Colour Play

Stone House Painting With Inktense Pencils | Whims And Fancies


During one rainy weekend in March, I started painting this old stone building on a meadow.  I may have unintentionally echoed the grey sky outside with my newly-acquired Sennelier paint.  The tiniest little dab of paint flowed effortlessly though the water.  Everything else was painted with Derwent Inktense pencils.  I was trying out those pencils on different kinds of paper.  They seem to work best on smooth surfaces.  So hot press watercolour paper or Gesso-ed paper works really well.  They do not spread very well on cheaper paper or even good cold-press watercolour paper.


One Monthly Goal LinkUp 2016 | Whims And Fancies

Since I have been in the mood for playing with colours recently, I am joining the One Monthly Goal link-up this month in an attempt to revisit one of my earlier projects in a different colourway.


Purple Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies

My original plan was to make a very different version of this Morning Star quilt as a wall hanging.  Since my kitty fell ill before I got to it, I made this purple mini for him back in early 2014.


Star Quilt Pattern | Whims And Fancies

I would like to work on this gradient quilt in April.


Fabrics For Gradient Quilt | Whims And Fancies

I don’t even have to purchase any of the fabrics needed for this one.  I just can’t decided which white I want to use, I am tending toward the one on the left.


It was dry here last weekend after a long time, and we took care of some much-overdue yard work.  Since we moved into our house two years ago, we have been gradually updating the interior while just maintaining the lawn and a few plants.  This year, finally, I am going to start planning the garden.  I want to focus on mostly local, draught-resistant flowers.  To educate myself, I am planning on attending a wildflower festival in two weeks.  Until then, I am getting my inspiration from nature.  I would like to leave you with a few more wildflower photos.


Wildflowers Of Napa | Whims And Fancies


Wildflowers Of Napa | Whims And Fancies


See you next Thursday, April 7th, for Wandering Camera.

Camera And Photography Linky Party | Whims And FanciesWandering Camera


22 thoughts on “Colour Play

  • Julie June 22, 2016 at 23:48

    The building you have painted reminds me of the Cornish Pumphouse in the photos at the bottom of my linked post below. I wonder if they were both used for a similar purpose.

  • Cath April 10, 2016 at 16:52

    I love those fabrics you have picked out…..I would be hard pressed to pick a favourite. Lovely floral photo’s!

  • CARRIE WIKANDER April 6, 2016 at 17:46

    Love the building, and the flower photos are gorgeous. The purple piece is great, too. Love all of it! ;0

  • Deb April 6, 2016 at 12:48

    Such a pretty design you have selected. Looking forward to your post at the end of the month.

  • Connie April 5, 2016 at 09:21

    Beautiful painting and photos Soma!!! You always show the neatest things!

  • Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts April 4, 2016 at 12:48

    There’s always so much beauty in your posts Soma. Those flower pictures are beautiful. Have fun choosing your fabrics for your new project – that’s always the most difficult part of quilt making for me. :) Thanks for linking to MCM!

  • Kaja April 3, 2016 at 01:22

    What a stunning building – so huge and stark. Your painting is very atmospheric and I love the muted tones. Looking at your pictures of flowers made me smile: there is at least one plant there that we have to buy from garden centres here, but you have it growing wild.

  • Paige April 2, 2016 at 11:51

    Your painting is beautiful as are the flowers. I hope you will share more about the wildflower seminar!

  • Kate April 2, 2016 at 06:56

    Beautiful painting and wonderful photos. Good luck with your April goal.

  • Dixie April 1, 2016 at 18:15

    I love the stone building. Looking at it makes me want to walk around it and go inside to explore.
    And what a beautiful purple quilt. Great pics of the windflowers bathed in sunlight. You have such gorgeous wildfloweres there.
    It’s always a fun to plan a garden. I just love to get my hands in the dirt.
    I hope Montague is doing well!

  • Wendy April 1, 2016 at 17:23

    Your painting looks great Soma! What a nice relaxing way to spend a few hours :) Your new quilt colours are wonderful (love green). I thought the fabric on the left was actually some notes you were taking (my mind is all wrapped up in numbers since it’s tax time). That is a wonderful pattern for the quilt … and how is your poor little kitty doing now? I hope he’s better and back at home with you now.
    Those are great photos of the flowers. Are some of them orchids? Beautiful :) Have a wonderful weekend! I’ll have to keep snapping for Wandering Camera!

  • Christine Slaughter April 1, 2016 at 13:14

    Your painting is beautiful. I love the quilt plan you have and those fabrics are awesome!

  • Heather April 1, 2016 at 07:30

    your drawing is lovely. such a talent, thanks for sharing.
    I’d go with the white with the circles, will help bring movement to the quilt. The straight lines seem to widely spaced for the pieces you’ll be cutting.

  • Joanie March 31, 2016 at 17:14

    Fun and interesting fabric for a wonderful design!

  • FVITH March 31, 2016 at 16:24

    Nice painting.

    Some draught resistant plants that I like (although not local to you) include Kangaroo Paws, Birds of Paradise, and Proteas.

  • rosa March 31, 2016 at 14:52

    Great design and your quilt will be fantastic.Love those flowers pics.

  • Mary March 31, 2016 at 14:28

    Your old stone building is fabulous. I’d love to hang a quilt on it for photographing!!

    How is your kitty doing? I’m sure he found great comfort while away and snuggled in your pretty quilt.

    I agree….the fabric choice with the green is perfect. My second choice would be the middle one, but I like the graphic look of the one on the left.

    Aren’t the wildflowers stunning this year. We were up in Santa Barbara this week and there were poppies, lupine, forsythia, witch’s broom, gazania and all else blooming everywhere. Your photos pick up their beauty perfectly.

  • Kathleen March 31, 2016 at 12:42

    Well, you know I do love that quilt pattern ;o)

  • Kim Sharman March 31, 2016 at 12:14

    That rainy weekend was inspirational, wasn’t it. The sky is amazing highlighting your stone building. Your purple/mauve Morning Star quilt is a sight to behold. AND….as for your photos of the wildflowers….again, beautiful. You do have gorgeous wildflowers blooming over there. I love the idea of attending a wildflower festival, now that would be fun and inspirational and beneficial in the planning of your garden. I can’t wait to see the photos from that weekend. They will be a visual delight.

  • Lara B. March 31, 2016 at 11:30

    You could easily be the photographer for one of those big, dreamtime, coffee table gardening books Soma. Your wildflower photographs are stunning.
    Where did you find that old stone building? Is it imagined or did you create your painting from life? It looks very isolated and moody. I love how your sky came across too. I have only ever used Derwent Inktense pencils on fabric and love them for that.
    Good luck with your One Monthly goal and your gardening!

  • Susan March 31, 2016 at 07:25

    Love the wildflower pictures. How is your kitty doing?

  • krislovesfabric March 31, 2016 at 06:36

    I love the ledger print – that would be a great background for your quilt! Your stone building looks like somewhere that would be amazing to explore, such a beautiful mossy green roof! What fun to plan your garden! Your wildflower photos have been mirroring my reading material! I have been enjoying a new to me book by Jane Nichols called Shakespeare’s Flowers in Stumpwork. I don’t know that I will ever have the time to stitch any of them but I love the blurbs about the different flowers and the pictures are stunning.

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