Winter Warmth

Old York street light with Sennelier watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Purchase Old York Pub


Lately, my head has been full of plans for the future and a growing list of things to accomplish, matched only by my lackluster state of mind.  A few months ago, I took a photo of a street light while exploring the old city of York, and have wanted to paint this ever since.

On Tuesday, as I finally made myself put the paint-loaded brush to paper, the ease came back.  Painting the weathered stones and the walls was quite cathartic, and the warm light became the proverbial beacon.


Thank You for keeping me going with your lovely supportive words and personal emails sharing memories evoked by my work.



Tule Elk at Point Reyes | Whims And Fancies


More photos from Pt. Reyes on A Day At The Sea Post


A few weeks ago we went back to Point Reyes National Seashore.  On our way back, we came across these Tule elks grazing right by the roadside. They were introduced back after their extirpation from this region in the 1850s.  Warms my heart to see them back in their natural habitat.



Tule elks at Point Reyes | Whims And Fancies



Last rays of the setting sun



Harvest Hat Knitting Pattern | Whims And Fancies



I made a pair of mitts for my friend Kris before.  It was about time I made this matching hat for her.  This hat, along with a few other things made it out there on Monday.  She loves it and said the hat snuggles her ears too.  Perfect!



Yosemite | Whims And Fancies


Yosemite And I – A post about why I love it there so much

We haven’t had much rain or snow here this year.  Instead, our beautiful California has been burning from north to south.  Snow-covered landscape has been scarce this year, as has the winter rain.



Colonial House quilt pattern | Whims And Fancies


Post about a holiday in Kings Canyon inspired wall hanging

Purchase Colonial House Pattern


That photo I took of Yosemite reminded me of sitting by a large stone fireplace, sipping on a warm drink after a wonderful day out in the snow.  The parks here have common rooms with warm fires in large stone fireplaces.  We will not be going to the Sierra mountains this year, but that won’t stop me dreaming of my favourite place.



Black And White Sewing | Whims And Fancies



At home, looking out of the window at the bare trees and at the bookshelves beside the window gave me an idea for a small sewing project.


The time has come for my holiday hibernation away from the computer.  This year with everything that has been going on, I will need this time to gather myself more than ever.  Time to bask in the warmth that old man winter brings to me.  This comes in the guise of admiring my favourite star clusters during the long winter nights,  and walks wearing my favourite woolens during the days. 

Inside the home, long hours of video game playing with my husband has become a tradition.  I love to paint in the soft winter sunlight.  Ink and paper adventures await me, along with the prospect of a warm beverage, fireside and kitty cuddles. 


Happy Holidays, everyone!  I wish you a warm and safe holiday season full of wonder and magic!



I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.  They are great for inspiration, please pay a visit to some of them.




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Sketchbook – October 2017

Sketchbook 2017 - Nigel The Orange Cat | Whims And Fancies


Meet Mr. Nigel Forsythe Castleton, proprietor of the Lost Pages Bookstore.  Owing to the bookstore being in a very old stone building, it is very drafty and cold, even on the warmest of days.  Mr. Castleton loves nothing more than to spend his days in the bookstore, but the poor thing is always very cold even though he is made of wool.  Luckily, the bookstore has a wonderfully big fireplace, where he keeps the fire going at all times.  He pours himself a glass of ginger wine and sits by the fireplace, perusing those lost pages.


He is my first foray into making knitted toys.  I can’t wholeheartedly recommend the pattern I originally started following, since it has mistakes.  I ended up making most of Nigel on my own.  He was such a relaxing thing to make.

Since Mr. Castleton loves that fire in his fireplace so much, he makes me think of winter.  Just in time too.

Of course, me being me, I had to make a cat and promptly give him a story.  Lost Pages was the very first painting in this little sketchbook, the last 5 pages of which I get to share with you today.



Sketchbook 2017 - Alien Planet Painting Derwent Metallic Watercolour Pencils & Winsor Newton ink | Whims And Fancies


Alien World


A very Technicolor alien world.  Nothing in this world is shy about its use of colour.


Sketchbook 2017 - Elemental Doorway Painting Sennelier Caput Mortuum Watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Elemental Doorway


The Ancients of this world used a type of white element for their ‘ironwork’ on wood with Caput Mortuum stain.


Sketchbook 2017 - Steampunk Fleur De Lis Painting Marker & Winsor Newton Ink | Whims And Fancies


Steampunk Fleur de Lis


This steam-powered golden Fleur de Lis is floating through time and space.  I love the challenge of figuring out how a steampunk mechanism might work. 


Sketchbook 2017 - Lavender Field Painting Derwent Pastel Pencils | Whims And Fancies


Lavender Field


The stone farmhouse not only has a lovely view, but the heady aroma of lavender makes it an even more inviting place.


Sketchbook 2017 - Solar Eclipse Nebulosity Schmincke Horadam Ivory Black Watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Eclipse Nebulosity


I wanted the sense of nebulosity of the solar corona extending into the background space, as if space itself is made of a black nebula that, like the solar corona, is only visible during an eclipse.


Photographing the eclipse was a special event for me, and I had to make this one my last painting in this sketchbook.  You can follow our journey to capture the solar eclipse on this post.


Sketchbook 2017 - Stillman & Birn Sketchbooks | Whims And Fancies


I am exclusively using Stillman And Birn Beta sketchbooks for these little paintings.  I love to see the side of a finished sketchbook, with its wavy pages and colours peeking out.  I have already started on my next sketchbook, and I can’t wait to see what journey awaits me in that one.


Previous Sketchbook Pages

June 2017

July 2017



Charlie’s Adventure – A little Halloween story


Much to my horror and surprise, I completely missed the mark on Halloween this year.  It was not until a cute little Winnie The Pooh rang the doorbell that I remembered why.  Good thing I wasn’t without candy!

Charlie and the rest us hope you had a good All Hallows Eve, whether or not you celebrate Halloween!




I am linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page. Please pay a visit to some of them, they are a lot of fun!



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