Sketchbook 2017

Sketchbook 2017 - Lost Pages Bookstore Watercolour | Whims And Fancies


Lost Pages Book Store


Every year I get this notion of doing a long-term project to improve a certain skill.  Last year I did the Wandering Camera daily photo project to explore new photography ideas.  This year, I wanted to keep a sketchbook, but with one thing or another, time passed on.  I finally got tired of waiting and decided that June was going to be THE month to embark upon my Sketchbook 2017 project.

Lost Pages is the very first painting in my little sketchbook.  Although it is a make-believe book store born in my head, I would love to own a real one by that name.



I am very fond of Stillman and Birn sketchbooks.  The pages of this 5.5″ x 3.5″ sketchbook are the perfect size for playing with ideas.  The Beta sketchbook is also great for pretty much all painting media.  I started filling this book when I was sick earlier in the month.


Orange Maine Coon | Whims And Fancies


My orange kitty Taffy is my constant companion.  I missed him while he was having a surgery yesterday, it was the ninth surgery for this little fellow.  He is back home now, in pain and a bit battered, but otherwise safe and sound.  I will be busy taking care of him over the next few days.  I love this photo I took of him a few days ago.  He is really as soft as he looks here, and as sweet as his name.


Sketchbook 2017 - Cat On The Wall Prismacolor Marker | Whims And Fancies


Charlie – trying to climb a wall


We have another kitty called Charlie who is equally sweet and also very clumsy.   He can’t climb anything to save his life, so it’s a good thing he is an indoor-only kitty.


Sketchbook 2017 - Sirens Prismacolor Marker | Whims And Fancies




The morbid side of me is fascinated by the idea of Sirens.  I am thinking of expanding this scene into a larger painting.


Sketchbook 2017 - Dawn Prismacolor Marker & Copic Marker | Whims And Fancies




Once, when we were camping in the Inyo Mountains, I was up early to see a lunar eclipse.  Shortly after that, dawn broke just as the moon was setting.


Sketchbook 2017 - Vintage Tiles Winsor & Newton Watercolour Marker | Whims And Fancies


Rusted Tiles


Rusted tiles are quite beautiful.  I was having too much fun painting this one, making random rust spots on these tiles.


Sketchbook 2017 - Silocon And Gold Prismacolor Marker & Copic Marker | Whims And Fancies


Silicon And Gold


I wanted to see if I could paint sand with marker, then came up with the idea of sand to circuit boards.


Sketchbook 2017 - Bristlecone Pine Prismacolor Marker & Copic Marker | Whims And Fancies


Looking Up At A Bristlecone Pine


California is home to Bristlecone pines.  During the same camping trip in the Inyo Mountains, we hiked the Methuselah trail to see these oldest living beings on Earth.  The colour of the bark on these trees is created by fungus and polishing through ice and wind storms.


Round Pencil Case | Whims And Fancies


On Sunday, my 14-year-old pencil case bit the dust.  I had become so fond of the round pencil case, I had to make a new one.  I came up with an idea of making it in a certain way.  I made a few prototypes; these two are the final finished ones.  Both pencil cases are lined and the zipper ends are covered. 

The dark green one used to be my husband’s pyjama pants.  I love green tartan, so when he discarded the pair, I saved the leg fabric which was in very good condition.  I used the same fabric both for the outside and the lining. 

The yellow one is a newsprint fabric and I used a pinstripe grey fabric for the lining as well as for the sides on this one. 

I got couple of sweet packages from another friend, Mary as well.  That however, is a story for another day.

Hope you enjoyed my little show and tell!

Until next time,


Linking up with the linky parties on my Events And Links page.


38 thoughts on “Sketchbook 2017

  • Ness July 15, 2017 at 14:13

    I’ve gone up and down the photographs and I still can’t decide which is my favourite! You’re very talented.

  • Kim Sharman July 12, 2017 at 23:33

    Page after page of imaginative and creative sketches in your sketchbook. I am rather drawn to your Sirens. I too, would love to own and live in a book store all day, every day. Love floor to ceiling bookcases of books with one of those ladders that roll from side to side so that one can climb up on high.

  • Sylvia D. July 12, 2017 at 08:04

    Your sketchbook drawings are wonderful. May you fill it by the end of the year! The pencil cases are great and practical. I love the yellow one. It`s great to have something beautiful that is practical and you use often. Great. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  • // Heidrun July 11, 2017 at 23:27

    I like your sketches. Get well. You and your pretty cat!

  • Su-sieee! Mac July 10, 2017 at 19:05

    After reading your post, my mind is telling that I want to do this, too! Sketch a day to improve my very beginning skills. I do doodle the date every day, but maybe time to just get a calendar and sketch instead. I love your drawings and your pencil cases. Yes, I kinda want to make me a pencil case now. Thank you!

  • Susan July 10, 2017 at 14:22

    Such pretty pictures of inspiration! Thanks for sharing what moves your spirit.

  • Jesh StG July 10, 2017 at 12:54

    LOVE little sketchbooks! They are like little treasures, like shells you find on the beach. I have one from Arches., but right now I have too much on my plate to work on it. Jazzed for your endeavor for this year and thanking you from All Seasons! Enjoy it:)

  • Jackie July 10, 2017 at 04:35

    I would love to be able to sketch like you!

  • Margaret Adamson July 9, 2017 at 23:56

    Love the work you have started in your sketch book. Hope the cat improves soon and hope your health is 100% now.

  • Lisa July 9, 2017 at 02:00

    Looks like you are having fun with your sketching. You have some interesting pieces there. Cute cat :)

  • Rachel July 6, 2017 at 13:35

    Lovely! I especially like Sirens and Lost Pages. Looking forward to seeing more of your artistic explorations!

