad cold (again!!) with a sore throat last week.  The cold and the allergy medicines together are making me so sleepy and that I am constantly feeling like a drained battery.


Coffee Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


So I have been depending on caffeine more than ever to get anything done.  A drained laptop battery gave me the idea for this Coffee Meter quilt pattern.  I promptly drew it, drafted the pattern and made the block.  The block makes me giggle, probably because I always overwork my laptop which is also in need of a new battery.  The poor thing runs out of juice so quickly, now I know how it feels!



Coffee Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


I am dusting off the old Coffee Chemistry block for the blog hop as well.  Remember this one?



Lunar Eclipse April 4th, 2015



Getting up in the middle of the night to watch and take photos of the recent lunar eclipse probably increased the need for coffee even more!



Happy Caffeinating…I mean Sewing!




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Behind Blue Eyes

Star Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies


Star patterns in my Shop


I will start with a little background story to this quilt.  A few years ago while I was volunteering at a shelter, Mr. Montague Wilberforce joined our little band.  At the time he was a sick, stressed-out, untrusting, biting middle-aged man.  However, over months of care and a lot of patience, he became a healthy, relaxed and loving gentleman who now purrs all the time.  He also likes nothing better than to spend a lot of his day with me.



Star Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies



Except, there is the little factor of a gigantic Maine Coon boy named Mr. Tuffleberry who has been spending his days with me while I work since he was a tiny little kitten.  He does not like to share his bed.  So Mr. Montague comes by now and then in between his romps around the house to cuddle and sleep on my lap for a while.  Since he loves to be very close to his humans without being on the lap the whole time, he spends the rest of the day with my husband in the next room while he works.



Star Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies



I really love quilting for my kitties.  I made the 2014 Pantone Challenge quilt for Mr. Tuffleberry while he was recovering from a surgery.  Now it was time to make a personal quilt for Mr. Montague as well.



Star Quilt Patterns | Whims And Fancies


My knitting stars quilt patterns – Aran, Argyle, Vale and Fair Isle

Star patterns in my Shop


I had made these vintage-themed star quilt blocks last year.  Having read up on the history of British knitting, I based these patterns on traditional knitting designs.  I made the Argyle and Vale stars first from a set of Grandma’s House fat quarters, and then a mistake led me to making the Fair Isle Star and the Aran Star with different background colours.  I found a perfect Fleur-de-lis grey-cream fabric for the sashing, and I used it for the backing too.  Originally I wanted to hand quilt this, but I am a very slow hand quilter and it would have taken forever.  At the end I decided to machine quilt it with a crisscross diagonal quilting pattern using a green variegated thread and bound the quilt with Kona Chocolate.



Cat Quilt | Whims And Fancies



Now my beautiful blue-eyed boy Monty has a quilt made specially for him that he lounges on and I can chalk up another finish.






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