A Long Overdue Finish

Men's Knitted Pullover Pattern | Whims And Fancies


A little self-inflicted toe mishap has me currently home-bound.  I am finding myself knitting a lot during the times when I would rather be outside hiking a beloved trail.  That’s not so bad, since I managed to finish this sweater for my husband before the passing of another winter.

Three years ago, while visiting a yarn store, I found myself buying a set of yarn to make a sweater for my husband.  A daunting prospect considering all I could make at the time were simple scarves.  A year and a half later as a more confident knitter I started looking for a pattern, but I couldn’t find even one for the amount of yarn I had purchased.


Men's Knitted Pullover Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Since a long time had passed in the meantime, I couldn’t just buy the extra yarn needed because of mismatched dye lots.  So I had to end up ordering another complete set of skeins with matching dye lots to make this sweater for him.  I learned a big lesson find a pattern first, then buy the yarn.

I have already found and purchased another pattern to make a sweater for myself with the original skeins.  I don’t mind at all since I was secretly wishing to make a sweater for myself in that colourway.


Men's Knitted Pullover Pattern | Whims And Fancies


I learned short row during this project.  It makes for a little higher neck line on the back of the sweater.  Short row on the round can be a bit confusing at first, but it worked out quite well in the end.  I was initially worried because it looked a bit bulging, but blocking the sweater removed the bulge completely.


Men's Knitted Pullover Pattern | Whims And Fancies


Although the majority of the sweater is knitted in stockinette stitch, there are two sets of cable design on two sides of the sweater underarms.  It’s an easy cable design that I could follow without paying too much attention.


Men's Knitted Pullover Pattern | Whims And Fancies


The sleeves were the hardest part.  Strictly following the pattern made for really billowing sleeves.  I had to frog the first sleeve twice before I figured out the rate of decrease to make a more shapely sleeve.  I reduced another set of stitches right before knitting the ribs to get a perfect fit around the wrists.


I used the Gamekeeper Pullover pattern that I found on Ravelry.  I had purchased DK weight yarn, while the pattern is written for worsted weight.  After quite a bit of trial and error, I figured out the right size for him that would work with DK weight yarn. The pattern was very adaptable.

The pattern itself is well written.  I like to learn as I work through projects, this sweater was perfect for that.  Other than the sleeves, I had no problem with the rest of the pattern.  I will definitely use this pattern again as a base for another sweater.


Ravi Sweater | Whims And Fancies


Once I finished making his, I started on a new cardigan for myself.  This is Ravi by Carol Feller.  The yolk is knitted sideways and the shape is created via short row.  I kept putting this one off because of the combination of short row and garter stitch.  Then I learned German short row.  It is so incredibly easy!  If you are interested, here is the video by Very Pink that I used to learn it.

My husband is all smiles about his new sweater.  Now that I can knit a little better, hopefully he won’t have to wait so long for me to finish the next one.




I am also linking up on other linky parties on my Events And Links page.


23 thoughts on “A Long Overdue Finish

  • Wendy @ September Violets February 23, 2017 at 05:34

    Wow! You have done a beautiful job with this sweater! Love the yarn used, beautiful colours throughout. And the pattern is perfect for a man. You have learned lots on this project. I’m unfamiliar with short rows and will be looking at your link :)

  • Lisa In Port Hope February 20, 2017 at 04:39

    Congratulations on your finish! It is lovely to be able to make something which fits well and with beautiful wool, isn’t it?

  • Patricia February 16, 2017 at 23:11

    Oh my goodness! Such a beautiful sweater! What an accomplishment! Congratulations!

  • Kim Sharman February 16, 2017 at 05:37

    Your husband’s sweater is lovely; love the variegated shades. No wonder your husband is forever smiling. I can’t believe this is your first sweater. Love the cardigan you are knitting for yourself….again I love the colour of the wool. Loving the yoke pattern. You will be finished this pretty in next to no time. =)

  • Susan February 15, 2017 at 15:47

    Very pretty Soma! Thanks for sharing it on Midweek Makers

  • Jennifer February 14, 2017 at 09:04

    Hi Soma, thank you for joining in with my link party! This sweater is so beautiful. I’m in awe of anyone who can knit an entire wearable garment. Your stitches are so tiny and neat. I’m sure your husband will love his sweater. I hope your toe is better soon!

  • Bonnie in VA February 14, 2017 at 08:20

    Great job. I like to knit sweaters that are easy to knit while watching tv or talking to friends. Yours seem to be the perfect example. I hear you on buying a pattern first. Someday I’ll decide on a pattern for some yarn I have. Maybe…

  • Bobbi February 13, 2017 at 10:35

    Your sweater is incredible! I am so impressed by people who knit clothes.

  • Mary February 10, 2017 at 12:14

    Sorry to hear that you had a mishap, but am impressed that you are making the best of it and producing such beautiful work. I love the yarns you are using and I am sure your husband will be requesting another one soon. The yolk photo is amazing. There is such detail to it.

  • Janine @ Rainbow Hare February 10, 2017 at 09:54

    This is a fantastic jumper. Everything about it is perfect. The yarn is wonderful and the cables are a very nice touch. You really are a very skilled knitted now. I’m not surprised your husband is all smiles :)
    Thank you very much for linking up with Wool on Sundays :)

  • Jeneta@PlumJam February 10, 2017 at 04:29

    Oh, you are amazing!! I am so impressed. I love the photo of your yoke; those little orange safety pin looking thingys are very impressive. And now I have exposed myself as a beanie only knitter!!

  • Kaja February 10, 2017 at 01:48

    I can’t believe you went straight from scarves to this! It looks great and so does what you are doing for yourself – nothing beats a hand-knitted sweater for me (though I have to rely on others to do the knitting).

  • Jo February 9, 2017 at 20:46

    What a great finish, well done! I started a pair of socks for my husband about 4 years ago and still haven’t finished them! I’m not sure I’ll attempt a sweater for him just yet!! And I too have also learnt, by experience, not to buy the yarn before the project!

  • Susan February 9, 2017 at 20:24

    Beautiful. Very nicely done.

  • Beth @ Cooking Up Quilts February 9, 2017 at 19:18

    This sweater is gorgeous Soma! I want to attempt a cardigan for myself as my next project but have been hesitating. You’ve inspired me to give it a go. I’m so impressed with your sweater, it looks fabulous!

  • Patty February 9, 2017 at 18:07

    Wonderful sweater. I’m very impressed. I love to knit but can’t do sweaters. that is beautiful.

  • Kathleen February 9, 2017 at 18:00

    You are so talented!! The sweater is beautiful.

  • Heulwen Price February 9, 2017 at 16:38

    Beautiful sweater! Knitting always seems like magic to me, I never could make it work. :)

  • Judy February 9, 2017 at 15:33

    WOW…you do nice work!

  • Cynthia February 9, 2017 at 15:16

    Well done. Beautiful. At least you have been able to complete this project while you recover. I am sure you will be hiking that beloved trail soon.

  • Dixie February 9, 2017 at 15:11

    Beautiful knitting, Soma! I’m I’m off to view the German short row video.

  • krislovesfabric February 9, 2017 at 08:20

    Wow, that is wonderful. I can’t believe how great it looks. first try, really?! I really like the ribbing and cables, that yarn must have been made for that design! It looks warm and the color is beautiful. E has a snow day from school today, we only got around an inch of snow last night…it’s blowing around a lot and I guess the roads are a bit slippery but still, an inch?! :) I am laughing a bit – really.

  • Carol S. February 9, 2017 at 07:20

    I can’t knit, but I know a beautiful sweater when I see it. This is amazing!

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