Charlie's Adventure A Halloween Story about a little cat Charlie @ by Soma

Charlie’s Adventure

Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies


This is a story about Charlie’s adventure.  I shared this story once before when I made the quilt top.  That was so many years ago that I thought would share the story one more time, along with the finished quilt.  

Charlie is my sweet little orange kitty who, contrary to everyone’s belief, has a sweet tooth that would rival anyone.  He would do anything to get a lick of ice-cream, watermelon, sweetened cream, or anything else sweet you can think of.


One day, Charlie learned that on All Hallows Eve,  if he puts on a wizard’s hat and a bow tie and sits very very quietly amongst the Jack-O-Lanterns, magic leaves will come and carry him to the Land of the Seven Sisters who would give him lots and lots of sweets to eat.  So he came to me and asked if I would make him a hat and a bow tie.  I was happy to oblige.



Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



As the evening approached, he donned his starry hat and bow tie, smartly walked outside, sat down in the pumpkin patch and waited very patiently.




Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Charlie has a very bossy sister and two very clueless brothers.  They all love to play with Charlie.  His sister specially loves Charlie and keeps a wary eye on him at all times.   Charlie excitedly told her all about his plan.  She didn’t really believe him, but she was not about to let him sit outside all alone either.  Who knew what peril would befall her brother!  She was also not going to leave the other two out of sight, because then she would have to spend the rest of the night looking for all of them if they got lost.  So the bossy sister pushed the disgruntled brothers out the door and all of them surreptitiously waited a little distance away from little Charlie as the sun sank below the horizon.




Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



They waited and waited and waited some more.  Then, when everything had gone quiet, all the kids had gone home after their Trick-Or-Treat runs and the Jack-O-Lanterns were about to go out, they heard a rustle and a swoosh.  Suddenly they were off, all four of them, carried away on gigantic leaves!  These were no ordinary leaves, of course!  On each one of them, a different adventure awaited the little kitties.  They stayed together, hopped around and rolled from leaf to leaf, played, and had amazing fun.




Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



All this time, while they were busy playing, the leaves carried them onward and upward to the Land of the Seven Sisters.  By the time the little kitties got there, they were exhausted.  They sat in the midst of stars and each had their favourite food to eat while watching the Jack-O-Lantern-lit Earth turning down below.  Charlie had his most favourite sweets to eat that day and nobody was going to stop him.  Slowly as the night got deeper, they fell asleep on top of each other and were carried gently and silently back down to earth, down to their soft, warm beds.




Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies




I had a wonderful time drawing, creating the layout, and designing the patterns for Charlie’s Adventure.  I definitely had just as much fun as my little kitties.  Charlie was all right with sharing the story with all of you as long as he and his beloved Papa could have the quilt. 

Now I am really glad to have finished the quilt so that they can huddle under it together and dream of sweet things. 


For the most part I did wavy quilting to depict the wind that blew them all to the Land of the Seven Sisters.  I didn’t want to purchase new fabric for the binding, so I used some lime green material that I happened to have at hand.  Although I had originally had a purple binding in mind, I rather like this one.

One day I would love to illustrate this story for a book.





Charlie Cat Scaling Wall - Inktorrents Graphics Soma Acharya



As you know, Charlie does tend to come up a lot in my stories and artwork.   This is a sketch I made of him trying to climb a wall.  “Trying” being the operative word.




Charlie's Snowflakes - Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Last week I shared a  little story about how he was one of the helpers of the Winter Fairy.   You can read that little story here.




Charlie's Snowflakes - Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Charlie sat and supervised as I wrote the story.   Actually, he was trying to convince me to give him some sweet treats.  He was most disappointed when that didn’t work, “Nobody at home ever gives me anything!”  So he went off to bed to dream about his special All Hallows Eve adventure while snoozing with his pumpkin.  Supposedly the pumpkin gives him sweet dreams.


Although he is now 17 years old, he is still the perpetual kitten of our home and continues to make us laugh with his antics.  Also, much to his chagrin, he gets smothered in hugs and kisses all the time, despite loudly claiming that “he is a grown-up boy who should NOT be hugged and kissed”.


Whether you read it today for the first time, or re-read it, I do hope you enjoyed the story, even though it is out of season.

Until then,


P.S.  I always get asked – the patterns are available in my shop.


I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page. Please pay a visit to some of them.  They are a fabulous bunch!




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The Girl And Her Cat sledging at the frozen lake painting @ by Soma

Little Stories

The Girl And Her Cat - Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Hi Everyone! It has been a long time since I visited here, but I needed some time off.  During my hiatus, I did my best to keep busy.  Among other things, I finished a quilt, made a print for a charitable donation, worked on bookbinding, and finished one painting daily.   The Girl And Her Cat in the picture very much led the way the last few months and I am happy that they did.



Watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



I also worked with different art supplies.  I look forward to sharing my findings with you. 

I finished my Simple365 black and white photography project as well.  I will continue to post those pictures here.



Printmaking by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



My husband often gets me art supplies for my birthdays.  This year I didn’t feel like celebrating, so I pulled out my birthday gifts from last year and made good use of them.



Printmaking by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Twitter Art Exhibit is an event where artists send their works to be auctioned off for different charities each year.  Instead of sending a painting this year, I decided to send a lino print called After The Storm.



Autumn Halloween quilt by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



I finally finished this long overdue quilt.  Hand sewing the binding over a cup of coffee is a nice way to wake up.  Now I need to take a few photos for the show-and-tell next time.



Book binding for watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



Ever since I was a child, I loved making books.  I have been playing with different materials.   I decided to switch to making the cover for these little ones with fabric instead of paper.  They look so much nicer!

So far I have finished 151 little paintings in five of these books, and I just started on the sixth one.



 Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



I had an intense sense of being lost and helpless when I started painting in the first book.  The Girl And Her Cat was the very first painting, and they started to appear a bit more often.  They took me to different places, both near and far.



Here are the first 16 of those little paintings.  The parchment backgrounds and the firewoods are painted with my homemade walnut ink.  

Please Click on the image thumbnails to see the photos.




I will finish with a little story about the Winter Fairy and Charlie the cat with a snowflake wand.  



Winter Fairy - Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



The year was really dry and there was scarcely any snow.  Not nearly enough to tuck the trees and plants under snow-blankets for their winter slumber.  Without their winter slumber, the plants and trees wouldn’t be able to rest properly, and without rest they wouldn’t be able flower in the spring.  They were distraught at the thought of not being able to provide for so many birds and insects that depend on them.  The Winter Fairy was also very worried, until an idea came to her.



Charlie's Snowflakes - Lost Pages watercolour paintings by InkTorrents Graphics Soma Acharya - Whims And Fancies



She sent calls for help to all creatures near and far.  She gave each one a little wand.  All they would need to do is think of a pretty snowflake.  The snowflake would then appear from the end of the wand and travel to wherever it was needed. 

These creatures would need to have the disposition of a youngster.  How else would anyone think of pretty little diamond-glinting snowflakes?  During an overcast day here, I found our little 17-year-old Charlie, who is the perpetual kitten of our home, sitting by the door staring outside.  When I asked him what he was looking at, he told me of his important mission of helping the winter fairy.  I gave him lots of love and wished him much luck.  The mountains did get a good amount of rain and snow afterwards.


I hope you enjoyed the visit.  I am looking forward to seeing my friends and familiar “faces” here again.


Until next time,



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page. Please pay a visit to some of them.  I have joined a few new ones recently and they are a wonderful bunch!




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