  • Mary @ Fleur de Lis Quilts July 5, 2017 at 22:23

    Sorry you’ve been sick, but since that seems to have been the impetus for getting your art going, perhaps it wasn’t all bad. :)
    The sketches are amazing. It’s easy to see the meaning and the inspiration of the drawings.
    Isn’t it sweet to be able to figure out what you need or want in a particular item, then figure out how to make that item? I love prototypes. They are a wonderful way to understanding how to improve your design but are also usable. I always make prototypes in pretty fabric so that once I make my final version I can give the other versions to friends.
    Well wishes for the kitties and kitty momma! :)

  • Patricia July 5, 2017 at 19:22

    Such a talented lady you are! An artist and a sewist! Wow! I enjoyed your sketches so much and am hoping you both will soon feel better!

  • Mary July 5, 2017 at 15:28

    You are off to a fabulous start with the sketches. They are all great, but I love the tiles and the circuit board. Charlie on the wall is a crackup. I would love to ride around in your creative mind for awhile.

    Taffy is a beautiful kitty. He looks so soft. I hope he continues to heal well.

  • Linda July 5, 2017 at 13:05

    Wonderful sketches! And I like your pencil cases, fun & practical! Thanks for linking in with ‘sew stitch snap SHARE’

  • Jocelyn Thurston July 5, 2017 at 06:09

    Having a certain love for pencils, crayons and cases, this post so appealed to me. I love your sketches and found them very inspired and inspiring. I really should get out mine.

  • Judy Biggerstaff July 4, 2017 at 19:54

    Thanks for sharing your sketchbook 2017 and sketches. I do like your pencil cases, good job. Happy 4th.

  • Anja @ Anja Quilts July 4, 2017 at 17:36

    What cute pencil cases. Happy sketching. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF.

  • Carol July 4, 2017 at 13:53

    You are a gifted artist and I love the pages from your sketchbook. (and your cat is cute too!)

  • Susie July 4, 2017 at 11:58

    You are off to an AWESOME and BEAUTIFUL start of your Sketchbook 2017 project !!
    Dear Little Renaissance Lady, I just love your Bookstore , your Sirens, and of course, your Charlie cat on the wall pictures!!
    This will be a fun year to see your drawings and the inside of your imagination!!

    How is your dear Taffy doing? I’ll keep this sweet little buddy in my prayers, for a speedy recovery!
    Extra hugs and pets to Taffy, from Aunt Susie!!
    xo Susie

  • Cheryl July 3, 2017 at 15:46

    Whoa. Your a fabulous artist! So jealous right now! lol

  • AnnieO July 3, 2017 at 09:00

    Your fertile mind has already made your sketchbook wonderful! I’ve saved fabric from clothing before too :) Sweet kitties! Your orange and white reminds me of my favorite cat who has been gone many years.

  • Bonnie in VA July 3, 2017 at 07:49

    Love your pencil cases… especially repurposing the old pjs.

  • Shasta Matova July 1, 2017 at 17:54

    Your sketches are all so nice – I especially like the siren one. I bought a sketchbook a couple of years ago to start practicing drawing. I need to stop saying I can’t draw, and learn already. But I really haven’t done much drawing and that sketchbook is completely empty. I might jump in and join you with your project at some point. I am still working on taking pictures.

  • Debbie H July 1, 2017 at 15:40

    What a talent you have! I love seeing your sketches including the variety of objects and styles.

  • Rachel July 1, 2017 at 04:19

    Wow your artwork is amazing! You are very talented! I hope the kitty is feeling better.

  • Judy Blauer June 30, 2017 at 06:55

    I am so envious of those that can sketch. Wow, yours are quite wonderful. The pencil case is something I need to do. I don’t sketch, but I do keep a Bullet Journal….so I need a cool pencil case. Right now my pencils are in a discarded Pringles can! “Shame” :)

  • nancy seitz June 30, 2017 at 06:35

    Love the pencil cases. I buy sketch books for grands for Advent gifts. Several like to sketch.
    Thank you.

  • Wendy June 30, 2017 at 06:16

    Your sketches are lovely, and you have a very handsome kitty. Hope you are both feeling better soon. Love the pencil cases, especially the yellow one!

  • RobynLouise June 29, 2017 at 20:28

    Taffy looks comfortable. I like your sketches. I should pick up my art book and pencils and begin sketching again as it’s been a few years. I found it good for destressing.

  • Susan June 29, 2017 at 19:15

    Nice sketches. My favorites are Charlie and the Sunrise. My cat, Patches, says he hopes Taffy mends quickly.

  • Kathleen June 29, 2017 at 16:39

    Love your art work. Neat pencil cases too. I recognized the coziness of flannel right away :)

  • Dixie June 29, 2017 at 12:36

    Great sketchbook pages. It holds the medium so well. I must order one or two.
    Your pencils cases are so nice and what a perfect shape.
    Kisses to Taffy…such a beautiful kitty!

  • krislovesfabric June 29, 2017 at 11:42

    Looks like you made good use of that fabric indeed :) Your paintings look like a fun break and I am glad you just did it and began your project! Hopefully you and your kitties will have a long well spell now!!

  • Patty June 29, 2017 at 11:21

    These are wonderful and fun sketches.

  • BillieBee June 29, 2017 at 09:48

    Hoping you and your soft kitty are feeling better. Love your art work and got a great smile of Charlie’s….:)

  • Val Reynolds June 29, 2017 at 07:50

    GOod for you jumping in and making your goal happen! ANd look how much you’ve got done. COntinue to enjoy the journey.

  • Pam at Quilting Fun June 29, 2017 at 07:26

    Love your sketches. So sorry you and your kitty have been ill. The pencil cases look like the perfect size, the yellow one is so fun. Hope you all stay healthy.

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