Freedom - Bookshelf Reading Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Purchase FREADOM Pattern


My grandmother grew up in a time and a place when women’s education was not valued.  While her two brothers went on to become headmasters, she didn’t get to finish her education.  When she got married, my grandfather provided her all the books she wanted to read to quench her insatiable thirst for knowledge.  She learned the value of equality and humanity from those books.  In a culture steeped in segregation, she opened her home to everyone.


Unlike my grandmother, I am lucky to live in a country where I can receive education, express my opinion freely, read banned books and write without fear of censorship.  I dearly love my country for all that and more.  My FREADOM quilt is made to honor the books that continue to free my mind and in red, white and blue for a country that makes it possible.



Freedom Quilt Pattern , mini made by Susie from Susie's Sunroom| Whims And Fancies


Purchase FREADOM Pattern


I asked my wonderful friend Susie from Susie’s Sunroom if she would be willing to make a mini for this blog post.   She was so enthusiastic about it that I had photos of her finished mini in my mailbox within a couple of days.  Susie has impeccable colour choices, so I knew I would love the colours she would use.  I really fell in love with the photo of her beautiful mini amidst her  books.  It was very hard to pick just one photo for this post.  Make sure to visit her blog to see more.


The FREADOM bookshelf quilt pattern makes a 10″ x 16″ quilt block. Both striped and non-striped versions of the R-E-A-D letters are included in the pattern.  It is also a very scrap-happy block.  Other than the background fabric, I used scraps for every bit of this mini.  The pattern is now in my shop.




4th Of July Fabrics | Whims And Fancies



As a thank you for reading my blog, I am giving away two sets of these Fourth of July fabrics.  Make sure that you are subscribed to my blog and leave a comment.  I will announce the two winners on July 16th.



I will leave you with my next set of index card drawings for the icad project –



ICAD 2015 - Solitude in rain | Whims And Fancies


Solitude in rain, breathing in the smell and quietness



ICAD 2015 - Windmill sentinel against the sunset sky| Whims And Fancies


Windmill sentinel against the sunset sky



ICAD 2015 - Vintage Porsche | Whims And Fancies


Always have had a weakness for vintage Porsches



ICAD 2015 - California Poppies | Whims And Fancies


California Poppies – lovely flowers of my state



ICAD 2015 - Corn Lilies | Whims And Fancies


Corn Lilies – I always stop at the site of corn lilies on hiking trails



ICAD 2015 - Supernova Tardis| Whims And Fancies


The colours started taking their own forms



ICAD 2015 - Grey dapple foal | Whims And Fancies


A grey dapple foal, free and beautiful like moonlight



There you have it!  They are taking up every last scrap of my time, but I am letting myself get lost in these mini index card paintings.


Have a fabulous weekend!




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LOTS Of Paintings And Sidewalk Cafes

ICAD 2015 - Element Picker | Whims And Fancies


Day 7 – Periodic Table

Derivative of Colour Picker – An Element Picker


Last year I got to know about icad – Index Card A Day – at Daisy Yellow, but it was toward the very end of the event.  So I decided to not bother joining it at the last moment.  This year, however, I was ready to jump start my drawing, which I had been missing very dearly.  Since the 1st of June I made a commitment to draw one index card per day.  This set is from my first week.



ICAD 2015 - Taxi | Whims And Fancies


Day 6 – Taxi

They need to go home too!



ICAD 2015 - Owl | Whims And Fancies


Day 5 – Owl

Want to play in the rain with me?



ICAD 2015 - Mailbox | Whims And Fancies


Day – 4 Mailbox

From the Edwardian Era, for one of my favourite authors, P. G. Wodehouse



ICAD 2015 - Map | Whims And Fancies


Day 3 – Map

Milky Way, in case you were going that way



ICAD 2015 - Carnival | Whims And Fancies


Day 2 – Carnival

The book Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury has haunted my dreams for a very long time, but no more.



ICAD 2015 - Chevron | Whims And Fancies


Day 1 – Chevron

I love to swim in the summer; sunlight reflecting off water is one my favourite sights.



The event runs until July 31st, that makes a total of 61 cards.  You can find out more about it at the Daisy Yellow website in case you are inclined to join in.  It should be a lot of fun for kids too.  I am really loving it so far and I am very happy with my progress.  I hope you enjoyed the little show and tell.  I will share more cards as I draw along.



Sidewalk Cafe Quilt Pattern for travel or coffee and tea lover | Whims And Fancies



I have one little sewing note to mention.  Since I love coffee and tea so much, cafe stops are a must for me while travelling.  Those are also the best places to try out local food and watch life happening around me.  That thought initiated the Sidewalk Cafe quilt pattern.  I made mine with British Motor Racing colours and used the address of my all-time favourite fictional detective as the name of the cafe.



Sidewalk Cafe Quilt Pattern for traveller or cafe and tea lover | Whims And Fancies



I had fun making these alternate versions.  Wouldn’t it be nice to make a cafe quilt block each for different places and make a table runner or a wall hanging?  I wish I had more time to create, don’t you?!!


Happy Crafting,




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